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Berikut adalah kalender acara penting untuk minggu ini: Senin, 22 April: - Tidak ada acara penting yang dijadwalkan. Selasa, 23 April: - Amerika Serikat: PMI Manufaktur/Jasa/Komposit (April) - 16:45. Rabu, 24 April: - Amerika Serikat: Pesanan Barang Tahan Lama (Maret) - 15:30. Kamis, 25 April: - Amerika Serikat: PDB (Q1 2024) - 15:30. - Amerika Serikat: Klaim Pengangguran Awal - 15:30 (waktu Moskow). Jumat, 26 April: - Amerika Serikat: Indeks Harga PCE (Maret) - 15:30.
Berikut adalah kalender acara penting untuk minggu ini:

Senin, 22 April:
- Tidak ada acara penting yang dijadwalkan.

Selasa, 23 April:
- Amerika Serikat: PMI Manufaktur/Jasa/Komposit (April) - 16:45.

Rabu, 24 April:
- Amerika Serikat: Pesanan Barang Tahan Lama (Maret) - 15:30.

Kamis, 25 April:
- Amerika Serikat: PDB (Q1 2024) - 15:30.
- Amerika Serikat: Klaim Pengangguran Awal - 15:30 (waktu Moskow).

Jumat, 26 April:
- Amerika Serikat: Indeks Harga PCE (Maret) - 15:30.
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Peringatan Bitcoin: Harap berhati-hati karena pola historis menunjukkan potensi fluktuasi pasar. Ingat penurunan signifikan yang dialami pada tahun 2022 ketika Bitcoin turun dari $48,200 menjadi $16,500 dalam jangka waktu singkat. Saat ini, di tengah ekspektasi Bitcoin akan mencapai $150.000 pada tahun 2024, sangat penting untuk memperhatikan pelajaran dari masa lalu. Dinamika pasar sering kali melibatkan manipulasi oleh pemangku kepentingan utama, memanfaatkan media arus utama untuk menarik investor yang optimis. Ketika keuntungan mencapai puncaknya, kemunduran yang cepat menyebabkan banyak investor dirugikan. Waspadai strategi ini dan berhati-hatilah dalam mengambil tindakan. Mengingat harga Bitcoin saat ini berkisar sekitar $70.000, disarankan untuk menilai keamanan investasi Anda. Tren historis menunjukkan kemungkinan Bitcoin tidak melampaui $75,000 tahun ini. Jaga aset Anda dan tetap waspada. #Alert! #BitcoinWarnings
Peringatan Bitcoin:

Harap berhati-hati karena pola historis menunjukkan potensi fluktuasi pasar. Ingat penurunan signifikan yang dialami pada tahun 2022 ketika Bitcoin turun dari $48,200 menjadi $16,500 dalam jangka waktu singkat. Saat ini, di tengah ekspektasi Bitcoin akan mencapai $150.000 pada tahun 2024, sangat penting untuk memperhatikan pelajaran dari masa lalu.

Dinamika pasar sering kali melibatkan manipulasi oleh pemangku kepentingan utama, memanfaatkan media arus utama untuk menarik investor yang optimis. Ketika keuntungan mencapai puncaknya, kemunduran yang cepat menyebabkan banyak investor dirugikan. Waspadai strategi ini dan berhati-hatilah dalam mengambil tindakan.

Mengingat harga Bitcoin saat ini berkisar sekitar $70.000, disarankan untuk menilai keamanan investasi Anda. Tren historis menunjukkan kemungkinan Bitcoin tidak melampaui $75,000 tahun ini. Jaga aset Anda dan tetap waspada.
#Alert! #BitcoinWarnings
Dogecoin price bounces 13% as Elon Musk’s X teases P2P payments $DOGE #EloneMusk Dogecoin briefly touched $0.09 on Jan. 12, rising 13% since Elon Musk's X announced plans for a P2P payment platform earlier in the week. Musk's social media giant outlined 2024 plans, including P2P payments, triggering a positive DOGE price reaction due to their documented affinity. 800 million Dogecoin sell orders could truncate price rally. Despite a 13% rally, on-chain data suggests the upswing could be short-lived. The retracement below $0.084 on Jan 12 indicates a prevailing bearish sentiment, evident in the order books where sell orders (798 million DOGE) outweigh buy orders (752.4 million DOGE). Losing the $0.07 support could catalyze major losses. The substantial oversupply suggests potential downward price pressure, with the market dynamics signaling an imminent DOGE price correction. To validate this, bears must breach the initial support buy-wall around $0.07. IntoTheBlock's GIOM data highlights a large cluster of DOGE holders (46.9 billion DOGE) at an average price of $0.072. A drop below this support level could induce panic and larger losses. On the contrary, bullish traders could defy this outlook by pushing DOGE to $0.10, but the $0.095 resistance poses a significant obstacle. Monitoring the $0.07 support and $0.10 resistance is crucial for assessing Dogecoin's price trajectory.
Dogecoin price bounces 13% as Elon Musk’s X teases P2P payments $DOGE #EloneMusk
Dogecoin briefly touched $0.09 on Jan. 12, rising 13% since Elon Musk's X announced plans for a P2P payment platform earlier in the week. Musk's social media giant outlined 2024 plans, including P2P payments, triggering a positive DOGE price reaction due to their documented affinity.

800 million Dogecoin sell orders could truncate price rally.

Despite a 13% rally, on-chain data suggests the upswing could be short-lived. The retracement below $0.084 on Jan 12 indicates a prevailing bearish sentiment, evident in the order books where sell orders (798 million DOGE) outweigh buy orders (752.4 million DOGE).

Losing the $0.07 support could catalyze major losses.

The substantial oversupply suggests potential downward price pressure, with the market dynamics signaling an imminent DOGE price correction. To validate this, bears must breach the initial support buy-wall around $0.07.

IntoTheBlock's GIOM data highlights a large cluster of DOGE holders (46.9 billion DOGE) at an average price of $0.072. A drop below this support level could induce panic and larger losses. On the contrary, bullish traders could defy this outlook by pushing DOGE to $0.10, but the $0.095 resistance poses a significant obstacle. Monitoring the $0.07 support and $0.10 resistance is crucial for assessing Dogecoin's price trajectory.
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Akankah Harga GRT Mencapai $0,25? $GRT Dukungan pembeli pada level $0,15 meningkatkan kemungkinan tren bullish pada harga token The Graph. Seiring pemulihan pasar secara keseluruhan, potensi saluran kenaikan yang diperpanjang meningkat secara substansial. Ada kemungkinan besar GRT melampaui ambang psikologis $0,20, dengan potensi tren naik mencapai dan menantang level $0,25. Namun, kehati-hatian disarankan, karena pembalikan di bawah $0,1753 dapat menyebabkan penurunan nilai token, mungkin hingga $0,15. Pemantauan level dukungan utama sangat penting untuk menilai keberlanjutan lintasan kenaikan.
Akankah Harga GRT Mencapai $0,25? $GRT

Dukungan pembeli pada level $0,15 meningkatkan kemungkinan tren bullish pada harga token The Graph. Seiring pemulihan pasar secara keseluruhan, potensi saluran kenaikan yang diperpanjang meningkat secara substansial.

Ada kemungkinan besar GRT melampaui ambang psikologis $0,20, dengan potensi tren naik mencapai dan menantang level $0,25. Namun, kehati-hatian disarankan, karena pembalikan di bawah $0,1753 dapat menyebabkan penurunan nilai token, mungkin hingga $0,15. Pemantauan level dukungan utama sangat penting untuk menilai keberlanjutan lintasan kenaikan.
Lihat asli
Harga GRT Mengincar Penembusan $0.20 Untuk Pergerakan Naik 25% $GRT Mengalami awal yang bearish pada tahun 2024, GRT menghadapi terobosan setelah gagal pulih dari garis tren support yang sudah lama ada. Namun, perbaikan pasar baru-baru ini telah merevitalisasi momentum bullish, ditandai dengan pemulihan garis tren dan pembentukan pola triple white Soldier, yang mengakibatkan lonjakan harga yang signifikan. Momentum baru ini memposisikan token The Graph untuk potensi kenaikan ke level tertinggi baru dalam 52 minggu pada tahun 2024. Peningkatan volume perdagangan yang berkelanjutan dari tahun 2023 hingga 2024 mendukung tren harga yang positif, dan permintaan yang kuat di sekitar angka $0.15 terlihat dari permintaan pembeli baru-baru ini. penolakan. Tren bullish mencerminkan lonjakan 18% dalam tiga hari terakhir, dengan pertumbuhan intraday minimal sebesar 1,44%. Grafik teknis menunjukkan dukungan kuat untuk tren pemulihan, menekankan pola triple white Soldier, sinyal bullish yang mengarah ke kelanjutan tren. Saat ini, GRT diperdagangkan pada $0,1898, menunjukkan potensi candle Doji dengan pergerakan intraday minimal. Indikator teknis utama semakin mendukung prospek positif: - Indikator RSI: Garis RSI harian mengisyaratkan pembalikan dari zona hampir oversold, menunjukkan potensi kenaikan di atas garis netral. - Indikator MACD: Kembalinya bullish baru-baru ini menempatkan MACD dan garis Sinyal untuk perubahan haluan. Pembalikan yang akan segera terjadi sebelum melintasi di bawah garis nol mungkin menandakan pembalikan tren.
Harga GRT Mengincar Penembusan $0.20 Untuk Pergerakan Naik 25% $GRT

Mengalami awal yang bearish pada tahun 2024, GRT menghadapi terobosan setelah gagal pulih dari garis tren support yang sudah lama ada. Namun, perbaikan pasar baru-baru ini telah merevitalisasi momentum bullish, ditandai dengan pemulihan garis tren dan pembentukan pola triple white Soldier, yang mengakibatkan lonjakan harga yang signifikan.

Momentum baru ini memposisikan token The Graph untuk potensi kenaikan ke level tertinggi baru dalam 52 minggu pada tahun 2024. Peningkatan volume perdagangan yang berkelanjutan dari tahun 2023 hingga 2024 mendukung tren harga yang positif, dan permintaan yang kuat di sekitar angka $0.15 terlihat dari permintaan pembeli baru-baru ini. penolakan.

Tren bullish mencerminkan lonjakan 18% dalam tiga hari terakhir, dengan pertumbuhan intraday minimal sebesar 1,44%. Grafik teknis menunjukkan dukungan kuat untuk tren pemulihan, menekankan pola triple white Soldier, sinyal bullish yang mengarah ke kelanjutan tren.

Saat ini, GRT diperdagangkan pada $0,1898, menunjukkan potensi candle Doji dengan pergerakan intraday minimal. Indikator teknis utama semakin mendukung prospek positif:

- Indikator RSI: Garis RSI harian mengisyaratkan pembalikan dari zona hampir oversold, menunjukkan potensi kenaikan di atas garis netral.
- Indikator MACD: Kembalinya bullish baru-baru ini menempatkan MACD dan garis Sinyal untuk perubahan haluan. Pembalikan yang akan segera terjadi sebelum melintasi di bawah garis nol mungkin menandakan pembalikan tren.
Ethereum’s Revival: Analyst DonAlt Shifts Stance on ETH’s Market Potential $ETH $BTC Renowned cryptocurrency analyst DonAlt, recognized for his straightforward analyses, has recently shifted his position on Ethereum (ETH), hinting at a potential upswing against Bitcoin. Formerly skeptical, DonAlt expressed reservations about Ethereum, particularly when its value surpassed the 0.065 threshold against Bitcoin. His earlier assessments favored Bitcoin due to its clear narrative and the prominence of the Bitcoin ETF, deeming it a safer and more evident choice. DonAlt consistently preferred alternative coins over Ethereum, deeming them more promising. A pivotal moment in DonAlt's perspective emerged with the approval of the Bitcoin ETF, triggering a significant reversal in his views on Ethereum. The Bitcoin ETF's approval seems to offer an opportunity for Ethereum to establish a clearer narrative and potentially redefine its market position. DonAlt underscores the importance of a clear narrative for Ethereum, signaling a departure from the previously perceived lack of direction. In an evolving crypto landscape, a well-defined narrative becomes increasingly vital for investor confidence and market positioning. DonAlt's recent remarks convey a more optimistic outlook for Ethereum, departing from his historically critical stance. He suggests that Ethereum appears promising for the first time in over a year, contingent on reclaiming its former trading range. As Ethereum endeavors to regain stability, analysts and investors will closely observe its performance, with DonAlt's revised perspective sparking intriguing questions about Ethereum's potential trajectory in the coming months.
Ethereum’s Revival: Analyst DonAlt Shifts Stance on ETH’s Market Potential $ETH $BTC

Renowned cryptocurrency analyst DonAlt, recognized for his straightforward analyses, has recently shifted his position on Ethereum (ETH), hinting at a potential upswing against Bitcoin. Formerly skeptical, DonAlt expressed reservations about Ethereum, particularly when its value surpassed the 0.065 threshold against Bitcoin.

His earlier assessments favored Bitcoin due to its clear narrative and the prominence of the Bitcoin ETF, deeming it a safer and more evident choice. DonAlt consistently preferred alternative coins over Ethereum, deeming them more promising.

A pivotal moment in DonAlt's perspective emerged with the approval of the Bitcoin ETF, triggering a significant reversal in his views on Ethereum. The Bitcoin ETF's approval seems to offer an opportunity for Ethereum to establish a clearer narrative and potentially redefine its market position.

DonAlt underscores the importance of a clear narrative for Ethereum, signaling a departure from the previously perceived lack of direction. In an evolving crypto landscape, a well-defined narrative becomes increasingly vital for investor confidence and market positioning.

DonAlt's recent remarks convey a more optimistic outlook for Ethereum, departing from his historically critical stance. He suggests that Ethereum appears promising for the first time in over a year, contingent on reclaiming its former trading range. As Ethereum endeavors to regain stability, analysts and investors will closely observe its performance, with DonAlt's revised perspective sparking intriguing questions about Ethereum's potential trajectory in the coming months.
Ethereum's Ascent to $3500: Analysts' Prediction Amidst ETF Approvals .$ETH $BTC After the approval of 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S., attention has shifted to Ethereum (ETH). Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas suggests a 70% chance of a spot Ethereum ETF approval in May. This anticipation has driven ETH's price above $2,500. Crypto analyst Michael van de Poppe identifies a critical level at $2,130 for ETH, and surpassing it could trigger a breakout towards new highs above $2,700, potentially reaching $3,500 in the next two to three months. Van de Poppe sees significant resistance at $3,100, with a potential climb to $3,574, indicating a 35% rally from current prices. ETH's surge followed the SEC's approval of Bitcoin ETFs on January 10th, leading to a recovery in Ethereum betas like LDO, ARB, OP, and RSTK. As of now, ETH is trading at $2,614, showing a modest 0.06% increase in the last 24 hours, with a 15.35% gain over the past week and 17.42% over the past month. Remember : Where is my Tip ? Just Kidding 😅
Ethereum's Ascent to $3500: Analysts' Prediction Amidst ETF Approvals .$ETH $BTC

After the approval of 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S., attention has shifted to Ethereum (ETH). Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas suggests a 70% chance of a spot Ethereum ETF approval in May. This anticipation has driven ETH's price above $2,500. Crypto analyst Michael van de Poppe identifies a critical level at $2,130 for ETH, and surpassing it could trigger a breakout towards new highs above $2,700, potentially reaching $3,500 in the next two to three months. Van de Poppe sees significant resistance at $3,100, with a potential climb to $3,574, indicating a 35% rally from current prices.

ETH's surge followed the SEC's approval of Bitcoin ETFs on January 10th, leading to a recovery in Ethereum betas like LDO, ARB, OP, and RSTK. As of now, ETH is trading at $2,614, showing a modest 0.06% increase in the last 24 hours, with a 15.35% gain over the past week and 17.42% over the past month.

Remember : Where is my Tip ? Just Kidding 😅
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Pengadilan AS Menolak Permintaan Peninjauan Ulang Terra dalam Kasus SEC. #SecGov $LUNA $PERTANYAAN Perselisihan hukum antara Komisi Sekuritas dan Bursa AS (SEC) dan Terraform Labs (Terra) serta salah satu pendirinya Do Kwon terus berlanjut, dengan hakim federal AS baru-baru ini menolak permintaan pertimbangan ulang oleh Terra dan Do Kwon. Hakim menguatkan keputusan sebelumnya yang menyatakan Terra dan Do Kwon melanggar Securities Act. Secara khusus, pengadilan menolak permintaan Terra untuk mempertimbangkan kembali pemecatan pakar Raj Unny dan keterlibatan Dr. Matthew Edman dalam kasus tersebut. Keberhasilan SEC dalam kasus Terra menyebabkan regulator mencari otoritas tambahan dalam tindakan yang sedang berlangsung terhadap bursa utama Binance dan Coinbase, memposisikan kasus Terra sebagai preseden potensial. Di bidang altcoin yang terkait dengan Terra dan Do Kwon, LUNC mengalami sedikit penurunan tetapi diperdagangkan pada $0,0001293, naik 1,61% dalam 24 jam dengan peningkatan volume perdagangan sebesar 20%, melampaui $83 juta. Stablecoin USTC sebelumnya mengalami hari yang positif, dengan peningkatan 5,6% menjadi $0,02804 dan lonjakan volume perdagangan yang luar biasa sebesar 129%, mencapai $67 juta. Ingat: Dimana Tip saya? Hanya bercanda 😅
Pengadilan AS Menolak Permintaan Peninjauan Ulang Terra dalam Kasus SEC. #SecGov $LUNA $PERTANYAAN

Perselisihan hukum antara Komisi Sekuritas dan Bursa AS (SEC) dan Terraform Labs (Terra) serta salah satu pendirinya Do Kwon terus berlanjut, dengan hakim federal AS baru-baru ini menolak permintaan pertimbangan ulang oleh Terra dan Do Kwon. Hakim menguatkan keputusan sebelumnya yang menyatakan Terra dan Do Kwon melanggar Securities Act.

Secara khusus, pengadilan menolak permintaan Terra untuk mempertimbangkan kembali pemecatan pakar Raj Unny dan keterlibatan Dr. Matthew Edman dalam kasus tersebut. Keberhasilan SEC dalam kasus Terra menyebabkan regulator mencari otoritas tambahan dalam tindakan yang sedang berlangsung terhadap bursa utama Binance dan Coinbase, memposisikan kasus Terra sebagai preseden potensial.

Di bidang altcoin yang terkait dengan Terra dan Do Kwon, LUNC mengalami sedikit penurunan tetapi diperdagangkan pada $0,0001293, naik 1,61% dalam 24 jam dengan peningkatan volume perdagangan sebesar 20%, melampaui $83 juta. Stablecoin USTC sebelumnya mengalami hari yang positif, dengan peningkatan 5,6% menjadi $0,02804 dan lonjakan volume perdagangan yang luar biasa sebesar 129%, mencapai $67 juta.

Ingat: Dimana Tip saya? Hanya bercanda 😅
Whale's Transfer 48.2 Million XRP to Exchanges. $XRP On January 12th, Whale Alert reported two substantial transactions involving 48.2 million XRP transferred to centralized exchanges Bitstamp and Bitso. The funds originated from an anonymous wallet (r4wf7
) known for similar transfers. Notably, Ripple's strategic buyback announcement on these exchanges coincided with these transactions, suggesting a connection. Specifically, 23.6 million XRP went to Bitstamp, and 24.6 million XRP to Bitso from the whale-level wallet. These transactions coincide with a partial surge in XRP's price, indicating a potential shift in market sentiment for the altcoin. Price Dropped Expected for XRP. As of the article's preparation, XRP showed a modest 0.71% price increase in the last 24 hours, reaching $0.5969, with a 3.87% weekly gain. Notably, Cryptoes, a prominent analyst, has sparked speculation within the XRP community by identifying market dynamics that suggest the altcoin may be entering a downtrend, potentially retracing to the lower support at $0.578 after closing below the 21MA and green resistance.
Whale's Transfer 48.2 Million XRP to Exchanges. $XRP

On January 12th, Whale Alert reported two substantial transactions involving 48.2 million XRP transferred to centralized exchanges Bitstamp and Bitso. The funds originated from an anonymous wallet (r4wf7
) known for similar transfers. Notably, Ripple's strategic buyback announcement on these exchanges coincided with these transactions, suggesting a connection.

Specifically, 23.6 million XRP went to Bitstamp, and 24.6 million XRP to Bitso from the whale-level wallet. These transactions coincide with a partial surge in XRP's price, indicating a potential shift in market sentiment for the altcoin.

Price Dropped Expected for XRP.

As of the article's preparation, XRP showed a modest 0.71% price increase in the last 24 hours, reaching $0.5969, with a 3.87% weekly gain. Notably, Cryptoes, a prominent analyst, has sparked speculation within the XRP community by identifying market dynamics that suggest the altcoin may be entering a downtrend, potentially retracing to the lower support at $0.578 after closing below the 21MA and green resistance.
Bad News from Hong Kong for XRP, Arbitrum (ARB) and Nine Altcoins! $XRP $ICP $ARB Hong Kong is making strides toward becoming a cryptocurrency hub with positive developments. The Hong Kong Virtual Asset Rating Agency (HKVAC) announced adjustments to its global major cryptocurrency index effective January 19. Notably, altcoins like Internet Computer (ICP), Near Protocol (NEAR), Optimism (OP), Injective (INJ), and Immutable (IMX) were added, while Filecoin (FIL), Maker Dao (MKR), TUSD, BUSD, and HBAR were removed. In the HKVAC Major Cryptocurrency Index, ICP, NEAR, OP, INJ, and IMX joined the list, replacing MKR, Lido Dao (LDO), MNT, QNT, and Arbitrum (ARB). Solana (SOL) replaced XRP in the HKVAC Global Top 5 Indices, and Tron (TRX) was ousted from the Top 10 Indices, making way for Avalanche (AVAX). These adjustments reflect Hong Kong's evolving position as a significant player in the cryptocurrency space. Remember : Where is my tip? just kidding ❀
Bad News from Hong Kong for XRP, Arbitrum (ARB) and Nine Altcoins! $XRP $ICP $ARB
Hong Kong is making strides toward becoming a cryptocurrency hub with positive developments. The Hong Kong Virtual Asset Rating Agency (HKVAC) announced adjustments to its global major cryptocurrency index effective January 19. Notably, altcoins like Internet Computer (ICP), Near Protocol (NEAR), Optimism (OP), Injective (INJ), and Immutable (IMX) were added, while Filecoin (FIL), Maker Dao (MKR), TUSD, BUSD, and HBAR were removed.

In the HKVAC Major Cryptocurrency Index, ICP, NEAR, OP, INJ, and IMX joined the list, replacing MKR, Lido Dao (LDO), MNT, QNT, and Arbitrum (ARB). Solana (SOL) replaced XRP in the HKVAC Global Top 5 Indices, and Tron (TRX) was ousted from the Top 10 Indices, making way for Avalanche (AVAX). These adjustments reflect Hong Kong's evolving position as a significant player in the cryptocurrency space.

Remember : Where is my tip? just kidding ❀
#BTC #Tate's $BTC $SOL Controversial kickboxer Andrew Tate recently addressed fellow crypto investors, highlighting missed opportunities and poor decision-making in disregarding Bitcoin's potential. Despite offering guidance through his platform, THE REAL WORLD, Tate notes a lack of receptiveness to his advice, emphasizing the importance of strategic play in the crypto space. Reflecting on past recommendations, Tate pointed out advising to join THE REAL WORLD when BTC was $19k and especially during the rise to $26k, now at $46k. He contrasted business approaches of Michael Saylor and Sam Bankman-Fried, praising Saylor's net-benefit strategy and criticizing Bankman-Fried's zero-benefit approach, noting Saylor's legendary status versus Bankman-Fried's legal troubles. In September, Tate anticipated a pivotal SEC decision on Bitcoin ETFs, expressing expectations for approval. The current BTC price is $45,950.65, up 0.38% in the last 24 hours, as per Coinstats. Disclaimer: This information is not trading advice; independent research or professional consultation is recommended before making investment decisions. Remember : Where is my Tip? Just kidding 😅
#BTC #Tate's $BTC $SOL Controversial kickboxer Andrew Tate recently addressed fellow crypto investors, highlighting missed opportunities and poor decision-making in disregarding Bitcoin's potential. Despite offering guidance through his platform, THE REAL WORLD, Tate notes a lack of receptiveness to his advice, emphasizing the importance of strategic play in the crypto space.

Reflecting on past recommendations, Tate pointed out advising to join THE REAL WORLD when BTC was $19k and especially during the rise to $26k, now at $46k. He contrasted business approaches of Michael Saylor and Sam Bankman-Fried, praising Saylor's net-benefit strategy and criticizing Bankman-Fried's zero-benefit approach, noting Saylor's legendary status versus Bankman-Fried's legal troubles.

In September, Tate anticipated a pivotal SEC decision on Bitcoin ETFs, expressing expectations for approval. The current BTC price is $45,950.65, up 0.38% in the last 24 hours, as per Coinstats. Disclaimer: This information is not trading advice; independent research or professional consultation is recommended before making investment decisions.

Remember : Where is my Tip? Just kidding 😅
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