Potongan suku bunga yang diantisipasi oleh Federal Reserve AS pada 18 Desember 2024, kemungkinan akan memiliki dampak signifikan pada pasar cryptocurrency. Pengurangan 25 basis poin, yang menurunkan suku bunga dana federal ke kisaran 4,25%–4,50%, dapat menyebabkan dampak potensial berikut:
1. Peningkatan Selera Risiko: Dengan suku bunga yang lebih rendah, investor sering mencari pengembalian yang lebih tinggi, dan cryptocurrency mungkin menjadi alternatif menarik untuk investasi tradisional seperti obligasi atau rekening tabungan. Perubahan ini dapat meningkatkan permintaan untuk aset digital, mendorong kenaikan harga mereka.
2. Volatilitas Pasar: Pengumuman itu sendiri dapat memicu fluktuasi harga jangka pendek pada cryptocurrency saat investor dengan cepat menyesuaikan portofolio mereka sebagai respons terhadap perubahan kebijakan moneter.
3. Dampak pada Penerbit Stablecoin: Penerbit stablecoin, yang sering mendukung aset mereka dengan Treasury AS, mungkin menghadapi pengembalian yang lebih rendah pada kepemilikan mereka akibat pemotongan suku bunga, yang berpotensi mempengaruhi stabilitas dan operasi koin-koin ini.
Meskipun ada potensi manfaat ini, faktor-faktor yang lebih luas seperti perubahan regulasi, kemajuan teknologi, dan kondisi makroekonomi juga akan mempengaruhi arah pasar cryptocurrency.
🚨🎗️Pi Network’s Live Price is Above $42.34. Is this Next BTC?🎗️🚨
🚨💥Huge Update💥🚨
As of October 2024, the live price of Pi Network Coin (PI) has risen above $42.34, currently trading at approximately $43.49, reflecting a recent upward trend of over 3% in the last 24 hours. This surge follows the growing attention surrounding Pi Network as it continues to attract interest despite being relatively new to public trading.
However, Pi’s token supply remains a topic of uncertainty. The circulating supply of Pi is currently reported as zero, and the total supply is yet to be publicly disclosed. This lack of clarity raises questions about the network’s market cap and the broader implications for investors looking to assess Pi’s long-term value. The project claims a maximum supply cap of 100 billion Pi coins, but the lack of official figures on circulating supply complicates accurate valuation.
The Pi Network, originally launched as a mobile app allowing users to "mine" the cryptocurrency, has garnered millions of users globally. Still, it is in the testing phase, with its full potential yet to be realized. The scarcity of public information on its total or circulating supply leaves many in the crypto community speculating on its future role in decentralized finance.
Overall, while Pi's price shows promising growth, investors should proceed with caution until more transparency on its tokenomics is provided.
Speculation is high as everyone’s asking: When will Pi hit major exchanges? 🌐 Complete your KYC and secure your Pi on the Mainnet to be ready for its debut. With rumors of a $30-$40 listing price, holding even 100 Pi could mean big gains! 💸💥
Will Pi be the next big thing? Get prepared and stay ahead! 🔥
Kontroversi Token Pi Penipuan yang Lebih Ringan dalam Kripto
Awalnya, Pi Network menarik perhatian dengan potensinya sebagai proyek mata uang kripto yang dipimpin oleh para pengembang lulusan Stanford, yang menggembar-gemborkan keunggulan teknis dan pendekatan unik untuk menambang melalui aplikasi seluler.
Sejak diluncurkan pada tahun 2019, jutaan orang telah menerima konsep tersebut, mengunduh aplikasi dan mendapatkan token Pi hanya dengan menekan tombol setiap hari. Hampir enam tahun kemudian, pengguna terus mengumpulkan token Pi dengan cara yang sama, tetapi masalah kritis tetap ada, token ini masih belum dapat diperdagangkan, dan tidak ada bursa yang mendukungnya.
Meskipun antusiasme terus berlanjut, satu-satunya perkembangan terkini adalah pengenalan Pi sebagai token pada blockchain. Namun, teknologi ini telah ada selama bertahun-tahun, menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang penantian yang lama.
Jadi, apa keterlambatannya?
Saat Pi Network bersiap untuk peluncuran mainnet yang telah lama ditunggu-tunggu, yang mungkin ditetapkan pada bulan Desember, lebih banyak informasi telah muncul. Tampaknya Pi akan mengandalkan Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP), kerangka kerja blockchain yang terbukti yang awalnya dikembangkan oleh jaringan Stellar.
Seruan Mendesak untuk Bertindak: Saatnya Telah Tiba untuk Mengakhiri Konflik di Timur Tengah Seiring dengan meningkatnya ketegangan di Timur Tengah, pentingnya perdamaian tidak pernah lebih penting dari sebelumnya. Konflik yang sedang berlangsung telah mengakibatkan konsekuensi yang menghancurkan bagi kawasan tersebut, yang memengaruhi banyak nyawa dan mengganggu stabilitas lanskap geopolitik yang sudah rapuh. Sekarang lebih dari sebelumnya, sangat penting bagi kita, sebagai komunitas global, untuk menyuarakan suara kita secara serempak untuk mengadvokasi penghentian permusuhan segera. Seruan untuk perdamaian bukan sekadar permohonan, tetapi tindakan yang diperlukan untuk memulihkan stabilitas dan harapan bagi kawasan yang terkoyak oleh pertikaian yang berkepanjangan. Komunitas internasional harus bersatu untuk mendesak resolusi diplomatik dan mendukung inisiatif yang bertujuan untuk mengakhiri perang. Dengan mendorong dialog dan pemahaman di antara pihak-pihak yang bertikai, ada potensi untuk membuka jalan bagi perdamaian abadi. Sangat penting untuk memprioritaskan kebutuhan kemanusiaan dan memastikan bahwa warga negara memiliki akses ke layanan dan perlindungan penting. Fokusnya harus pada pembangunan kembali kehidupan dan masyarakat sambil membangun kerangka kerja untuk perdamaian dan keamanan yang langgeng yang menghormati kedaulatan dan martabat semua orang.
Sekaranglah saatnya untuk mengambil sikap tegas terhadap eskalasi kekerasan lebih lanjut. Biarkan ini menjadi titik balik di mana kita semua berkomitmen pada penyelesaian damai dan bekerja tanpa lelah untuk mewujudkannya. Akhir dari konflik di Timur Tengah bukan hanya kewajiban moral tetapi juga langkah penting menuju stabilitas dan harmoni global. Bersama-sama, kita dapat membantu menjembatani perpecahan dan menyembuhkan luka perang melalui upaya internasional yang terpadu dan solidaritas yang tak tergoyahkan.
Note !! guys to help you get out of the market deep fast after analyzing with this signs is to also trade with the bot (RoyalQ) with margin calls which I have explained in some of my post and will explain more and will show you how to use the candle pattern on a day time frame and 15mniut time frame for an entry points to your trade you can as well watch the video coming soon you need to register with the bot to archive more of this will be dropping the link for the Bot on the comments section
*5/➱ Dark cloud cover*
The dark cloud cover pattern like the Hanging man, signals a bearish reversal, like a black cloud over the previous day's pump.
It has two candles: a red one opening above the green but closing below its midpoint. Then it has the red confirmation candle thereafter for you to be double sure.
Short shadows/wicks suggest a very strong downtrend because there is no buying strength from the Bulls.
6/➱ Doji*
When a market opens and close are nearly the same, the candlestick looks like a cross, showing a short or no body with varying shadow/wicks lengths.
By itself, a doji is neutral, but it can appear in reversal patterns like the bullish morning star (at the bottom)and bearish evening star (at the top).
follow for more tips on how to enter your trade with the candle 🕯️ stick , share and drop ☔ your questions #Nerujan
please guys let's not be in a hurry take your time to study this. Flip through this post over and over gradually you will understand ., check ✔️ through all your charts on trading view and the rest you will see these signs come to play...... just want to help..
*3/➱ Piercing line*
The piercing line is a two-candle pattern with a long green followed by a long red candle, then a confirmation green candle.
There's usually a big gap down between the red candle's close and the green's open.
It shows strong buying, pushing the price to or above the previous day's midpoint.
*4/➱ Hanging man*
The hanging man is like a hammer but appears at the end of an uptrend, signaling a bearish reversal. Its lower shadow/Wick must be twice the length of the body.
It shows a big sell-off during the day, but buyers pushed the price back up. The next red candle is confirmation that despite the Bulls trying to push the price up, but the bears are still in charge and selling off has continued.
It's very important to take note of these patterns especially after a big uptrend, so that bears don't dump on you and you end up in long floating losses. Always remember that if a coin pumps hard, it is most probably to retrace hard too and you don't want to be caught in that situation.
follow for more tips on prt4 , share to ur friends and enemies to encourage them drop 💧 your questions
Analysis: Shiba is gearing up for a big move! The long-term accumulation zone is setting up as a golden opportunity for strategic buys before a projected bull run in 2025. With prices consolidating, patience and timing could pay off big for investors ready to dive in over the next few months.
Price Targets: Look for strong support levels at $0.000004820 and $0.000007150, offering excellent entry points. Once the bull market kicks off, potential targets are $0.000010770 and above, as momentum builds into 2025. Keep a keen eye on market conditions and be ready to act!
Donald Trump declares, "I WILL SAVE ROSS ULBRICHT!"
This bold statement has stirred discussions across the crypto and legal communities. What could this mean for the future of cryptocurrency regulation and the push for criminal justice reform?
The best way to learn the candle patterns is by entering and exiting trades from signals they give. Constantly studying them and practicing it gradually makes you more confident.
I used a lot of patterns. I will show you 6 that are the most consistent.
P.S. Patterns are used on a daily chart. *1/➱ Hammer*
The hammer candlestick pattern is formed of a short body with a long lower shadow/Wick.
It is found at the bottom of a downward trend. A hammer indicates strong buying pressure from earlier selling, pushing the price back up. Once you see that the wicks are longer or more at the bottom, it shows you that the selling pressure is stopping and the Bulls have taken over. It shows reversal, that pump is coming
*2/➱ Three green soldiers*
This pattern consists of 3 candles.
It consists of consecutive long green candles with small shadows/ Wicks
Which open and close progressively higher than the previous day.
It is a very strong bullish signal that occurs after a downtrend.
Spot Trading Bots services to avoid any potential losses.
Binance has announced the removal of certain spot trading pairs as part of its routine market reviews.
The following pairs will be delisted on October 4, 2024, at 03:00 UTC due to factors such as low liquidity and trading volume:
Key points to note:
The delisting only affects these specific trading pairs, and the tokens themselves will still be available on Binance for trading through other pairs.
Spot Trading Bots for these pairs will also be disabled at the same time. Users are advised to cancel or update their bots to prevent potential losses.
*What is Candlestick?*
A candlestick is a way of displaying information about an asset’s price movement. Candlestick charts help traders quickly interpret price data with just a few bars. Before you even come close to trading, it is crucial to understand the basic patterns.
The candlestick is made out of 3 elements:
1 ➱ Body: represents the open-to-close range. That is the full, thick part of the candle.
2 ➱ Wick or Shadow: Indicated peak or bottom of the candle. It is the thin or tiny part of the candle.
3 ➱ Color: shows the direction of the market: 🟩 - uptrend (Bullish), 🟥 - downtrend (Bearish) CONTINUE with the next post drop 💧 your questions
Here are the predicted maximum prices for Shiba Inu (SHIB) in 2025, considering a bull run scenario:
*Bull Run Price Predictions for SHIB in 2025:*
- *Optimistic Scenario:* - January 2025: $0.000045 - February 2025: $0.000055 - March 2025: $0.000065 - April 2025: $0.000075 - May 2025: $0.000085 - June 2025: $0.000095 - July 2025: $0.000105 - August 2025: $0.000115 - September 2025: $0.000125 - October 2025: $0.000135 - November 2025: $0.000145 - December 2025: $0.000155
- *Realistic Scenario:* - January 2025: $0.000035 - February 2025: $0.000042 - March 2025: $0.000048 - April 2025: $0.000055 - May 2025: $0.000062 - June 2025: $0.000068 - July 2025: $0.000075 - August 2025: $0.000082 - September 2025: $0.000090 - October 2025: $0.000098 - November 2025: $0.000106 - December 2025: $0.000114
- *Conservative Scenario:* - January 2025: $0.000025 - February 2025: $0.000030 - March 2025: $0.000035 - April 2025: $0.000040 - May 2025: $0.000045 - June 2025: $0.000050 - July 2025: $0.000055 - August 2025: $0.000060 - September 2025: $0.000065 - October 2025: $0.000070 - November 2025: $0.000075 - December 2025: $0.000080
Please note that these predictions are based on technical analysis, market trends, and expert opinions. However, cryptocurrency markets can be highly volatile, and actual prices may vary. Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks. Always do your own research and consider multiple sources before making investment decisions. #Shibainuholder #ShibaArmstrong #Debate2024 #SHIBARICHLIST $SHIB
Secure your investments now! In light of recent geopolitical developments, caution is imperative.
According to recent statements from officials, Israel may soon launch a substantial military response to the recent missile attack, potentially targeting key Iranian oil facilities and other crucial infrastructures.
This strategy could extend to precision strikes aimed at neutralizing Iran's air defenses and high-value targets within the country.
The anticipated scale of this action is expected to surpass Israel's response to the incident in April. With the situation highly fluid, any further retaliation from Iran could escalate matters to include severe responses, possibly affecting their nuclear capabilities.
Investors should remain vigilant, as these tensions could significantly impact market stability and investment safety.
After Getting high 0.00034 $1000SATS once again down to 0.00024... Too much down .. High Fluctuations ..
The $1000SATS /USDT trading pair is currently witnessing a significant drop, now sitting at $0.0002495, down by 7.87%. This decline is part of a wider movement observed over the last 24 hours, where the price fluctuated between a high of $0.0002759 and a low of $0.0002436.
The trading volume has reached a notable 80 million USDT, indicating considerable market activity. This steep decrease highlights a potential area for buyers to watch, as the near-historic low could represent a rebound opportunity if the market sentiment shifts.
Traders should remain vigilant and consider setting strategic entry points near current lows, while keeping an eye on any signs of stabilization or recovery for optimal trading decisions.