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Halo! Saya Kuwait Jaen
 Selamat datang di konten saya... Para pelanggan dan pembaca yang terhormat, saya ingin langsung mengatakan bahwa saya bukanlah seorang blogger, saya adalah orang yang sederhana seperti Anda
 Dengan kehidupan yang sedikit aneh dan rumit, seperti orang lain
 Dan sebagian besar saya adalah seorang penulis dan seniman, bukan hanya seorang blogger... dan saya suka melakukan apa yang saya lakukan
 tetapi sayangnya, karena sangat sibuk dengan studi, pekerjaan, dan keluarga, sulit bagi saya untuk menemukan waktu untuk konten saya
 dan saya harus bekerja 8 jam sehari untuk memberi makan keluarga dan menyelesaikan studi saya
 jika Anda masih tertarik dengan apa yang saya lakukan dan tertarik membaca pemikiran saya, maka Anda dapat menyumbang kepada saya
 Saya jamin saya tidak membutuhkan banyak hal, saya tidak akan hidup dengan sumbangan seumur hidup saya, saya hanya perlu mengumpulkan 50 bnb untuk semuanya
 Mengapa saya membutuhkan ini? Saya akan membuka koleksi NFT saya dan Binance meminta transfer 1 bnb untuk 1 koleksi NFT
 dan saya ingin merilis seri kecil koleksi konten saya
 untuk satu hal itu akan memungkinkan saya untuk melunasi semua hutang saya, itulah sebabnya saya harus membuang-buang waktu saya untuk pekerjaan yang tidak berguna
 Dan saya akan segera membuat reservasi bahwa semua donasi adalah atas kemauan Anda sendiri, saya tidak memaksa siapa pun
 Jika koleksinya menjadi buku terlaris, saya akan mencoba mengembalikan semua donasi kepada setiap donatur dalam bentuk NFT atau nilai mata uang lainnya
 semua postingan bacaan saya gratis
 jadi terima kasih sebelumnya dan nikmati konten saya
 yang suka, suka, yang belum berlangganan, berlangganan jika tertarik dan posting ulang jika menurut Anda penting untuk diri sendiri
 Ini nomor dompet saya di BNB 0xe55e35e732f833119d70953f47bb86c53debad10 #NFT #NFTCommmunity #BTC☀ #NFTArtists #NFTVerse
Halo! Saya Kuwait Jaen

Selamat datang di konten saya... Para pelanggan dan pembaca yang terhormat, saya ingin langsung mengatakan bahwa saya bukanlah seorang blogger, saya adalah orang yang sederhana seperti Anda
 Dengan kehidupan yang sedikit aneh dan rumit, seperti orang lain
 Dan sebagian besar saya adalah seorang penulis dan seniman, bukan hanya seorang blogger... dan saya suka melakukan apa yang saya lakukan
 tetapi sayangnya, karena sangat sibuk dengan studi, pekerjaan, dan keluarga, sulit bagi saya untuk menemukan waktu untuk konten saya
 dan saya harus bekerja 8 jam sehari untuk memberi makan keluarga dan menyelesaikan studi saya
 jika Anda masih tertarik dengan apa yang saya lakukan dan tertarik membaca pemikiran saya, maka Anda dapat menyumbang kepada saya
 Saya jamin saya tidak membutuhkan banyak hal, saya tidak akan hidup dengan sumbangan seumur hidup saya, saya hanya perlu mengumpulkan 50 bnb untuk semuanya
 Mengapa saya membutuhkan ini? Saya akan membuka koleksi NFT saya dan Binance meminta transfer 1 bnb untuk 1 koleksi NFT
 dan saya ingin merilis seri kecil koleksi konten saya
 untuk satu hal itu akan memungkinkan saya untuk melunasi semua hutang saya, itulah sebabnya saya harus membuang-buang waktu saya untuk pekerjaan yang tidak berguna
 Dan saya akan segera membuat reservasi bahwa semua donasi adalah atas kemauan Anda sendiri, saya tidak memaksa siapa pun
 Jika koleksinya menjadi buku terlaris, saya akan mencoba mengembalikan semua donasi kepada setiap donatur dalam bentuk NFT atau nilai mata uang lainnya
 semua postingan bacaan saya gratis
 jadi terima kasih sebelumnya dan nikmati konten saya
 yang suka, suka, yang belum berlangganan, berlangganan jika tertarik dan posting ulang jika menurut Anda penting untuk diri sendiri

Ini nomor dompet saya di BNB


#NFT #NFTCommmunity
#BTC☀ #NFTArtists #NFTVerse
Why am I here Hello guys! here I'm again
 I want to tell you why I am here and why I am doing this. I want to say right away that I am not here to report on market forecasts, about the rise of crypto or other ways to make money. I think there are enough bloggers here who write about this without me. I'm here to shout to you: - Hey! stop thinking about money... What about your inner world?... Cuz, Meta is created precisely for this, so that you can touch what you don’t have, to be heard and know that you are not alone, that someone is also like you and feels the same
 Why then all this s@#t if you are dying from the inside
 That's why I am here
 Here I want to share my thoughts, feelings, advice, stories, my words
 maybe I will be heard
Of course, I don’t expect anything, I do this for my soul
 But maybe you will find yourself among in my lines
 and maybe in the end we will laugh about it all together
 and maybe one day you will feel me
 Cuz I did all this for the sake of a smile appearing on your face with a loud laugh
 because there is enough s@#t in life without it
 #MetaVerse #MetaEntertainment #MetaThings #NFTCommmunity #MetaPsypsychology
Why am I here

Hello guys! here I'm again

I want to tell you why I am here and why I am doing this. I want to say right away that I am not here to report on market forecasts, about the rise of crypto or other ways to make money. I think there are enough bloggers here who write about this without me. I'm here to shout to you: - Hey! stop thinking about money... What about your inner world?... Cuz, Meta is created precisely for this, so that you can touch what you don’t have, to be heard and know that you are not alone, that someone is also like you and feels the same
 Why then all this s@#t if you are dying from the inside
 That's why I am here
 Here I want to share my thoughts, feelings, advice, stories, my words
 maybe I will be heard
Of course, I don’t expect anything, I do this for my soul
 But maybe you will find yourself among in my lines
 and maybe in the end we will laugh about it all together
 and maybe one day you will feel me
 Cuz I did all this for the sake of a smile appearing on your face with a loud laugh
 because there is enough s@#t in life without it

#MetaVerse #MetaEntertainment #MetaThings #NFTCommmunity #MetaPsypsychology
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Koper Terkutuklah Suatu hari, KASUS da#πed secara tidak sengaja muncul di depan pintu sekolah menengah, Nah, anak-anak sekolah yang bodoh, seperti biasa, salah mengira KASUS ini sebagai Koper guru Matematika, memutuskan untuk menjebaknya, mereka terlibat dalam kasus ini, semua orang bergiliran... Setelah itu kengerian dimulai
 Setiap malam hantu đŸ‘» komunisme mulai menghantui mereka dan membawa mereka pergi satu per satu. Awalnya dia hanya memperhatikan mereka, lalu matanya sesekali mengintip dari lubang toilet, lalu terdengar bisikan dari toilet dengan komentar “Hei kamu! apa yang kamu lakukan disana? Apa yang kamu s@#ÂŁting di sini! Sungguh ÂŁ@#k! Apakah Anda ÂŁ@#|{in dumÂŁ@$s?”
 Setelah membawa remaja tersebut ke kondisi yang disyaratkan (biasanya memakan waktu tiga hari), pada malam terakhir dia membawa korban, keluar dari toilet dengan membawa sabit dan sebuah Palu dan dalam setelan klasik, jaket dan celana panjang hitam, dan dia sangat mirip dengan lelaki tua bertubuh kecil, botak
 Dan jika kamu menanyakan namanya
 menanyakan siapa kamu iblis? Kemudian dia akan berteriak dengan jeritan yang menakutkan: Aku bukan DEMON bagimu!!! Lalu dia membawa yang da#&3d bersamanya
 Orang bilang hanya ada satu cara untuk menghilangkan kutukan, menyebarkannya ke orang lain. Untuk melakukannya, kamu hanya perlu buang air di toilet orang lain)))... đŸ‘»âš°ïžâ˜ ïžđŸŒƒđŸ‘čđŸ‘ŸđŸ’€đŸŹđŸ­đŸŽƒđŸ•·ïžđŸ•žïžđŸ–€đŸ•ŻïžđŸ•”đŸ»â€â™‚ïžđŸ•”đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸŠ‡ #MemeHorror #MetaFun #NFT‏⁩ #NFTHorror #MetaHomor
Koper Terkutuklah

Suatu hari, KASUS da#πed secara tidak sengaja muncul di depan pintu sekolah menengah,
Nah, anak-anak sekolah yang bodoh, seperti biasa, salah mengira KASUS ini sebagai Koper guru Matematika, memutuskan untuk menjebaknya, mereka terlibat dalam kasus ini, semua orang bergiliran...
Setelah itu kengerian dimulai
 Setiap malam hantu đŸ‘» komunisme mulai menghantui mereka dan membawa mereka pergi satu per satu. Awalnya dia hanya memperhatikan mereka, lalu matanya sesekali mengintip dari lubang toilet, lalu terdengar bisikan dari toilet dengan komentar “Hei kamu! apa yang kamu lakukan disana? Apa yang kamu s@#ÂŁting di sini! Sungguh ÂŁ@#k! Apakah Anda ÂŁ@#|{in dumÂŁ@$s?”
 Setelah membawa remaja tersebut ke kondisi yang disyaratkan (biasanya memakan waktu tiga hari), pada malam terakhir dia membawa korban, keluar dari toilet dengan membawa sabit dan sebuah Palu dan dalam setelan klasik, jaket dan celana panjang hitam, dan dia sangat mirip dengan lelaki tua bertubuh kecil, botak
 Dan jika kamu menanyakan namanya
 menanyakan siapa kamu iblis? Kemudian dia akan berteriak dengan jeritan yang menakutkan: Aku bukan DEMON bagimu!!! Lalu dia membawa yang da#&3d bersamanya
 Orang bilang hanya ada satu cara untuk menghilangkan kutukan, menyebarkannya ke orang lain. Untuk melakukannya, kamu hanya perlu buang air di toilet orang lain)))... đŸ‘»âš°ïžâ˜ ïžđŸŒƒđŸ‘čđŸ‘ŸđŸ’€đŸŹđŸ­đŸŽƒđŸ•·ïžđŸ•žïžđŸ–€đŸ•ŻïžđŸ•”đŸ»â€â™‚ïžđŸ•”đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸŠ‡

#MemeHorror #MetaFun #NFT‏⁩ #NFTHorror #MetaHomor
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Teori KatarsisPenjelasan sederhana tentang teori Katarsis. Mari kita coba eksperimen pemikiran sederhana. Bayangkan Anda memiliki selembar kertas besar, yang membentang tanpa henti ke segala arah. Dan gambarlah sebuah titik di atasnya, katakanlah titik ini adalah karakter fiksi Anda yang bernama Jimmy, jadi biarkan titik ini disebut saja “J”. Sekarang gambarkan titik lain di mana peristiwa dan gerakan pertamanya akan berada di tempat yang menurut Anda akan diikuti oleh Jim. Sebut saja peristiwa atau perjalanan pertamanya sebagai titik “W” (Jalan) tarik garis antara kedua titik tersebut dari J ke W. Inikah perjalanan sadarnya yang pertama atau tidak? Misalkan Jimmy tidak mau ke titik W, tapi malah ingin ke titik lain, misalkan namanya W1, bahkan mungkin ke titik lain W2. Gambarlah titik W lain di sebelahnya dan beri label dengan nomor tambahan agar tidak bingung sampai semua titik W mengelilingi Jimmy, membentuk lingkaran atau spiral. Sekarang hubungkan setiap titik W ke titik J. Pada akhirnya Anda akan melihat semua kemungkinan variasi jalur, ke mana Jimmy ingin pergi. Anda melihat semua kemungkinan lokasinya, beserta waktu dan peristiwa di mana lokasinya. Dan setiap variasi titik W dapat terus berkembang menurut prinsip yang sama, dari W sederhana menjadi WW dan menambahkan huruf dan angka pada dirinya sendiri tanpa batas. Sampai semua kejadian yang mungkin terjadi di mana dia berada, tidak akan mengisi seluruh lembaran yang tak ada habisnya, menjadi sebuah labirin, sebuah Katarsis.

Teori Katarsis

Penjelasan sederhana tentang teori Katarsis.
Mari kita coba eksperimen pemikiran sederhana. Bayangkan Anda memiliki selembar kertas besar, yang membentang tanpa henti ke segala arah. Dan gambarlah sebuah titik di atasnya, katakanlah titik ini adalah karakter fiksi Anda yang bernama Jimmy, jadi biarkan titik ini disebut saja “J”. Sekarang gambarkan titik lain di mana peristiwa dan gerakan pertamanya akan berada di tempat yang menurut Anda akan diikuti oleh Jim. Sebut saja peristiwa atau perjalanan pertamanya sebagai titik “W” (Jalan) tarik garis antara kedua titik tersebut dari J ke W. Inikah perjalanan sadarnya yang pertama atau tidak? Misalkan Jimmy tidak mau ke titik W, tapi malah ingin ke titik lain, misalkan namanya W1, bahkan mungkin ke titik lain W2. Gambarlah titik W lain di sebelahnya dan beri label dengan nomor tambahan agar tidak bingung sampai semua titik W mengelilingi Jimmy, membentuk lingkaran atau spiral. Sekarang hubungkan setiap titik W ke titik J. Pada akhirnya Anda akan melihat semua kemungkinan variasi jalur, ke mana Jimmy ingin pergi. Anda melihat semua kemungkinan lokasinya, beserta waktu dan peristiwa di mana lokasinya. Dan setiap variasi titik W dapat terus berkembang menurut prinsip yang sama, dari W sederhana menjadi WW dan menambahkan huruf dan angka pada dirinya sendiri tanpa batas. Sampai semua kejadian yang mungkin terjadi di mana dia berada, tidak akan mengisi seluruh lembaran yang tak ada habisnya, menjadi sebuah labirin, sebuah Katarsis.
Lihat asli
Kamar Terkunci Rust Cohle Mereka senang mati... tidak langsung, tidak, hanya di saat-saat terakhir... dan lega rasanya... karena mereka takut, dan kemudian untuk pertama kalinya mereka melihat betapa mudahnya mengakhiri rasa takut. Mereka melihat di detik-detik terakhir... siapa mereka... melihat bagaimana mereka memainkan sendiri seluruh drama itu, yang hanyalah campuran menyedihkan antara kesombongan dan kurangnya kemauan... Namun dengan ini dapat mengakhirinya, menyadari bahwa tidak ada gunanya mempertahankan hidup itu... biarkan saja... Sadarilah bahwa semua cinta dan benci, kenangan dan rasa sakit Anda semuanya adalah satu dan hal yang sama... ini semua adalah satu mimpi... mimpi yang Anda alami di kamar terkunci... Mimpi bahwa Anda adalah seorang pria #MetaVerse #MetaEntertainment #MetaThings #NFTCommmunity #MetaPsypsychology
Kamar Terkunci Rust Cohle

Mereka senang mati... tidak langsung, tidak, hanya di saat-saat terakhir... dan lega rasanya... karena mereka takut, dan kemudian untuk pertama kalinya mereka melihat betapa mudahnya mengakhiri rasa takut. Mereka melihat di detik-detik terakhir... siapa mereka... melihat bagaimana mereka memainkan sendiri seluruh drama itu, yang hanyalah campuran menyedihkan antara kesombongan dan kurangnya kemauan... Namun dengan ini dapat mengakhirinya, menyadari bahwa tidak ada gunanya mempertahankan hidup itu... biarkan saja... Sadarilah bahwa semua cinta dan benci, kenangan dan rasa sakit Anda semuanya adalah satu dan hal yang sama... ini semua adalah satu mimpi... mimpi yang Anda alami di kamar terkunci... Mimpi bahwa Anda adalah seorang pria

#MetaVerse #MetaEntertainment #MetaThings #NFTCommmunity #MetaPsypsychology
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Pembersihan Dari Karat Cohle Bagi kami, waktu tampak linier, namun bagi mereka, makhluk di dimensi dan dunia lain, waktu sama sekali tidak ada
 Karena bagi kami segala sesuatu tampak tumbuh dan berkembang dan segala sesuatu pergi ke suatu tempat, mati
 Bagi mereka, waktu dan ruang hanyalah datar kertas dan segala sesuatu yang ada di atasnya, berada dalam superposisi
 dan kesadaran kita yang lemah hanya dapat memahami beberapa peristiwa dari ketidakterbatasan menciptakan ilusi satu garis, melaju seperti mobil di sepanjang lintasan sepanjang kenangan yang diingat oleh sebuah fragmen di labirin Katarsis 
 Dan seperti tupai di dalam roda, kita berlari ke suatu tempat berulang kali, menghidupkan kembali satu kehidupan
 bagi kami dunia tampak seperti bola
 tetapi bagi mereka
 itu hanya sebuah lingkaran
 #MetaVerse #MetaEntertainment #MetaThings #NFTCommmunity #MetaPsypsychology
Karat Cohle
Bagi kami, waktu tampak linier, namun bagi mereka, makhluk di dimensi dan dunia lain, waktu sama sekali tidak ada
 Karena bagi kami segala sesuatu tampak tumbuh dan berkembang dan segala sesuatu pergi ke suatu tempat, mati
 Bagi mereka, waktu dan ruang hanyalah datar kertas dan segala sesuatu yang ada di atasnya, berada dalam superposisi
 dan kesadaran kita yang lemah hanya dapat memahami beberapa peristiwa dari ketidakterbatasan menciptakan ilusi satu garis, melaju seperti mobil di sepanjang lintasan sepanjang kenangan yang diingat oleh sebuah fragmen di labirin Katarsis 
 Dan seperti tupai di dalam roda, kita berlari ke suatu tempat berulang kali, menghidupkan kembali satu kehidupan
 bagi kami dunia tampak seperti bola
 tetapi bagi mereka
 itu hanya sebuah lingkaran

#MetaVerse #MetaEntertainment #MetaThings #NFTCommmunity #MetaPsypsychology
The Cure for LazinessI think everyone faces this problem of 'Laziness'. When urgent matters or the most important ones are somehow put aside in a drawer ‘I’ll do it tomorrow or later’ as a result, days, weeks, months pass. Have you ever wondered what is the reason for this behavior in yourself? What is wrong with me? In this article I will try to briefly explain some of the reasons for the origin of ‘Laziness’. And how to find a cure for it.What is wrong with me?I want to describe a couple of the main reasons for the origin of laziness, based solely on my experience. So, everything rewritten below may not correspond to your realities.Reason N°1Psychological Condition.It may include various factors, ranging from feelings of dissatisfaction to depression. In my case, it’s just a feeling of unsatisfactoriness and depression, take the example of my previous post ‘Meme Morning’. I put a lot of effort and soul into this song in order to make someone laugh and somehow illuminate these gray everyday life. But many ignored it. Because no one gives a s$#t about it and they are not interested in it. Of course, I don’t blame anyone, but creative activity always requires a return, if it is not there, then it develops a feeling of worthlessness and loneliness and thereby leads to depression. But I’m a strong guy and I try not to pay attention to such things. (Although you should be ashamed and read the previous post, when you have some time for this and smile ;))Reason N°2Physical Condition.This is also one of the most important factors. Perhaps one of the reasons for your laziness is due to low hormones. Of course, what is the consequence of such a fall? There may also be various reasons for this. From lack of sleep to various diseases. But basically, if you feel healthy but exhausted, it may be due to lack of vitamins. Reason N°3Dream.One of the last reasons may be a simple lack of sleep. Sleep is the most important and necessary process in our life. And its lack greatly affects our body and our psychology.Reason N°4OvereatingAnd the last and most important thing in my opinion is overeating or heavy food. Many people don't diet and many, including myself, are seduced by food marketing and advertising. Yes, food makes us temporarily happy. But when taking a heavy meal, for example, eating something with beef, then our body needs some time and effort to assimilate it. Typically, the body requires a lot of energy to digest heavy food in order to dissolve it into the necessary components. It is because of this that you are drawn to sleep after you have eaten and this is also the reason for laziness, because for any action, even creative, you need the energy that went into digesting food.The cure for lazinessHow can you get rid of laziness?There are four ways to do this in my opinion. 1. If it's psychological condition,, then you should contact a specialist, it's meaning the doctor, perhaps they will be able to get to the bottom of the truth of evil and will help you deal with it. 2. If yours is related to a physical condition, for example, a lack of vitamins or something else. Then you should also consult a doctor. Perhaps they will prescribe you a complex of vitamins that you will need to drink and improvements come the next day. That’s I know from my experience 3. If the first two methods require a financial contribution. Then method 3 is purely related to your discipline. Learn to stick to a daily routine, cuz, perhaps lack of sleep is the root of all evil. After all, fatigue accumulates in our body and if it reaches a critical peak, the consequences may be different. And laziness is one of the symptoms of fatigue of the whole body. 4. Stick to your diet, It’s not for nothing that they say that you think better on an empty stomach. I try to eat once a day, well, of course, considering that I weigh 180.7 lbs. Then for me this is quite enough. Of course, I'm not going to convince you to eat a little bit, but at least stick to a diet.My MethodologyWhat methods do I use? I would like to tell you a couple of my techniques. How can you get rid of laziness?Little workoutWhen you start your day, start it with a little workout. For example, do Star Jumps or just reach for the ceiling with your arms up, standing on tiptoes or find your exercise where all muscle groups will be involved as much as possible. Do them no more than 3-5 minutes, because it helps good blood circulation in your body from toes to head. This also greatly contributes to a good mood and productivity in any work.Coffee Napp If you feel tired and lazy, then just drink a cup of coffee. Then try to sleep for exactly 20 minutes, but no more. Otherwise you will fall asleep for the whole day. When you wake up, you should feel a surge of energy to work.Just a couple of minutes and that's it!If Coffee Napp doesn't help, then force yourself to work for just a couple of minutes. Fool yourself with an example like this: If I'll do this now, that’s all! Then I can go home with a pure soul. But If I’ll finish it here, then everything will be real done! And here if I’ll finish here a little bit more, then it’s really willy done. After this work has been done, you yourself will not notice how it is finished or almost finished.Tomorrow someone else will do it or no one will do it for me!And the most motivational advice especially for those who are engaged in creative activities. Imagine that you are doing a job for which several candidates are applying and your only chance to win is to do it first. But if you don’t like to feel the pressure of competition, then remember, no one will do this work for you, of course, you can find someone to do this for you, but the experience he gains will remain with him, not with you. And besides, I think few people will agree to do someone else’s work for free. And lastly, if productivity has awakened in you, then here is your last piece of advice. Don’t try to waste your energy completely, give yourself a little rest. At least 5 minutes, otherwise you will quickly exhaust yourself again, so not yet completed the work. And starting all over again will be very difficult. Just imagine yourself as a boxer in the ring and a very strong opponent stands in front of you. If you beat him up in the first seconds, then this will not give you big advantage, of course, if assuming you are a semi-professional fighter. Use tactics to yourself and your forces. If you don't do this, you will quickly become exhausted and then your opponent will win. So just keep a balance in your work.Well that's all, I told you the techniques that I use myself every day. The main thing is to follow your diet, sleep and performance. Keep a balance between all of this. And all will be well. And remember these are not the advice of a specialist, but of an ordinary working person, so I can't guarantee that they will help you. Have a good working day and productivity everyone.#Metawerse #MetaThings #nftcommunity #Web3 #MetaHealth

The Cure for Laziness

I think everyone faces this problem of 'Laziness'. When urgent matters or the most important ones are somehow put aside in a drawer ‘I’ll do it tomorrow or later’ as a result, days, weeks, months pass. Have you ever wondered what is the reason for this behavior in yourself? What is wrong with me? In this article I will try to briefly explain some of the reasons for the origin of ‘Laziness’. And how to find a cure for it.What is wrong with me?I want to describe a couple of the main reasons for the origin of laziness, based solely on my experience. So, everything rewritten below may not correspond to your realities.Reason N°1Psychological Condition.It may include various factors, ranging from feelings of dissatisfaction to depression. In my case, it’s just a feeling of unsatisfactoriness and depression, take the example of my previous post ‘Meme Morning’. I put a lot of effort and soul into this song in order to make someone laugh and somehow illuminate these gray everyday life. But many ignored it. Because no one gives a s$#t about it and they are not interested in it. Of course, I don’t blame anyone, but creative activity always requires a return, if it is not there, then it develops a feeling of worthlessness and loneliness and thereby leads to depression. But I’m a strong guy and I try not to pay attention to such things. (Although you should be ashamed and read the previous post, when you have some time for this and smile ;))Reason N°2Physical Condition.This is also one of the most important factors. Perhaps one of the reasons for your laziness is due to low hormones. Of course, what is the consequence of such a fall? There may also be various reasons for this. From lack of sleep to various diseases. But basically, if you feel healthy but exhausted, it may be due to lack of vitamins. Reason N°3Dream.One of the last reasons may be a simple lack of sleep. Sleep is the most important and necessary process in our life. And its lack greatly affects our body and our psychology.Reason N°4OvereatingAnd the last and most important thing in my opinion is overeating or heavy food. Many people don't diet and many, including myself, are seduced by food marketing and advertising. Yes, food makes us temporarily happy. But when taking a heavy meal, for example, eating something with beef, then our body needs some time and effort to assimilate it. Typically, the body requires a lot of energy to digest heavy food in order to dissolve it into the necessary components. It is because of this that you are drawn to sleep after you have eaten and this is also the reason for laziness, because for any action, even creative, you need the energy that went into digesting food.The cure for lazinessHow can you get rid of laziness?There are four ways to do this in my opinion. 1. If it's psychological condition,, then you should contact a specialist, it's meaning the doctor, perhaps they will be able to get to the bottom of the truth of evil and will help you deal with it. 2. If yours is related to a physical condition, for example, a lack of vitamins or something else. Then you should also consult a doctor. Perhaps they will prescribe you a complex of vitamins that you will need to drink and improvements come the next day. That’s I know from my experience 3. If the first two methods require a financial contribution. Then method 3 is purely related to your discipline. Learn to stick to a daily routine, cuz, perhaps lack of sleep is the root of all evil. After all, fatigue accumulates in our body and if it reaches a critical peak, the consequences may be different. And laziness is one of the symptoms of fatigue of the whole body. 4. Stick to your diet, It’s not for nothing that they say that you think better on an empty stomach. I try to eat once a day, well, of course, considering that I weigh 180.7 lbs. Then for me this is quite enough. Of course, I'm not going to convince you to eat a little bit, but at least stick to a diet.My MethodologyWhat methods do I use? I would like to tell you a couple of my techniques. How can you get rid of laziness?Little workoutWhen you start your day, start it with a little workout. For example, do Star Jumps or just reach for the ceiling with your arms up, standing on tiptoes or find your exercise where all muscle groups will be involved as much as possible. Do them no more than 3-5 minutes, because it helps good blood circulation in your body from toes to head. This also greatly contributes to a good mood and productivity in any work.Coffee Napp If you feel tired and lazy, then just drink a cup of coffee. Then try to sleep for exactly 20 minutes, but no more. Otherwise you will fall asleep for the whole day. When you wake up, you should feel a surge of energy to work.Just a couple of minutes and that's it!If Coffee Napp doesn't help, then force yourself to work for just a couple of minutes. Fool yourself with an example like this: If I'll do this now, that’s all! Then I can go home with a pure soul. But If I’ll finish it here, then everything will be real done! And here if I’ll finish here a little bit more, then it’s really willy done. After this work has been done, you yourself will not notice how it is finished or almost finished.Tomorrow someone else will do it or no one will do it for me!And the most motivational advice especially for those who are engaged in creative activities. Imagine that you are doing a job for which several candidates are applying and your only chance to win is to do it first. But if you don’t like to feel the pressure of competition, then remember, no one will do this work for you, of course, you can find someone to do this for you, but the experience he gains will remain with him, not with you. And besides, I think few people will agree to do someone else’s work for free. And lastly, if productivity has awakened in you, then here is your last piece of advice. Don’t try to waste your energy completely, give yourself a little rest. At least 5 minutes, otherwise you will quickly exhaust yourself again, so not yet completed the work. And starting all over again will be very difficult. Just imagine yourself as a boxer in the ring and a very strong opponent stands in front of you. If you beat him up in the first seconds, then this will not give you big advantage, of course, if assuming you are a semi-professional fighter. Use tactics to yourself and your forces. If you don't do this, you will quickly become exhausted and then your opponent will win. So just keep a balance in your work.Well that's all, I told you the techniques that I use myself every day. The main thing is to follow your diet, sleep and performance. Keep a balance between all of this. And all will be well. And remember these are not the advice of a specialist, but of an ordinary working person, so I can't guarantee that they will help you. Have a good working day and productivity everyone.#Metawerse #MetaThings #nftcommunity #Web3 #MetaHealth
Meme Morning How do I start? When the alarm starts ringing, like a ears-drilling,  Stupid song
 Killing a piece of my soul, it means it's time to wake up
 Tell me when? this torment will be end, When I stop dragging my a$s out of bed. Everyday trying to find suitable pair of soks, paranormal jokes. kicking to work, chumping coffee on the road. Maybe I'm tripping in hell Stumble on my way on roadless streets.  Trying to avoid every puddle and sleets.  But fate has its fun, with each slip and slide. Leaves me wishing I'd just stayed inside But today
 I don't want! To do this anymore! Just F@&k that all, shut the door
 Stay in home and lie on the bed,  Till my suffering doesn't end Yeah I want nothing to do... let my dreams on their own come true
 For now I'll be lie down.. and watch a TV show Yes I'm a lazy, lazy a$s
 but this is the only best a part what I have
  I'll be wait until happiness itself knocks on my window
 how can I earn money for live. Pay bills and loans? Okay
 s@#t!.. here we go again  #metaverse #MetaEntertainment #NFTLyrics #NFT #NFTCommmunity #MemeHomor #NFTJokes #MetaFunny
Meme Morning

How do I start?
When the alarm starts ringing,
like a ears-drilling, 
Stupid song
 Killing a piece of my soul,
it means it's time to wake up

Tell me when? this torment will be end,
When I stop dragging my a$s out of bed.
Everyday trying to find suitable pair of soks, paranormal jokes.
kicking to work, chumping coffee on the road.
Maybe I'm tripping in hell

Stumble on my way on roadless streets. 
Trying to avoid every puddle and sleets. 
But fate has its fun, with each slip and slide. Leaves me wishing I'd just stayed inside

But today

I don't want! To do this anymore!
Just F@&k that all, shut the door

Stay in home and lie on the bed, 
Till my suffering doesn't end

Yeah I want nothing to do... let my dreams on their own come true

For now I'll be lie down.. and watch a TV show

Yes I'm a lazy, lazy a$s
 but this is the only best a part what I have
I'll be wait until happiness itself knocks on my window

how can I earn money for live. Pay bills and loans?

 s@#t!.. here we go again 

#metaverse #MetaEntertainment #NFTLyrics #NFT #NFTCommmunity #MemeHomor #NFTJokes #MetaFunny
Who WE are Do the things we have determine who we are? Expensive smartphone, car, computer... do they make us more successful? Happier? There are scientific arguments that everything has consciousness. Theory put forward by Giulio Tononi. He said that if matter has a large amount of connected information, then it has a system, and the system revives its proto-consciousness, and he presented an example of a connection of molecules. Their discussion begins from the moment when the universe appeared, then initially with matter consciousness appeared same time, and to be a little reliable, then its beginnings, that in the end, we are came, out of the final product. But the question is: Do the things we buy change us? Do they have a little bit of soul in them? Or do we animate them ourselves? Do we control them? Or are they us? Does the algorithm know me more than I know myself? Does it see me from the inside? Do they give us meaning to live? Or are they dragging us into the abyss of madness? Who we are without them? Who would Arthur be without his Excalibur? Who am I without my pain? Sometimes it seems to me that the line when gadgets merged into one with us, has long been passed
 And we no longer need to regret or grieve about anything
 #MetaEntertainment #Metawerse #MetaThings
Who WE are

Do the things we have determine who we are?
Expensive smartphone, car, computer... do they make us more successful? Happier? There are scientific arguments that everything has consciousness. Theory put forward by Giulio Tononi. He said that if matter has a large amount of connected information, then it has a system, and the system revives its proto-consciousness, and he presented an example of a connection of molecules. Their discussion begins from the moment when the universe appeared, then initially with matter consciousness appeared same time, and to be a little reliable, then its beginnings, that in the end, we are came, out of the final product. But the question is: Do the things we buy change us? Do they have a little bit of soul in them? Or do we animate them ourselves? Do we control them? Or are they us? Does the algorithm know me more than I know myself? Does it see me from the inside?

Do they give us meaning to live? Or are they dragging us into the abyss of madness? Who we are without them? Who would Arthur be without his Excalibur? Who am I without my pain? Sometimes it seems to me that the line when gadgets merged into one with us, has long been passed
 And we no longer need to regret or grieve about anything

#MetaEntertainment #Metawerse #MetaThings
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