Binance Square
Isadora Duncan
Crypto Analyst Part time moderator A learner and Earner Crypto is the candle that turned my dark to Light
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Seorang anak laki-laki berusia 12 tahun bernama Erik Finman menginvestasikan $1,245 dalam Bitcoin ketika dia baru berusia 12 tahun. Dia membuat kesepakatan dengan orang tuanya bahwa jika dia dapat menghasilkan satu juta dolar pada saat dia berusia 18 tahun, dia tidak perlu kembali ke sekolah. Ya, investasinya membuahkan hasil besar! Pada saat dia berusia 18 tahun, investasinya bernilai lebih dari $2 juta! Dia akhirnya menjadi jutawan dan bahkan diundang untuk memberikan TED Talk ketika dia baru berusia 15 tahun. Kisah Erik adalah contoh inspiratif tentang bagaimana mengambil risiko dan percaya pada diri sendiri dapat membawa kesuksesan besar. #inspiration #Bitcoin
Seorang anak laki-laki berusia 12 tahun bernama Erik Finman menginvestasikan $1,245 dalam Bitcoin ketika dia baru berusia 12 tahun.
Dia membuat kesepakatan dengan orang tuanya bahwa jika dia dapat menghasilkan satu juta dolar pada saat dia berusia 18 tahun, dia tidak perlu kembali ke sekolah. Ya, investasinya membuahkan hasil besar!
Pada saat dia berusia 18 tahun, investasinya bernilai lebih dari $2 juta! Dia akhirnya menjadi jutawan dan bahkan diundang untuk memberikan TED Talk ketika dia baru berusia 15 tahun.
Kisah Erik adalah contoh inspiratif tentang bagaimana mengambil risiko dan percaya pada diri sendiri dapat membawa kesuksesan besar.
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$KDA sedang berjuang untuk mempertahankan momentum di pasar dan mendekati support 0.50$ berikutnya di tengah tren bearish yang sedang berlangsung. Perkirakan pembalikan dalam waktu dekat, dengan Kadena akan Memerintah dalam reli bullish yang akan datang. Kenaikan 14x terjadi pada reli baru-baru ini.
$KDA sedang berjuang untuk mempertahankan momentum di pasar dan mendekati support 0.50$ berikutnya di tengah tren bearish yang sedang berlangsung. Perkirakan pembalikan dalam waktu dekat, dengan Kadena akan Memerintah dalam reli bullish yang akan datang.
Kenaikan 14x terjadi pada reli baru-baru ini.
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Trik yang Saya Gunakan Untuk Menghasilkan $100 sehari Melalui Perdagangan Kripto di BINANCE 1. Mulai dari yang Kecil dan Pelajari: Mulailah dengan investasi kecil untuk mengenal platform dan mekanisme perdagangan Binance. Berlatihlah dengan akun demo jika tersedia, dan belajar dari sumber daya gratis seperti Binance Academy. 2. Fokus pada Likuiditas: Perdagangkan mata uang kripto dengan likuiditas tinggi seperti BTC, ETH, atau BNB. Hal ini memastikan Anda dapat dengan mudah masuk dan keluar perdagangan tanpa selip harga yang signifikan. 3. Gunakan Limit Order: Tempatkan limit order daripada market order untuk menghindari harga yang tidak menguntungkan. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda menetapkan harga yang ingin Anda beli atau jual, sehingga membantu Anda memaksimalkan keuntungan. 4. Memanfaatkan Tren Pasar: Ikuti tren pasar dan berita. Manfaatkan alat Binance seperti grafik TradingView untuk menganalisis tren. Carilah pola bullish dan beli di awal, atau lihat tren bearish dan jual sebelum harga turun. 5. Tetapkan Tujuan yang Realistis: Bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan kecil dan konsisten daripada mencoba meraih kemenangan besar. Menambah keuntungan kecil dapat membantu Anda terus meningkatkan penghasilan. 6. Manajemen Risiko: Gunakan perintah stop-loss untuk melindungi modal Anda dari penurunan yang signifikan. Diversifikasi investasi Anda untuk menyebarkan risiko. 7. Tetap Diperbarui: Ikuti terus berita pasar terkini dan pengumuman Binance. Ikuti pedagang berpengaruh dan bergabunglah dengan komunitas Binance untuk mendapatkan wawasan dan tips. 8. Memanfaatkan Pendapatan Binance: Manfaatkan produk Binance Earn seperti staking, tabungan, dan pertanian likuiditas untuk mendapatkan penghasilan pasif dari kepemilikan kripto Anda. 9. Latih Kesabaran: Jangan mengejar kerugian atau melakukan perdagangan impulsif. Tetap berpegang pada strategi Anda dan bersabarlah. Lebih baik melewatkan perdagangan daripada terburu-buru dan merugi. 10. Pembelajaran Berkelanjutan: Teruslah mendidik diri Anda sendiri tentang strategi perdagangan, analisis teknis, dan psikologi pasar. Semakin banyak Anda belajar, semakin baik keputusan trading Anda. Dengan menerapkan trik ini dan mempertahankan pendekatan disiplin, Anda dapat berupaya untuk secara konsisten menghasilkan $100 atau lebih setiap hari melalui perdagangan kripto di Binance. Selamat berdagang!$SOL $BNB
Trik yang Saya Gunakan Untuk Menghasilkan $100 sehari Melalui Perdagangan Kripto di BINANCE
1. Mulai dari yang Kecil dan Pelajari:
Mulailah dengan investasi kecil untuk mengenal platform dan mekanisme perdagangan Binance. Berlatihlah dengan akun demo jika tersedia, dan belajar dari sumber daya gratis seperti Binance Academy.
2. Fokus pada Likuiditas:
Perdagangkan mata uang kripto dengan likuiditas tinggi seperti BTC, ETH, atau BNB. Hal ini memastikan Anda dapat dengan mudah masuk dan keluar perdagangan tanpa selip harga yang signifikan.
3. Gunakan Limit Order:
Tempatkan limit order daripada market order untuk menghindari harga yang tidak menguntungkan. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda menetapkan harga yang ingin Anda beli atau jual, sehingga membantu Anda memaksimalkan keuntungan.
4. Memanfaatkan Tren Pasar:
Ikuti tren pasar dan berita. Manfaatkan alat Binance seperti grafik TradingView untuk menganalisis tren. Carilah pola bullish dan beli di awal, atau lihat tren bearish dan jual sebelum harga turun.
5. Tetapkan Tujuan yang Realistis:
Bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan kecil dan konsisten daripada mencoba meraih kemenangan besar. Menambah keuntungan kecil dapat membantu Anda terus meningkatkan penghasilan.
6. Manajemen Risiko:
Gunakan perintah stop-loss untuk melindungi modal Anda dari penurunan yang signifikan. Diversifikasi investasi Anda untuk menyebarkan risiko.
7. Tetap Diperbarui:
Ikuti terus berita pasar terkini dan pengumuman Binance. Ikuti pedagang berpengaruh dan bergabunglah dengan komunitas Binance untuk mendapatkan wawasan dan tips.
8. Memanfaatkan Pendapatan Binance:
Manfaatkan produk Binance Earn seperti staking, tabungan, dan pertanian likuiditas untuk mendapatkan penghasilan pasif dari kepemilikan kripto Anda.
9. Latih Kesabaran:
Jangan mengejar kerugian atau melakukan perdagangan impulsif. Tetap berpegang pada strategi Anda dan bersabarlah. Lebih baik melewatkan perdagangan daripada terburu-buru dan merugi.
10. Pembelajaran Berkelanjutan:
Teruslah mendidik diri Anda sendiri tentang strategi perdagangan, analisis teknis, dan psikologi pasar. Semakin banyak Anda belajar, semakin baik keputusan trading Anda.
Dengan menerapkan trik ini dan mempertahankan pendekatan disiplin, Anda dapat berupaya untuk secara konsisten menghasilkan $100 atau lebih setiap hari melalui perdagangan kripto di Binance. Selamat berdagang!$SOL $BNB
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🚀 Trading adalah Permainan Pikiran: Kuasai Keserakahan Anda! 🧠💰 🔸Di dunia kripto yang liar, sangat mudah untuk memimpikan kekayaan yang cepat. Kami menginvestasikan $5K dan mengharapkan imbalan $50K. Namun ingat, setiap kemenangan pasti ada kekalahan—ini semua soal keseimbangan. ⚖️ 🔹Pemeriksaan Realitas Perdagangan Leverage: Kita sering kali melompat ke leverage 20X, 50X, atau bahkan 100X. Tapi mengapa bursa menawarkan ini? Mereka meminjamkan dana kepada kami, dan berisiko dilikuidasi jika kami tidak hati-hati. Jadi, bagaimana kita benar-benar menghasilkan uang? 🤔 **Strategi Sederhana untuk Sukses:** 🔑 **Kendalikan Keserakahan Anda:** Inilah kunci profit konsisten. 💸 **Ambil Untung dengan Ketat:** Kunci keuntungan dan jangan mengejar bulan. 📉 **Smart Leverage:** Pertahankan leverage 5X atau 10X. Cukup untuk menumbuhkan modal Anda tanpa mempertaruhkan semuanya. 💼 **Manajemen Portofolio:** Hanya gunakan 2% dari portofolio Anda untuk perdagangan berjangka. Rahasia sukses? Disiplin dan strategi. Kendalikan emosi Anda dan lakukan perdagangan dengan cerdas. Berdaganglah dengan bijak di Binance dan jadikan setiap gerakan berarti! 🚀🔐#Binance#TradingTips#LeverageTrading#SmartInvesting #CryptoWisdom
🚀 Trading adalah Permainan Pikiran: Kuasai Keserakahan Anda! 🧠💰
🔸Di dunia kripto yang liar, sangat mudah untuk memimpikan kekayaan yang cepat. Kami menginvestasikan $5K dan mengharapkan imbalan $50K. Namun ingat, setiap kemenangan pasti ada kekalahan—ini semua soal keseimbangan. ⚖️
🔹Pemeriksaan Realitas Perdagangan Leverage: Kita sering kali melompat ke leverage 20X, 50X, atau bahkan 100X. Tapi mengapa bursa menawarkan ini? Mereka meminjamkan dana kepada kami, dan berisiko dilikuidasi jika kami tidak hati-hati. Jadi, bagaimana kita benar-benar menghasilkan uang? 🤔
**Strategi Sederhana untuk Sukses:**
🔑 **Kendalikan Keserakahan Anda:** Inilah kunci profit konsisten.
💸 **Ambil Untung dengan Ketat:** Kunci keuntungan dan jangan mengejar bulan.
📉 **Smart Leverage:** Pertahankan leverage 5X atau 10X. Cukup untuk menumbuhkan modal Anda tanpa mempertaruhkan semuanya.
💼 **Manajemen Portofolio:** Hanya gunakan 2% dari portofolio Anda untuk perdagangan berjangka.
Rahasia sukses? Disiplin dan strategi. Kendalikan emosi Anda dan lakukan perdagangan dengan cerdas.
Berdaganglah dengan bijak di Binance dan jadikan setiap gerakan berarti! 🚀🔐#Binance#TradingTips#LeverageTrading#SmartInvesting #CryptoWisdom
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$BCH menghadapi tekanan ke bawah saat ini, mendekati support 350$ yang akan datang di tengah tren bearish yang sedang berlangsung. Ekspektasinya adalah adanya pembalikan, menunjukkan potensi untuk menjadi pemain kunci dalam kenaikan berikutnya. Keuntungan telah tumbuh sebesar 310% di masa lalu.
$BCH menghadapi tekanan ke bawah saat ini, mendekati support 350$ yang akan datang di tengah tren bearish yang sedang berlangsung. Ekspektasinya adalah adanya pembalikan, menunjukkan potensi untuk menjadi pemain kunci dalam kenaikan berikutnya.
Keuntungan telah tumbuh sebesar 310% di masa lalu.
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Aku sudah bilang padamu sejak lama, pantau terus#Solana. Harganya masih bisa terkoreksi banyak dan mungkin masih butuh waktu lama sebelum#Etfdi#SOLdisetujui. Tapi kami punya kepastian satu hal.. Kepentingan institusional kini tertuju pada Solana. $SOL
Aku sudah bilang padamu sejak lama,
pantau terus#Solana.
Harganya masih bisa terkoreksi banyak dan mungkin masih butuh waktu lama sebelum#Etfdi#SOLdisetujui.
Tapi kami punya kepastian satu hal..
Kepentingan institusional kini tertuju pada Solana.
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Nama Token: $SOL Harga Saat Ini: $148,09 📊 Analisis Sentimen Pasar Sentimen positif dari berita persetujuan Solana ETF dan potensi reli harga. Sentimen netral dari perang harga yang sedang berlangsung antara bulls dan bears. Sentimen negatif dari arus keluar Ethereum, yang mungkin mengindikasikan pergeseran fokus investor ke Solana. Secara keseluruhan, sentimennya cenderung positif karena hype ETF dan potensi target harga bullish. 📈 Analisis Teknis Analisis Buku Pesanan: Buku pesanan menunjukkan dukungan kuat di sekitar $147,91 dengan pesanan beli yang signifikan, dan resistensi di sekitar $148,20 dengan pesanan jual yang besar. RSI: RSI saat ini berada di 50.36, menunjukkan posisi netral namun telah menurun dari level tertinggi 67.37, menunjukkan potensi pendinginan dari kondisi overbought. Bollinger Bands: Harga berada di dekat garis tengah, menunjukkan pasar yang seimbang. Pita atas berada pada $150,19 dan pita bawah pada $146,26, menunjukkan potensi pergerakan terbatas dalam kisaran. Poin Pivot: Harga dekat dengan titik pivot di $148.18, dengan support terdekat di $147.13 dan resistance di $149.14. DMI: ADX berada di 29,89, menunjukkan tren yang cukup kuat. +DI lebih tinggi dari -DI, ​​menunjukkan tren bullish. MA: Rata-rata pergerakan sedikit di bawah harga saat ini di $147,99, menunjukkan sedikit momentum kenaikan. MACD: Garis MACD berada di bawah garis sinyal, dengan histogram negatif, menunjukkan potensi persilangan bearish. KDJ: Nilai K berada di bawah nilai D, dan nilai J jauh lebih rendah, menunjukkan potensi pembalikan bearish. 💡 Rekomendasi dan Strategi Perdagangan Siklus Perdagangan: Mengingat sinyal yang beragam, disarankan untuk menggunakan strategi perdagangan jangka pendek. Pantau harga dengan cermat untuk mengetahui adanya breakout atau penembusan dari kisaran saat ini. Tingkat Keyakinan: Kepercayaan moderat terhadap analisis karena beragamnya indikator teknis dan beragamnya sentimen pasar.#Binance#Tulis2Dapatkan
Nama Token: $SOL
Harga Saat Ini: $148,09
📊 Analisis Sentimen Pasar
Sentimen positif dari berita persetujuan Solana ETF dan potensi reli harga.
Sentimen netral dari perang harga yang sedang berlangsung antara bulls dan bears.
Sentimen negatif dari arus keluar Ethereum, yang mungkin mengindikasikan pergeseran fokus investor ke Solana.
Secara keseluruhan, sentimennya cenderung positif karena hype ETF dan potensi target harga bullish.
📈 Analisis Teknis
Analisis Buku Pesanan: Buku pesanan menunjukkan dukungan kuat di sekitar $147,91 dengan pesanan beli yang signifikan, dan resistensi di sekitar $148,20 dengan pesanan jual yang besar.
RSI: RSI saat ini berada di 50.36, menunjukkan posisi netral namun telah menurun dari level tertinggi 67.37, menunjukkan potensi pendinginan dari kondisi overbought.
Bollinger Bands: Harga berada di dekat garis tengah, menunjukkan pasar yang seimbang. Pita atas berada pada $150,19 dan pita bawah pada $146,26, menunjukkan potensi pergerakan terbatas dalam kisaran.
Poin Pivot: Harga dekat dengan titik pivot di $148.18, dengan support terdekat di $147.13 dan resistance di $149.14.
DMI: ADX berada di 29,89, menunjukkan tren yang cukup kuat. +DI lebih tinggi dari -DI, ​​menunjukkan tren bullish.
MA: Rata-rata pergerakan sedikit di bawah harga saat ini di $147,99, menunjukkan sedikit momentum kenaikan.
MACD: Garis MACD berada di bawah garis sinyal, dengan histogram negatif, menunjukkan potensi persilangan bearish.
KDJ: Nilai K berada di bawah nilai D, dan nilai J jauh lebih rendah, menunjukkan potensi pembalikan bearish.
💡 Rekomendasi dan Strategi Perdagangan
Siklus Perdagangan: Mengingat sinyal yang beragam, disarankan untuk menggunakan strategi perdagangan jangka pendek. Pantau harga dengan cermat untuk mengetahui adanya breakout atau penembusan dari kisaran saat ini.
Tingkat Keyakinan: Kepercayaan moderat terhadap analisis karena beragamnya indikator teknis dan beragamnya sentimen pasar.#Binance#Tulis2Dapatkan
Losing interest during a bear market means missing out on buying the dip. Many retail investors chase quick profits, often resulting in losses. Investing in low-quality coins usually means losing your money unless you're extraordinarily lucky. Most investors need to trust the process. In crypto, sprinting never works; it’s a marathon. Consistently earning even a 5% daily profit can double your capital in just 20 days. A disciplined approach to spot trading over this period can yield substantial gains. Adjust your mindset and keep hustling! Focus on long-term strategies rather than quick wins for sustained success in the crypto market. #Write2Earn! #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #BinanceTournament #Megadrop #altcoins
Losing interest during a bear market means missing out on buying the dip. Many retail investors chase quick profits, often resulting in losses. Investing in low-quality coins usually means losing your money unless you're extraordinarily lucky.
Most investors need to trust the process. In crypto, sprinting never works; it’s a marathon. Consistently earning even a 5% daily profit can double your capital in just 20 days. A disciplined approach to spot trading over this period can yield substantial gains.
Adjust your mindset and keep hustling! Focus on long-term strategies rather than quick wins for sustained success in the crypto market.
#Write2Earn! #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions #BinanceTournament #Megadrop #altcoins
$SOL - Price update: 25-06 150$ ✅ --> +12% up from my last views. The current price is bullish on the short term, but there is a huge resistance to be break at 152.5 - 154$. The HTF price remain pretty neutral & it could move sideway for some weeks more. Regarding the current price action; I see a double top possible on the H4 view & another rejection to come 📉🚨 [Last chart] In my opinion the price will retest the 140 - 135$ support zone again. Upper key resistence: 158 - 160$ & downtrend. I remain bullish for the mid term. #SOL #Crypto_Jobs🎯 #SolanaUSTD #Dyor2024 #BTC☀
$SOL - Price update: 25-06
150$ ✅ --> +12% up from my last views.
The current price is bullish on the short term, but there is a huge resistance to be break at 152.5 - 154$.
The HTF price remain pretty neutral & it could move sideway for some weeks more.
Regarding the current price action; I see a double top possible on the H4 view & another rejection to come 📉🚨 [Last chart]
In my opinion the price will retest the 140 - 135$ support zone again.
Upper key resistence: 158 - 160$ & downtrend.
I remain bullish for the mid term.
#SOL #Crypto_Jobs🎯 #SolanaUSTD #Dyor2024 #BTC☀
Shiba Inu: Most Holders Can Resign From Usual Work If SHIB Rises 100,000% Shiba Inu boasts an army of 1.3 million investors worldwide and the majority of them come from working class backgrounds. Only a handful of them are whales who invest millions in SHIB and its price tanks when they press the ‘sell’ button. More than 1 million SHIB holders share the same dream of resigning from their jobs and leading a life of financial freedom. The token made early investors earn millions as it spiked 85,000,000% (85 million percent) between 2020 and 2021. The same is not being replicated and has only gone downhill in the last two and a half years.Shiba Inu is currently trading at the $0.000001 mark in the indices on Sunday. The majority of investors want the token to reach the 1-cent mark, and it’s the only way for them to achieve their financial dreams. No other financial investment can bring them closer to their dreams. If SHIB rises 100,000% from today, its price will straight away reach the $0.01 milestone (1 Cent). Therefore, present-day investors could get to earn more than $1 million in profits if the scenario plays out. Mass resignation letters from employees around the world will be submitted to their respective employers. Who would want to work for a living in an office when your bank account gets filled with millions of dollars? Since SHIB is available for less than a Cent, the average investor is drawn towards the token for its affordability. It gives them hope that they too can make millions if the token rises in the charts. Its current price does not burn a hole in the pockets of accumulated moderately. If Shiba Inu reaches $0.01 maybe in the next 20 years, the workforce could experience 1 million resignations in a month. DYOR/ NFA 
Shiba Inu: Most Holders Can Resign From Usual Work If SHIB Rises 100,000%
Shiba Inu boasts an army of 1.3 million investors worldwide and the majority of them come from working class backgrounds. Only a handful of them are whales who invest millions in SHIB and its price tanks when they press the ‘sell’ button. More than 1 million SHIB holders share the same dream of resigning from their jobs and leading a life of financial freedom.
The token made early investors earn millions as it spiked 85,000,000% (85 million percent) between 2020 and 2021. The same is not being replicated and has only gone downhill in the last two and a half years.Shiba Inu is currently trading at the $0.000001 mark in the indices on Sunday. The majority of investors want the token to reach the 1-cent mark, and it’s the only way for them to achieve their financial dreams. No other financial investment can bring them closer to their dreams.
If SHIB rises 100,000% from today, its price will straight away reach the $0.01 milestone (1 Cent). Therefore, present-day investors could get to earn more than $1 million in profits if the scenario plays out.
Mass resignation letters from employees around the world will be submitted to their respective employers. Who would want to work for a living in an office when your bank account gets filled with millions of dollars?
Since SHIB is available for less than a Cent, the average investor is drawn towards the token for its affordability. It gives them hope that they too can make millions if the token rises in the charts.
Its current price does not burn a hole in the pockets of accumulated moderately. If Shiba Inu reaches $0.01 maybe in the next 20 years, the workforce could experience 1 million resignations in a month.
💥💥💥 #Toncoin (TON) to Hit $8 If This Happens, Shiba Inu (SHIB) Is Anemic: Is It Good or Bad Thing? Bitcoin (BTC) at Pivotal Moment Reaching $63,000 1. Toncoin (TON) Outlook Resilience Amid Market Decline: - Toncoin (TON) remains strong despite a bear market, largely due to its integration with Telegram, which supports its growth. Trading at around $7.69, Toncoin is showing positive technical signs. The 50, 100, and 200-day EMAs are all bullish, suggesting an ongoing upward trend. Breaking the resistance at $7.81 could push the price towards $8, indicating strong bullish momentum. Volume analysis supports this, and the RSI at 57 suggests further room for growth before reaching overbought conditions. 2. Shiba Inu ($SHIB ) Performance Diminished Volatility: - Shiba Inu (SHIB) is trading around $0.000017, with minimal movement due to market risk aversion. The weak performance reflects broader #MarketTrends , with reduced trading volumes and low RSI at 34. SHIB struggles to break out of its range, with resistance at the 50, 100, and 200-day EMAs. 3. Bitcoin (BTC) Update Positive Reversal: - #bitcoin☀️ has recently surpassed $63,000, indicating a potential upward reversal from its previous drop to $58,000. This positive movement could boost overall market sentiment. Summary: Toncoin shows resilience and bullish indicators, Shiba Inu is struggling with low volatility, and Bitcoin’s recent gains suggest a positive shift in market sentiment. Source - #CryptoMarkets #BinanceSquareBTC
💥💥💥 #Toncoin (TON) to Hit $8 If This Happens, Shiba Inu (SHIB) Is Anemic: Is It Good or Bad Thing? Bitcoin (BTC) at Pivotal Moment Reaching $63,000
1. Toncoin (TON) Outlook
Resilience Amid Market Decline:
- Toncoin (TON) remains strong despite a bear market, largely due to its integration with Telegram, which supports its growth. Trading at around $7.69, Toncoin is showing positive technical signs. The 50, 100, and 200-day EMAs are all bullish, suggesting an ongoing upward trend. Breaking the resistance at $7.81 could push the price towards $8, indicating strong bullish momentum. Volume analysis supports this, and the RSI at 57 suggests further room for growth before reaching overbought conditions.
2. Shiba Inu ($SHIB ) Performance
Diminished Volatility:
- Shiba Inu (SHIB) is trading around $0.000017, with minimal movement due to market risk aversion. The weak performance reflects broader #MarketTrends , with reduced trading volumes and low RSI at 34. SHIB struggles to break out of its range, with resistance at the 50, 100, and 200-day EMAs.
3. Bitcoin (BTC) Update
Positive Reversal:
- #bitcoin☀️ has recently surpassed $63,000, indicating a potential upward reversal from its previous drop to $58,000. This positive movement could boost overall market sentiment.
Toncoin shows resilience and bullish indicators, Shiba Inu is struggling with low volatility, and Bitcoin’s recent gains suggest a positive shift in market sentiment.
Source -
#CryptoMarkets #BinanceSquareBTC
Daring Crypto Predictions for 2024!🤑🚀 - **$SHIB **: $5 - **$PEPE **: $39 - **$XRP **: $2000 - **$LUNC **: $732 - **$DOGE **: $2502 Avoid the trap of investing in low-value coins based on pure speculation. Equip yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions. 📚💡 Join the conversation! Have you seen similar speculative content? Share your experiences below
Daring Crypto Predictions for 2024!🤑🚀
- **$SHIB **: $5
- **$PEPE **: $39
- **$XRP **: $2000
- **$LUNC **: $732
- **$DOGE **: $2502
Avoid the trap of investing in low-value coins based on pure speculation. Equip yourself with knowledge and make informed decisions. 📚💡
Join the conversation! Have you seen similar speculative content? Share your experiences below
Earn $50 Daily on Binance: A Practical Strategy** Achieving daily profits on the Binance platform can be feasible with the right approach. Here’s a clear strategy to help you potentially earn $50 every day: Day Trading Day trading requires you to actively monitor the market and execute buy and sell trades within the same day. To implement this strategy effectively, start with thorough research and analysis. Use both technical and fundamental analysis to understand market trends. Select trading pairs with high liquidity and significant daily price fluctuations, such as BTC/USDT or ETH/USDT. Determine your entry and exit points using indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and MACD. Bot Trading For those who cannot constantly monitor the market, bot trading offers a viable alternative. Choose a reliable trading bot, such as 3Commas or HaasOnline, and program it to follow specific strategies based on technical analysis or grid trading. Regularly monitor the bot’s performance and adjust the strategies as necessary to ensure it continues to meet your trading goals. Participating in Promotions and Competitions Binance frequently offers promotions and contests that can be additional sources of earnings. Stay updated with Binance announcements to participate in these competitions and take advantage of various offers. Utilize promotions like deposit bonuses.
Earn $50 Daily on Binance: A Practical Strategy**
Achieving daily profits on the Binance platform can be feasible with the right approach. Here’s a clear strategy to help you potentially earn $50 every day:
Day Trading
Day trading requires you to actively monitor the market and execute buy and sell trades within the same day. To implement this strategy effectively, start with thorough research and analysis. Use both technical and fundamental analysis to understand market trends. Select trading pairs with high liquidity and significant daily price fluctuations, such as BTC/USDT or ETH/USDT. Determine your entry and exit points using indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and MACD.
Bot Trading
For those who cannot constantly monitor the market, bot trading offers a viable alternative. Choose a reliable trading bot, such as 3Commas or HaasOnline, and program it to follow specific strategies based on technical analysis or grid trading. Regularly monitor the bot’s performance and adjust the strategies as necessary to ensure it continues to meet your trading goals.
Participating in Promotions and Competitions
Binance frequently offers promotions and contests that can be additional sources of earnings. Stay updated with Binance announcements to participate in these competitions and take advantage of various offers. Utilize promotions like deposit bonuses.
Historically, crypto bull runs last around 18 months following a halving event. The most recent halving occurred 2.5 months ago. This means the next 15 months could be extraordinary and offer significant financial opportunities, but positioning yourself in the market is crucial. In the upcoming months, I will share my exit strategy and guide you on maximizing profits during a bull run. I will teach you how to leverage this bull run to create substantial wealth, potentially enough to retire your entire family. We will navigate this journey together and achieve these goals as a team! #Write2Earn! #TipMeAndRich #altcoins #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
Historically, crypto bull runs last around 18 months following a halving event. The most recent halving occurred 2.5 months ago. This means the next 15 months could be extraordinary and offer significant financial opportunities, but positioning yourself in the market is crucial.
In the upcoming months, I will share my exit strategy and guide you on maximizing profits during a bull run.
I will teach you how to leverage this bull run to create substantial wealth, potentially enough to retire your entire family.
We will navigate this journey together and achieve these goals as a team!
#Write2Earn! #TipMeAndRich #altcoins #BinanceTournament #Megadrop
Which #crypto would you invest $5000 #Usdt in right now and HOLD till end of year? 💎 #Bitcoin    💎 #BNB    💎 #ETH 💎#BabyShib 💎#XRP 💎#ADA 💎#MATIC 💎#DORKL 💎 #SHIDO 💎 #PNDC
Which #crypto would you invest $5000 #Usdt in right now and HOLD till end of year?
💎 #Bitcoin   
💎 #BNB   
💎 #ETH
$LTC Litecoin is preparing for a Falling Wedge breakout on the daily timeframe Successful breakout could push $LTC towards $110 and beyond in the midterm📈 TG_IsadoraaDuncan #litecoin #write2earn #binance
Litecoin is preparing for a Falling Wedge breakout on the daily timeframe
Successful breakout could push $LTC towards $110 and beyond in the midterm📈

#litecoin #write2earn #binance
HIGH ALERT 🚨🚨 Coins at Risk of Delisting Binance has recently updated its watchlist, indicating a higher probability of delisting for certain coins. The cryptocurrencies added to this list include $BAL, $CTXC, $CVP, $CVX, $DOCK, $HARD, $IRIS, $MBL, $POLS, $SNT, and $SUN. This move signals increased scrutiny and potential removal from the exchange. In contrast, Binance has removed $MLN and $ZEN from the watchlist, suggesting a reduction in the risk of these coins being delisted. This update reflects the dynamic nature of Binance's monitoring and assessment of digital assets. Investors holding any of the newly added watchlist coins should exercise caution and stay informed about the latest developments. #alert #altcoins #CPIAlert #Write2Earn! #BinanceTournament
Coins at Risk of Delisting
Binance has recently updated its watchlist, indicating a higher probability of delisting for certain coins. The cryptocurrencies added to this list include $BAL, $CTXC, $CVP, $CVX, $DOCK, $HARD, $IRIS, $MBL, $POLS, $SNT, and $SUN. This move signals increased scrutiny and potential removal from the exchange.
In contrast, Binance has removed $MLN and $ZEN from the watchlist, suggesting a reduction in the risk of these coins being delisted. This update reflects the dynamic nature of Binance's monitoring and assessment of digital assets.
Investors holding any of the newly added watchlist coins should exercise caution and stay informed about the latest developments.
#alert #altcoins #CPIAlert #Write2Earn! #BinanceTournament
☄️☄️ FREE SIGNAL ☄️☄️ Buy pyth/usdt coin between $0.30 - $0.34 Current Price $0.32 Selling Targets $0.36 - $0.41 - $0.45 - $0.53 - $0.66 - $0.85+ Signal type . Short term Signal strength ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Highly chances of good Profit in short term Stop Loss ... $0.27
☄️☄️ FREE SIGNAL ☄️☄️

Buy pyth/usdt coin between $0.30 - $0.34

Current Price $0.32

Selling Targets
$0.36 - $0.41 - $0.45 - $0.53 - $0.66 - $0.85+

Signal type . Short term
Signal strength ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Highly chances of good Profit in short term

Stop Loss ... $0.27
$BOME appears to be performing well according to the charts. It may soon reach our next target of $0.028 in a relatively short period of time. $SHIB and $FLOKI are also expected to establish a strong presence. In the past, we've seen 13x gains on it. #memecoins
$BOME appears to be performing well according to the charts. It may soon reach our next target of $0.028 in a relatively short period of time. $SHIB and $FLOKI are also expected to establish a strong presence.
In the past, we've seen 13x gains on it.
Is it true that PEPE can increase ten thousand times? Many have seen or heard claims that PEPE is set to increase a hundredfold, a thousandfold, or even ten thousandfold. Some say it’s the only coin with the potential to achieve such growth! PEPE coin’s appeal lies in its straightforward token economics, devoid of complex pre-sales, burn mechanisms, taxes, and other convoluted processes, setting it apart from the intricate models of many other meme coins. PEPE aims to surpass the "dog-themed" meme coins and become the new leader in the meme coin arena. For more insights into cryptocurrency investment, visit my homepage! Predicting the future of PEPE coin is challenging due to the inherent volatility and unpredictability of the cryptocurrency market. The success of PEPE will hinge on numerous factors, including community support, market acceptance, technological advancements, and regulatory changes. #Pepe #megadrop #memecoin
Is it true that PEPE can increase ten thousand times?
Many have seen or heard claims that PEPE is set to increase a hundredfold, a thousandfold, or even ten thousandfold. Some say it’s the only coin with the potential to achieve such growth!
PEPE coin’s appeal lies in its straightforward token economics, devoid of complex pre-sales, burn mechanisms, taxes, and other convoluted processes, setting it apart from the intricate models of many other meme coins. PEPE aims to surpass the "dog-themed" meme coins and become the new leader in the meme coin arena.
For more insights into cryptocurrency investment, visit my homepage!
Predicting the future of PEPE coin is challenging due to the inherent volatility and unpredictability of the cryptocurrency market. The success of PEPE will hinge on numerous factors, including community support, market acceptance, technological advancements, and regulatory changes.
#Pepe #megadrop #memecoin
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