Binance Square
Sharing Binance announcements, Crypto news and analysis
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🚨🚨🚨 Bitcoin $BTC , pasar kripto akan rebound pada bulan Agustus, kata JPMorgan 🚨🚨🚨 JPMorgan mengatakan pasar kripto akan mengalami peningkatan yang layak mulai bulan Agustus, tetapi telah mengurangi arus bersih tahun ini dari $12 miliar menjadi $8 miliar. Analis di bank tersebut membagikan perkiraan baru untuk kripto dalam sebuah catatan penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa pasar kripto akan melihat likuidasi mulai mereda bulan ini.  Proyeksi bullish dari raksasa Wall Street ini muncul ketika pasar kripto terus berada di zona merah setelah bulan Juni yang sangat brutal. Harga Bitcoin, yang mencapai level tertinggi $73,000 pada bulan Maret, turun drastis bulan lalu di tengah tekanan jual. Katalis penurunan ini termasuk pembongkaran BTC oleh penambang setelah imbalan jaringan dikurangi setengahnya pasca-separuh, dan dumping baru-baru ini dari pemerintah Jerman. Pasar juga bereaksi tajam terhadap berita pembayaran kembali Mt.Gox dalam waktu dekat. BTC saat ini diperdagangkan sekitar $57,330, turun lebih dari 13% dalam sebulan terakhir. Dalam beberapa minggu terakhir, Bitcoin telah berada di dekat zona support, dengan analis menyarankan bahwa penurunan dapat menargetkan area $50,000. JPMorgan merevisi perkiraan aliran bersih Dalam catatan penelitiannya kepada investor, analis JPMorgan mengatakan likuidasi kemungkinan akan berkurang secara signifikan pada akhir Juli. Setelahnya, Bitcoin dan pasar kripto yang lebih luas mungkin mulai meningkat. Namun, JPMorgan telah merevisi perkiraan aliran bersihnya menjadi $8 miliar, menyatakan skeptisisme terhadap proyeksi sebelumnya sebesar $12 miliar. Selain harga BTC yang relatif tinggi dibandingkan biaya produksi dan emas, analis bank juga menyoroti penurunan cadangan devisa dan tekanan jual yang lebih luas sebagai alasan utama. Penurunan cadangan Bitcoin dapat disebabkan oleh likuidasi, terutama oleh kreditor Gemini atau Mt. Gox. Selain itu, pembuangan besar-besaran oleh pemerintah Jerman, yang menampung 50,000 BTC yang disita dari situs pembajakan, telah menjual sebagian besarnya selama beberapa minggu terakhir. #BTC☀ #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily
🚨🚨🚨 Bitcoin $BTC , pasar kripto akan rebound pada bulan Agustus, kata JPMorgan 🚨🚨🚨

JPMorgan mengatakan pasar kripto akan mengalami peningkatan yang layak mulai bulan Agustus, tetapi telah mengurangi arus bersih tahun ini dari $12 miliar menjadi $8 miliar.

Analis di bank tersebut membagikan perkiraan baru untuk kripto dalam sebuah catatan penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa pasar kripto akan melihat likuidasi mulai mereda bulan ini.  Proyeksi bullish dari raksasa Wall Street ini muncul ketika pasar kripto terus berada di zona merah setelah bulan Juni yang sangat brutal.

Harga Bitcoin, yang mencapai level tertinggi $73,000 pada bulan Maret, turun drastis bulan lalu di tengah tekanan jual.

Katalis penurunan ini termasuk pembongkaran BTC oleh penambang setelah imbalan jaringan dikurangi setengahnya pasca-separuh, dan dumping baru-baru ini dari pemerintah Jerman. Pasar juga bereaksi tajam terhadap berita pembayaran kembali Mt.Gox dalam waktu dekat.

BTC saat ini diperdagangkan sekitar $57,330, turun lebih dari 13% dalam sebulan terakhir. Dalam beberapa minggu terakhir, Bitcoin telah berada di dekat zona support, dengan analis menyarankan bahwa penurunan dapat menargetkan area $50,000.

JPMorgan merevisi perkiraan aliran bersih

Dalam catatan penelitiannya kepada investor, analis JPMorgan mengatakan likuidasi kemungkinan akan berkurang secara signifikan pada akhir Juli. Setelahnya, Bitcoin dan pasar kripto yang lebih luas mungkin mulai meningkat.

Namun, JPMorgan telah merevisi perkiraan aliran bersihnya menjadi $8 miliar, menyatakan skeptisisme terhadap proyeksi sebelumnya sebesar $12 miliar. Selain harga BTC yang relatif tinggi dibandingkan biaya produksi dan emas, analis bank juga menyoroti penurunan cadangan devisa dan tekanan jual yang lebih luas sebagai alasan utama.

Penurunan cadangan Bitcoin dapat disebabkan oleh likuidasi, terutama oleh kreditor Gemini atau Mt. Gox. Selain itu, pembuangan besar-besaran oleh pemerintah Jerman, yang menampung 50,000 BTC yang disita dari situs pembajakan, telah menjual sebagian besarnya selama beberapa minggu terakhir.

#BTC☀ #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily
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Penjualan $BTC Jerman hampir berakhir dengan hanya 4,925 Bitcoin yang tersisa untuk ditransfer Otoritas Jerman menjual 10,567 BTC senilai $600 juta hari ini, berkontribusi signifikan terhadap penurunan harga Bitcoin sebesar 18% selama sebulan terakhir, bersamaan dengan aksi jual dari Mt. Gox dan Genesis Trading. Pada pukul 13.00. EST, Kamis, 11 Juli, dompet yang terkait dengan otoritas Jerman menyimpan sisa 4,925 BTC, saat ini bernilai $285 juta. Ini menandai penurunan lebih dari 90% pada BTC yang dimiliki, turun dari 50,000 BTC senilai hampir $3 miliar ketika mereka mulai menjual aset tersebut tiga minggu lalu. BTC telah terkoreksi sekitar 18% sejak Jerman memulai likuidasi Bitcoin mereka. Dompet Bitcoin otoritas Jerman mentransfer 10,567 BTC senilai lebih dari $600 juta hari ini ke bursa seperti Bitstamp, Coinbase, dan Kraken, serta penyedia layanan lainnya, menurut data blockchain dari Arkham Intelligence. Sebelumnya pada bulan Juni, melaporkan bahwa Kantor Polisi Kriminal Federal Jerman (BKA) awalnya menyita sekitar 50,000 BTC dari operator situs film pembajakan populer pada tahun 2013. BKA memperoleh Bitcoin pada pertengahan Januari setelah menerima “ transfer sukarela” dari para tersangka. Ketakutan akan aksi jual Meskipun Jerman tampaknya mendekati akhir aksi jualnya, entitas lain masih perlu menjual BTC mereka.  Gunung Gox, yang merupakan salah satu bursa Bitcoin terbesar hingga bangkrut pada tahun 2014, mulai membayar kembali krediturnya setelah proses selama satu dekade. Pembayaran ini melibatkan lebih dari 140,000 BTC, 143,000 Bitcoin Cash, dan 69 miliar yen Jepang, dengan total sekitar $9 miliar. Banyak analis khawatir bahwa peningkatan pasokan BTC yang tidak terduga di pasar akan menyebabkan tekanan penurunan harga yang signifikan. Mereka takut banyak kreditor akan menjual kepemilikannya untuk mengunci keuntungan. Menambah tekanan, Genesis Trading juga aktif menjual BTC selama sebulan terakhir. Berkontribusi pada meningkatnya tekanan jual di pasar. #BTC☀ #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily
Penjualan $BTC Jerman hampir berakhir dengan hanya 4,925 Bitcoin yang tersisa untuk ditransfer

Otoritas Jerman menjual 10,567 BTC senilai $600 juta hari ini, berkontribusi signifikan terhadap penurunan harga Bitcoin sebesar 18% selama sebulan terakhir, bersamaan dengan aksi jual dari Mt. Gox dan Genesis Trading.

Pada pukul 13.00. EST, Kamis, 11 Juli, dompet yang terkait dengan otoritas Jerman menyimpan sisa 4,925 BTC, saat ini bernilai $285 juta. Ini menandai penurunan lebih dari 90% pada BTC yang dimiliki, turun dari 50,000 BTC senilai hampir $3 miliar ketika mereka mulai menjual aset tersebut tiga minggu lalu. BTC telah terkoreksi sekitar 18% sejak Jerman memulai likuidasi Bitcoin mereka.

Dompet Bitcoin otoritas Jerman mentransfer 10,567 BTC senilai lebih dari $600 juta hari ini ke bursa seperti Bitstamp, Coinbase, dan Kraken, serta penyedia layanan lainnya, menurut data blockchain dari Arkham Intelligence.

Sebelumnya pada bulan Juni, melaporkan bahwa Kantor Polisi Kriminal Federal Jerman (BKA) awalnya menyita sekitar 50,000 BTC dari operator situs film pembajakan populer pada tahun 2013. BKA memperoleh Bitcoin pada pertengahan Januari setelah menerima “ transfer sukarela” dari para tersangka.

Ketakutan akan aksi jual

Meskipun Jerman tampaknya mendekati akhir aksi jualnya, entitas lain masih perlu menjual BTC mereka. 

Gunung Gox, yang merupakan salah satu bursa Bitcoin terbesar hingga bangkrut pada tahun 2014, mulai membayar kembali krediturnya setelah proses selama satu dekade. Pembayaran ini melibatkan lebih dari 140,000 BTC, 143,000 Bitcoin Cash, dan 69 miliar yen Jepang, dengan total sekitar $9 miliar.

Banyak analis khawatir bahwa peningkatan pasokan BTC yang tidak terduga di pasar akan menyebabkan tekanan penurunan harga yang signifikan. Mereka takut banyak kreditor akan menjual kepemilikannya untuk mengunci keuntungan.

Menambah tekanan, Genesis Trading juga aktif menjual BTC selama sebulan terakhir. Berkontribusi pada meningkatnya tekanan jual di pasar.
#BTC☀ #CryptoNewss #BinanceSquareFamily
Lihat asli
Mengapa Harga Bitcoin $BTC Turun?🔎 Harga Bitcoin $BTC turun hingga $56,355 pada saat penulisan. Volatilitas sangat tinggi. Alasan terbesarnya adalah penjualan BTC yang sedang berlangsung di Jerman. Lalu apa yang memicu penurunan ini dalam beberapa jam terakhir? Berikut detailnya. 50.000 BTC yang disita oleh pemerintah Jerman telah lama dijual sebagian. Selera risiko investor terkena dampak negatif secara signifikan karena alarm on-chain berbunyi seiring dengan transfer yang berkelanjutan. Kabar baiknya adalah setengah dari total cadangan dicairkan melalui penjualan institusi terbaru yang dilakukan oleh BKA pemerintah Jerman. Tekanan jual yang intens dalam jangka pendek di pasar mungkin melemah setelah sisa BTC juga dijual. Namun, kita harus melihat detailnya bahwa pengembalian MTGOX akan lambat. – Lacak pergerakan transfer BTC menuju bursa. – Perhatikan program penjualan pemerintah Jerman. – Amati waktu pengembalian MTGOX dan sesuaikan strategi Anda. #BTC☀ #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss #EarnFreeCrypto2024 {future}(BTCUSDT)
Mengapa Harga Bitcoin $BTC Turun?🔎

Harga Bitcoin $BTC turun hingga $56,355 pada saat penulisan. Volatilitas sangat tinggi. Alasan terbesarnya adalah penjualan BTC yang sedang berlangsung di Jerman. Lalu apa yang memicu penurunan ini dalam beberapa jam terakhir? Berikut detailnya.

50.000 BTC yang disita oleh pemerintah Jerman telah lama dijual sebagian. Selera risiko investor terkena dampak negatif secara signifikan karena alarm on-chain berbunyi seiring dengan transfer yang berkelanjutan. Kabar baiknya adalah setengah dari total cadangan dicairkan melalui penjualan institusi terbaru yang dilakukan oleh BKA pemerintah Jerman.

Tekanan jual yang intens dalam jangka pendek di pasar mungkin melemah setelah sisa BTC juga dijual. Namun, kita harus melihat detailnya bahwa pengembalian MTGOX akan lambat.

– Lacak pergerakan transfer BTC menuju bursa.
– Perhatikan program penjualan pemerintah Jerman.
– Amati waktu pengembalian MTGOX dan sesuaikan strategi Anda.

#BTC☀ #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss #EarnFreeCrypto2024
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions
PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
🔸 News 🚨🚨🚨 With HODLer Airdrops, Binance will distribute airdrop tokens to users who have subscribed to their $BNB via Simple Earn Flexible and/or Locked. 🔸 How to benefit from HODLer Airdrops? Subscribe to your #BNB via Simple Earn Flexible and/or Locked. Wait for your rewards 🎁 Each time Binance launches a HODLer Airdrop, a snapshot of your $BNB balances will be automatically (and randomly) taken in order to assess the rewards you will be eligible for. The airdrop tokens will be directly paid into your Spot wallet, before being listed on Binance. That's right, if you have BNB on Simple Earn, rewards will automatically arrive in your wallet, without any additional action on your part. #BNB_Market_Update #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss
🔸 News 🚨🚨🚨
With HODLer Airdrops, Binance will distribute airdrop tokens to users who have subscribed to their $BNB via Simple Earn Flexible and/or Locked.
🔸 How to benefit from HODLer Airdrops?
Subscribe to your #BNB via Simple Earn Flexible and/or Locked.
Wait for your rewards 🎁
Each time Binance launches a HODLer Airdrop, a snapshot of your $BNB balances will be automatically (and randomly) taken in order to assess the rewards you will be eligible for.
The airdrop tokens will be directly paid into your Spot wallet, before being listed on Binance.
That's right, if you have BNB on Simple Earn, rewards will automatically arrive in your wallet, without any additional action on your part.

#BNB_Market_Update #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of $BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @lista_dao Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
$SOL Solana jumps 8% as VanEck files first SOL ETF bid Wealth Manager VanEck has moved to expand its crypto-related suite of offerings with a Solana trust. Spot Bitcoin ($BTC ) ETF Issuer and asset manager VanEck submitted the first-ever bid for a Solana (SOL) exchange-traded fund in the U.S., per a Thursday filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CoinMarketCap data showed that the price of SOL surged over 8% shortly after the news broke. According to the document, the so-called VanEck Solana Trust will track and reflect the performance of SOL prices as the firm attempts to foray deeper into crypto-backed investment vehicles. Similar to update prospectus submissions for spot Ethereum ($ETH ) ETFs, VanEck’s filing stressed the absence of staking for its Solana Trust.  “Neither the Trust nor the Sponsor, the SOL Custodian, or any other person associated with the Trust will, directly or indirectly, engage in any action where any portion of the Trust’s SOL is used to earn staking rewards, to earn additional SOL or to generate income or other earnings.” read the June 27 SEC filing.  In a statement regarding the application, Matthew Sigel also challenged assertions from the SEC, although indirect, and Michael Saylor’s view that SOL is an unregistered security. Sigel argued that Solana is a commodity just like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Was a Solana ETF inevitable? VanEck likely included this language to comply with perceived SEC direction, which currently leans toward classifying staking activities under federal securities laws. The filing comes ahead of widely anticipated approvals for spot Ether ETFs after the successful launch of several Bitcoin counterparts in January.  Also, VanEck’s application reaffirmed remarks from analysts and industry leaders like Solana co-founder Raj Gokal and Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse, who both said a SOL ETF was merely a matter of time. #SolanaUSTD #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss {future}(SOLUSDT)
$SOL Solana jumps 8% as VanEck files first SOL ETF bid

Wealth Manager VanEck has moved to expand its crypto-related suite of offerings with a Solana trust.

Spot Bitcoin ($BTC ) ETF Issuer and asset manager VanEck submitted the first-ever bid for a Solana (SOL) exchange-traded fund in the U.S., per a Thursday filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CoinMarketCap data showed that the price of SOL surged over 8% shortly after the news broke.

According to the document, the so-called VanEck Solana Trust will track and reflect the performance of SOL prices as the firm attempts to foray deeper into crypto-backed investment vehicles. Similar to update prospectus submissions for spot Ethereum ($ETH ) ETFs, VanEck’s filing stressed the absence of staking for its Solana Trust. 

“Neither the Trust nor the Sponsor, the SOL Custodian, or any other person associated with the Trust will, directly or indirectly, engage in any action where any portion of the Trust’s SOL is used to earn staking rewards, to earn additional SOL or to generate income or other earnings.” read the June 27 SEC filing. 

In a statement regarding the application, Matthew Sigel also
challenged assertions from the SEC, although indirect, and Michael Saylor’s view that SOL is an unregistered security. Sigel argued that Solana is a commodity just like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Was a Solana ETF inevitable?

VanEck likely included this language to comply with perceived SEC direction, which currently leans toward classifying staking activities under federal securities laws. The filing comes ahead of widely anticipated approvals for spot Ether ETFs after the successful launch of several Bitcoin counterparts in January. 

Also, VanEck’s application reaffirmed remarks from analysts
and industry leaders like Solana co-founder Raj Gokal and Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse, who both said a SOL ETF was merely a matter of time.

#SolanaUSTD #VanEck_SOL_ETFS #BinanceSquareFamily #CryptoNewss
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST. The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.
The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.
#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking $LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits Benefits for Lista Holders: -Listapie IDO Quota -Early-Stage Project Investments -Voting Rights -Choosing Collateral Types -Deciding Token Emission Strategies -Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues Future Prospects for slisBNB: -slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications. Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking: -Key player in DeFi -Permissionless Liquid Staking -Stablecoin Lending Solutions PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends. #Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao @lista_dao
#ListaNewEra a is here 🚨🚨🚨Unlocking the Power of LISTA: Benefits, Prospects, and Future of Liquidity Staking

$LISTA DAO is an open-source decentralized stablecoin lending protocol and a liquidity hub for LSDfi on the BNB Smart Chain. Users can stake their BNB liquidity on Lista to mint slisBNB, or borrow lisUSD with various decentralized collateralized assets and their associated LST.The $LISTA token is the governance token of the Lista DAO, which was officially listed on Binance on June 20, 2024. As a core governance tool, LISTA token holders play a vital role in the future development of the @ListaDAO Key Features & Benefits

Benefits for Lista Holders:
-Listapie IDO Quota
-Early-Stage Project Investments
-Voting Rights
-Choosing Collateral Types
-Deciding Token Emission Strategies
-Convert Lista to veLISTA for protocol revenues

Future Prospects for slisBNB:
-slisBNB is a staking token of BNB with interest and liquidity. Currently, 394,000 BNB (2.25 billion USD) is staked. It has high potential for expansion within the BSC ecosystem and practical applications.

Future of Lista DAO in Liquidity Staking:
-Key player in DeFi
-Permissionless Liquid Staking
-Stablecoin Lending Solutions

PS: Dont forget to comment/like and share with your friends.

#Lista #ListaNewEra #CryptoNewss #ListaDao
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