Binance Square
i just do crypto things
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Masa Depan DeFiDecentralized Finance (DeFi) telah muncul sebagai salah satu inovasi yang paling transformatif dan disruptif dalam industri keuangan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Dibangun di atas teknologi blockchain, DeFi bertujuan untuk menciptakan kembali sistem keuangan tradisional seperti perbankan, pinjaman, dan perdagangan, tetapi dengan cara yang terdesentralisasi dan tanpa izin.Salah satu fitur utama DeFi adalah kemampuannya untuk menghilangkan kebutuhan akan perantara, seperti bank, dengan memungkinkan pengguna berinteraksi dengan layanan keuangan secara langsung melalui kontrak pintar. Hal ini tidak hanya mengurangi biaya tetapi juga meningkatkan kecepatan dan efisiensi transaksi.

Masa Depan DeFi

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) telah muncul sebagai salah satu inovasi yang paling transformatif dan disruptif dalam industri keuangan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Dibangun di atas teknologi blockchain, DeFi bertujuan untuk menciptakan kembali sistem keuangan tradisional seperti perbankan, pinjaman, dan perdagangan, tetapi dengan cara yang terdesentralisasi dan tanpa izin.Salah satu fitur utama DeFi adalah kemampuannya untuk menghilangkan kebutuhan akan perantara, seperti bank, dengan memungkinkan pengguna berinteraksi dengan layanan keuangan secara langsung melalui kontrak pintar. Hal ini tidak hanya mengurangi biaya tetapi juga meningkatkan kecepatan dan efisiensi transaksi.
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‼️‼️Standard Chartered Memprediksi Reli Bitcoin‼️‼️ Menurut laporan The Block, analis di Standard Chartered memperkirakan reli Bitcoin yang signifikan menyusul pemangkasan suku bunga Federal Reserve baru-baru ini. Kondisi ekonomi makro yang membaik dan meningkatnya investasi dalam ETF Bitcoin diharapkan dapat mendorong pertumbuhan yang stabil di pasar mata uang kripto. Prediksi menunjukkan bahwa Bitcoin dapat mencapai $125.000 jika Trump menang dan $75.000 jika Harris memenangkan pemilihan AS mendatang. Meskipun ada kekhawatiran tentang terbatasnya permintaan baru, dominasi Bitcoin telah melonjak ke titik tertinggi sejak 2021, menandakan kepercayaan investor yang kuat. Sumber: The Block #Bitcoin❗ #Crypto#StandardChartered#FedRateCut#MarketAnalysis #BullRun
‼️‼️Standard Chartered Memprediksi Reli Bitcoin‼️‼️

Menurut laporan The Block, analis di Standard Chartered memperkirakan reli Bitcoin yang signifikan menyusul pemangkasan suku bunga Federal Reserve baru-baru ini. Kondisi ekonomi makro yang membaik dan meningkatnya investasi dalam ETF Bitcoin diharapkan dapat mendorong pertumbuhan yang stabil di pasar mata uang kripto. Prediksi menunjukkan bahwa Bitcoin dapat mencapai $125.000 jika Trump menang dan $75.000 jika Harris memenangkan pemilihan AS mendatang.

Meskipun ada kekhawatiran tentang terbatasnya permintaan baru, dominasi Bitcoin telah melonjak ke titik tertinggi sejak 2021, menandakan kepercayaan investor yang kuat.

Sumber: The Block

#Bitcoin❗ #Crypto#StandardChartered#FedRateCut#MarketAnalysis #BullRun

bisa jadi menarik dalam jangka panjang.
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mungkin saya harus membuat kompilasi lain tentang altcoin yang menjanjikan tetapi kurang dikenal yang akan membuat Anda kaya? 🤔🤔
mungkin saya harus membuat kompilasi lain tentang altcoin yang menjanjikan tetapi kurang dikenal yang akan membuat Anda kaya? 🤔🤔
mudah +107%
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mudah +107%
mudah +107%
Less-Known Altcoins: Potential Gems in the Cryptocurrency World

In the world of cryptocurrencies, new and promising projects emerge constantly, with the potential to revolutionize the industry. In this article, we will explore a few lesser-known but promising altcoins that have caught the attention of investors.

1. Elrond (EGLD)

Elrond is a high-performance blockchain platform aiming to provide high throughput and low fees. Despite its potential, the project remains somewhat in the shadow of larger players.

2. Ren (REN)

Ren provides decentralized solutions for cross-chain cryptocurrency exchange. This project has the potential to become a key component of decentralized financial infrastructure.

3. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)

Ocean Protocol focuses on decentralized data management and enables the creation of data markets. This project could change the way data is exchanged and monetized.

4. Zilliqa (ZIL)

Zilliqa is a high-throughput platform utilizing sharding technology for transaction processing. With the ability to handle thousands of transactions per second, this project has potential in the realm of decentralized applications.

5. Sora (XOR)

Sora is a platform aimed at creating a decentralized financial network to ensure financial freedom. Its innovative approaches to financial services have garnered attention from experts.


These less-known altcoins represent potential gems in the cryptocurrency world.

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apa yang saya katakan: bitcoin turun nilainya. saya pikir nilainya akan pulih relatif cepat. tetapi berhati-hatilah pada periode sebelum halving, akan ada kejutan yang sangat tidak menyenangkan bagi pemegang bitcoin #btc #bitcoin #halving
apa yang saya katakan: bitcoin turun nilainya. saya pikir nilainya akan pulih relatif cepat. tetapi berhati-hatilah pada periode sebelum halving, akan ada kejutan yang sangat tidak menyenangkan bagi pemegang bitcoin
#btc #bitcoin #halving
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Bank-bank besar AS meminta SEC untuk mengizinkan mereka memperdagangkan ETF bitcoin spot Bank-bank terbesar di AS sedang melobi Komisi Sekuritas dan Bursa AS (SEC) untuk merevisi pedoman aset mata uang kripto untuk memasukkan bank ke dalam kustodian dana yang diperdagangkan di bursa (ETF) bitcoin. Hal ini ditulis oleh FinTech Insider dengan mengacu pada surat kepada pimpinan SEC Gary Gensler. Sebagaimana dicatat dalam surat itu, persetujuan baru-baru ini atas spot bitcoin-ETF tidak termasuk mengizinkan bank untuk menyediakan layanan kustodian. “Komisi baru-baru ini menyetujui 11 spot bitcoin-ETF yang memungkinkan investor mengakses kelas aset ini melalui produk yang diatur. Hal penting yang tidak termasuk dalam produk yang disetujui adalah tidak adanya organisasi perbankan yang berfungsi sebagai kustodian aset, peran yang biasa mereka lakukan di sebagian besar bursa lainnya. produk yang diperdagangkan,” kata surat itu. Surat tersebut meminta SEC untuk mengubah aturan yang memberikan panduan tentang penyimpanan aset cryptocurrency. #btc #bitcoin #ETF
Bank-bank besar AS meminta SEC untuk mengizinkan mereka memperdagangkan ETF bitcoin spot

Bank-bank terbesar di AS sedang melobi Komisi Sekuritas dan Bursa AS (SEC) untuk merevisi pedoman aset mata uang kripto untuk memasukkan bank ke dalam kustodian dana yang diperdagangkan di bursa (ETF) bitcoin. Hal ini ditulis oleh FinTech Insider dengan mengacu pada surat kepada pimpinan SEC Gary Gensler.

Sebagaimana dicatat dalam surat itu, persetujuan baru-baru ini atas spot bitcoin-ETF tidak termasuk mengizinkan bank untuk menyediakan layanan kustodian.

“Komisi baru-baru ini menyetujui 11 spot bitcoin-ETF yang memungkinkan investor mengakses kelas aset ini melalui produk yang diatur. Hal penting yang tidak termasuk dalam produk yang disetujui adalah tidak adanya organisasi perbankan yang berfungsi sebagai kustodian aset, peran yang biasa mereka lakukan di sebagian besar bursa lainnya. produk yang diperdagangkan,” kata surat itu.

Surat tersebut meminta SEC untuk mengubah aturan yang memberikan panduan tentang penyimpanan aset cryptocurrency.
#btc #bitcoin #ETF
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dan saya menyarankan Anda untuk membeli koin ini pada bulan Oktober 😁
dan saya menyarankan Anda untuk membeli koin ini pada bulan Oktober 😁
Less-Known Altcoins: Potential Gems in the Cryptocurrency World

In the world of cryptocurrencies, new and promising projects emerge constantly, with the potential to revolutionize the industry. In this article, we will explore a few lesser-known but promising altcoins that have caught the attention of investors.

1. Elrond (EGLD)

Elrond is a high-performance blockchain platform aiming to provide high throughput and low fees. Despite its potential, the project remains somewhat in the shadow of larger players.

2. Ren (REN)

Ren provides decentralized solutions for cross-chain cryptocurrency exchange. This project has the potential to become a key component of decentralized financial infrastructure.

3. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)

Ocean Protocol focuses on decentralized data management and enables the creation of data markets. This project could change the way data is exchanged and monetized.

4. Zilliqa (ZIL)

Zilliqa is a high-throughput platform utilizing sharding technology for transaction processing. With the ability to handle thousands of transactions per second, this project has potential in the realm of decentralized applications.

5. Sora (XOR)

Sora is a platform aimed at creating a decentralized financial network to ensure financial freedom. Its innovative approaches to financial services have garnered attention from experts.


These less-known altcoins represent potential gems in the cryptocurrency world.

#thoughts Does the thought that bitcoin may fall soon cross your mind? Be careful with your decisions to buy #BTC now... #BTC #FALLING

Does the thought that bitcoin may fall soon cross your mind?
Be careful with your decisions to buy #BTC now...

Petunjuk CEO BlackRock tentang DeFi & Bull-Run! 🚨KERJASAMA LENGKAP🚨
Dalam wawancara baru-baru ini dengan Bloomberg, CEO BlackRock, Larry Fink, memberikan wawasan tentang pasar keuangan dan teknologi dalam ruang kripto yang akan membentuk masa depan. Berikut rincian singkat poin-poin penting dari wawancara tersebut.
Suku Bunga dan Inflasi:
Fink memperkirakan bahwa suku bunga 10 tahun akan mencapai setidaknya 5% atau lebih tinggi. Rick Ryder dari BlackRock berpendapat bahwa Federal Reserve mungkin mulai menurunkan suku bunga pada paruh kedua tahun ini, yang menunjukkan kurangnya urgensi.
Imigrasi dan Upah Tinggi:
Fink menyoroti dampak potensial dari pembatasan imigrasi, yang dapat menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan upah dan pemogokan buruh.
Prediksi Resesi:
Fink mengantisipasi resesi ringan di beberapa negara, khususnya di Eropa. Ia menekankan pentingnya mengelola rasa takut selama krisis ekonomi, karena rasa takut yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan resesi yang lebih berkepanjangan.
Kontrak Cerdas dan Aset yang Diberi Token:
Wawancara tersebut membahas keunggulan kontrak pintar, yang menawarkan keamanan, transparansi, dan efisiensi. Fink berpendapat bahwa teknologi blockchain dan aset yang diberi token memiliki potensi untuk merevolusi industri keuangan, mengatasi masalah seperti kepercayaan dan transparansi.
Pemerintahan dan Regulasi:
Fink menyerukan peraturan pemerintah yang lebih tangkas dan efisien, serta menekankan perlunya proses peninjauan yang lebih cepat. Ia menyoroti pentingnya menjembatani kesenjangan antara sistem keuangan tradisional dan dunia blockchain dan aset digital yang terus berkembang.
Integrasi Stablecoin dan Blockchain:
Wawancara tersebut menggarisbawahi peran penting stablecoin dalam ekonomi digital. Kolaborasi Solana dengan Visa untuk transaksi lintas batas disebut-sebut sebagai perkembangan yang mengubah permainan dalam adopsi blockchain dalam keuangan tradisional.
Masalah Shutdown dan Default:
Fink mengungkapkan kekhawatirannya mengenai potensi penutupan dan gagal bayar (default) pemerintah AS, dan menyoroti dampak buruk yang mungkin ditimbulkannya terhadap perekonomian Amerika.
#DeFiChallenge #DefigoesMainstream
👤 "Fake News about Bitcoin ETF Approval: Market Reaction to Misinformation" In recent days, there has been information circulating about the supposed approval of a Bitcoin ETF, which caused significant excitement within the investment community. However, as it later turned out, this news was fabricated. In this article, we will examine how the market reacted to the false information and how to avoid such situations in the future. 👁️Background Information Let's start by understanding what an ETF is and what advantages they offer to investors. An ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is an exchange-traded fund that tracks a specific index, commodity, bonds, or other assets. The approval of a Bitcoin ETF was seen as a significant step towards legitimizing cryptocurrency in the eyes of traditional financial institutions. 👀False News: What Happened As soon as the news about the supposed approval of a Bitcoin ETF emerged, the market reacted instantly. Prices of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, began to rise sharply. Investors, hoping for positive prospects, actively started purchasing the cryptocurrency. 🗣️Debunking the Fake: Market Consequences However, confirmation soon surfaced that the news was indeed fake. The market began to correct sharply, with investors panicking to minimize their losses. Such situations underscore the importance of verifying information and maintaining a healthy skepticism in investment activities. 🧑‍🏫How to Avoid Similar Situations To avoid falling for such schemes in the future, investors should keep an eye on reputable news sources and pay attention to official statements from regulators and financial institutions. Additionally, it is crucial to consider trading volumes and analyze the market's reaction to such events. #BTC #binance
👤 "Fake News about Bitcoin ETF Approval: Market Reaction to Misinformation"

In recent days, there has been information circulating about the supposed approval of a Bitcoin ETF, which caused significant excitement within the investment community. However, as it later turned out, this news was fabricated. In this article, we will examine how the market reacted to the false information and how to avoid such situations in the future.

👁️Background Information

Let's start by understanding what an ETF is and what advantages they offer to investors. An ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is an exchange-traded fund that tracks a specific index, commodity, bonds, or other assets. The approval of a Bitcoin ETF was seen as a significant step towards legitimizing cryptocurrency in the eyes of traditional financial institutions.

👀False News: What Happened

As soon as the news about the supposed approval of a Bitcoin ETF emerged, the market reacted instantly. Prices of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, began to rise sharply. Investors, hoping for positive prospects, actively started purchasing the cryptocurrency.

🗣️Debunking the Fake: Market Consequences

However, confirmation soon surfaced that the news was indeed fake. The market began to correct sharply, with investors panicking to minimize their losses. Such situations underscore the importance of verifying information and maintaining a healthy skepticism in investment activities.

🧑‍🏫How to Avoid Similar Situations

To avoid falling for such schemes in the future, investors should keep an eye on reputable news sources and pay attention to official statements from regulators and financial institutions. Additionally, it is crucial to consider trading volumes and analyze the market's reaction to such events.
#BTC #binance
-23% right now 😁😁
-23% right now 😁😁
Konten yang dikutip telah dihapus
📚 5 Books about Cryptocurrencies That Will Change Your Perspective on Finance 💡 1. "Mastering Bitcoin" by Andreas Antonopoulos A deep dive into the world of Bitcoin from one of the most authoritative experts. From basics to technical details. 2. "Ether. The Digital Currency of the Future" by Michael Uszler Examines the technology behind Ethereum, its applications, and prospects. An excellent resource for understanding the blockchain platform. 3. "Cryptocurrencies. Investments and Analysis" by Reese Taylor Focuses on cryptocurrency investment strategies and market analysis. Useful for both beginners and experienced investors. 4. "Blockchain Revolution. How Technology is Changing Money, Business, and the World" by Daniel Diamandis and Steven Kotler Explores the impact of blockchain on various aspects of society and the economy, inspiring broader thinking. 5. "Digital Gold" by Nathaniel Popper Dives into the history of Bitcoin from its very inception. Reveals fascinating historical details. Which of these books would you like to read first? 📖🚀 #books #btc #eth
📚 5 Books about Cryptocurrencies That Will Change Your Perspective on Finance 💡

1. "Mastering Bitcoin" by Andreas Antonopoulos
A deep dive into the world of Bitcoin from one of the most authoritative experts. From basics to technical details.

2. "Ether. The Digital Currency of the Future" by Michael Uszler
Examines the technology behind Ethereum, its applications, and prospects. An excellent resource for understanding the blockchain platform.

3. "Cryptocurrencies. Investments and Analysis" by Reese Taylor
Focuses on cryptocurrency investment strategies and market analysis. Useful for both beginners and experienced investors.

4. "Blockchain Revolution. How Technology is Changing Money, Business, and the World" by Daniel Diamandis and Steven Kotler
Explores the impact of blockchain on various aspects of society and the economy, inspiring broader thinking.

5. "Digital Gold" by Nathaniel Popper
Dives into the history of Bitcoin from its very inception. Reveals fascinating historical details.

Which of these books would you like to read first? 📖🚀
#books #btc #eth
it was funny and sad at the same time
it was funny and sad at the same time
Bitcoin ETF was false alarm ⚠️
Pheeew! What just happened in the crypto market is a clear sign that you should always double-check before you trust something.Well, this is the second best time to briefly learn about #Bitcoin   #etf and why it's significant.What exactly is a Bitcoin #etf , you might wonder?Let's start with a brief overview. An #etf , or exchange-traded fund, is essentially an investment fund designed to mirror the performance of an underlying asset. These funds cover a wide range of industries and asset types; for instance, there are gold ETFs that have been tracking the price of gold for decades.Now, a Bitcoin ETF is a specific type of exchange-traded fund that comprises Bitcoin or assets linked to the price of Bitcoin. What sets them apart is that Bitcoin ETFs are tightly regulated financial products, trading on established traditional markets such as the NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), not on cryptocurrency exchanges. However, it's worth noting that this distinction might evolve as the lines between traditional finance and the cryptocurrency sector continue to blur.The primary goal of Bitcoin ETFs is to provide mainstream investors, who may not be comfortable trading cryptocurrencies directly, with a familiar avenue to access Bitcoin.So, why is a Bitcoin ETF significant? Handling Bitcoin can be a complex task, particularly for large institutions. It involves intricate issues like custody, something as substantial as Goldman Sachs wouldn't casually plug a hardware wallet into a laptop and transfer billions of dollars' worth of Bitcoin. These financial giants operate under a distinct set of regulations and infrastructure requirements that are quite different from individual investors.This is where a Bitcoin ETF comes into play, serving as a pivotal tool for increasing adoption and expanding the pool of potential investors. It offers exposure to Bitcoin's price for participants in traditional financial markets, sparing them the need to navigate the intricacies of physically owning cryptocurrency.Additionally, a Bitcoin ETF can potentially hold a variety of assets, including Ethereum, Tesla stock, and gold, thereby affording investors diversification benefits.
🌟 5 IMPORTANT POINTS FOR CRYPTO BEGINNERS 🌟 1️⃣ Patience and Composure - Investing in cryptocurrencies requires balance. Keep your emotions in check and make decisions with a clear mind. 2️⃣ Unique Journey - Every success in crypto is a unique path. Don't compare your results to others. Your strategy is your key to success. 3️⃣ Learning and Education - Invest time in understanding blockchain and projects. Knowledge is your reliable companion on this journey. 4️⃣ Courage with Larger Sums - As your confidence grows, dare to work with larger sums. Remember, prudent risk-taking is fundamental. 5️⃣ Safety First - Protect your assets. Use secure wallets, enable two-factor authentication, and stay vigilant online. Share these tips with friends interested in cryptocurrencies! Together, we're building a safe and exciting crypto community. 🚀💰 #CryptoBeginner #FinancialSecurity

1️⃣ Patience and Composure - Investing in cryptocurrencies requires balance. Keep your emotions in check and make decisions with a clear mind.

2️⃣ Unique Journey - Every success in crypto is a unique path. Don't compare your results to others. Your strategy is your key to success.

3️⃣ Learning and Education - Invest time in understanding blockchain and projects. Knowledge is your reliable companion on this journey.

4️⃣ Courage with Larger Sums - As your confidence grows, dare to work with larger sums. Remember, prudent risk-taking is fundamental.

5️⃣ Safety First - Protect your assets. Use secure wallets, enable two-factor authentication, and stay vigilant online.

Share these tips with friends interested in cryptocurrencies! Together, we're building a safe and exciting crypto community. 🚀💰

#CryptoBeginner #FinancialSecurity
This is a great solution from Binance, it will lead to great scaling of Binance in the fast growing world of web3 social networks
This is a great solution from Binance, it will lead to great scaling of Binance in the fast growing world of web3 social networks

Binance feed has been renamed to BINANCE SQUARE , this implies that Something huge is loading...

Why the rename from Binance feed to BINANCE SQUARE?

Some of the basic reasons why Binance feed has been renamed to BINANCE SQUARE:

🔶 Binance Square will become a public ‘square’ for the crypto community to discuss all things related to crypto.

🔶 All Binance users are invited to take part in discussions, share content and connect with the community

🔶 Binance Square is a Community-first social platform for accessible and inclusive knowledge sharing within the Web3 and Crypto space.


1. Connect with like-minded individuals who share same passion with you.

2. Your contents would reach wide varieties of Binance users across the globe

3. You can improve your content creation ability using Binance square

4. More monitization features availability


Binance Square is now open to everyone;

* No need for any formal application!

* No need for huge social communities

The only requirements to become a Binance Square creator are:

🔸Register a Binance account and Undergone KYC in a country/region where Binance Square is available.

🔸 You then edit your square profile to any desired available username and add bio if you wish.

🔸 Finally, abide by the Binance Square Community Guideline and T&Cs.

Let's get into the global square for crypto and web 3 related discussions 🤩

#BinanceSquare #Crypto_Angel
Excited to Join Binance Feed: Seeking Like-minded Enthusiasts for Collective Growth --- Hello to all Binance Feed members and the cryptocurrency community! I am thrilled to have joined the Binance Feed platform, and it is an honor for me to be a part of this dynamic community. The world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology offers vast opportunities for innovation and advancement. I aspire to exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas with fellow enthusiasts, and Binance Feed seems like the perfect place for that. One of my goals on this platform is to find like-minded individuals. I believe that the true power lies in collaborating on projects and sharing ideas. Together, we can achieve great heights and bring innovative solutions to the world of cryptocurrencies. The future of this field is filled with endless possibilities, and I am absolutely confident that on Binance Feed, I will find partners with whom I can realize my ambitious plans. Here, I am ready to learn, grow, and collaborate with equally passionate individuals like myself. I am particularly eager to explore the wealth of educational resources and insightful articles available on Binance Feed. The platform's commitment to providing accurate and timely information is a testament to its dedication to fostering a knowledgeable and empowered community. I look forward to meeting all of you in this exciting journey into the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Let's create something amazing together! Sincerely, btcbull066 #binance #binancefeed #collective-growth
Excited to Join Binance Feed: Seeking Like-minded Enthusiasts for Collective Growth


Hello to all Binance Feed members and the cryptocurrency community!

I am thrilled to have joined the Binance Feed platform, and it is an honor for me to be a part of this dynamic community. The world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology offers vast opportunities for innovation and advancement. I aspire to exchange knowledge, experiences, and ideas with fellow enthusiasts, and Binance Feed seems like the perfect place for that.

One of my goals on this platform is to find like-minded individuals. I believe that the true power lies in collaborating on projects and sharing ideas. Together, we can achieve great heights and bring innovative solutions to the world of cryptocurrencies.

The future of this field is filled with endless possibilities, and I am absolutely confident that on Binance Feed, I will find partners with whom I can realize my ambitious plans. Here, I am ready to learn, grow, and collaborate with equally passionate individuals like myself.

I am particularly eager to explore the wealth of educational resources and insightful articles available on Binance Feed. The platform's commitment to providing accurate and timely information is a testament to its dedication to fostering a knowledgeable and empowered community.

I look forward to meeting all of you in this exciting journey into the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Let's create something amazing together!

#binance #binancefeed #collective-growth
trust me, bots are very underrated.
trust me, bots are very underrated.
I'm excited to share my experiences about crypto trading bots with you. It is quite simple to use even as a beginner 🔥

I always use Binance bot trading for easy trading and more profit making. Meanwhile, my most favorite is spot grid trading. I have been making gains with it for some months now.

So I will teach you how to use trading bot in Binance.

Setting up Spot Grid :

I will use BTC/USDT for this practice

Manual setting:
Assuming the current price of BTC /USDT is $27025.14

Duration of running: I will choose 3Days

Now setting the parameters:

1. Price Range: 26905.91-29051.22

2. Grids

If you use this setup, you should get around 23 grids

* Select Arithmetic

* Profit/Grid (fees deducted): It is usually around 0.12% -0.14%

3. Investment in USDT: at least $140.

If you are a beginner, it is advisable to use automatic parameters

Explaining Grid for new users:

With grid bot trading, traders can automate their trading by setting up a grid of buy and sell orders based on a predefined set of parameters. This allows the bot to execute trades automatically and without human intervention, eliminating the possibility of errors caused by emotions, miscalculations, or fatigue.

Why I prefer using spot grid instead of future grid:

Actually, I trade both spot and future trading bots, however, I
Prefer Spot grid trading bots because, it generate profits only on capital deployed since they use spot wallet funds and insufficient funds will automatically stop the trade. This makes spot trading relatively safer since the trade is solely with one's own money.

If you need further guidance , drop it in comment section .

Lets keep learning and building together 💪

#CryptoTradingBots #DeFiChallenge
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