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#MarketSentimentToday Harga Bitcoin (BTC) mengalami kenaikan 5% antara 13 Agustus dan 14 Agustus, mencapai $61.791, sebelum dengan cepat membalikkan seluruh pergerakan, jatuh ke $58.914 dalam waktu kurang dari dua jam. Penurunan mendadak ini terjadi setelah Amerika Serikat melaporkan angka inflasi yang sedikit melemahkan ekspektasi analis. Lonjakan harga awal didorong oleh pengumuman signifikan mengenai dana yang diperdagangkan di bursa (ETF) Bitcoin dan kepemilikan MicroStrategy (MSTR), tetapi kondisi ekonomi makro akhirnya terbukti menentukan pada 14 Agustus.
Harga Bitcoin (BTC) mengalami kenaikan 5% antara 13 Agustus dan 14 Agustus, mencapai $61.791, sebelum dengan cepat membalikkan seluruh pergerakan, jatuh ke $58.914 dalam waktu kurang dari dua jam. Penurunan mendadak ini terjadi setelah Amerika Serikat melaporkan angka inflasi yang sedikit melemahkan ekspektasi analis. Lonjakan harga awal didorong oleh pengumuman signifikan mengenai dana yang diperdagangkan di bursa (ETF) Bitcoin dan kepemilikan MicroStrategy (MSTR), tetapi kondisi ekonomi makro akhirnya terbukti menentukan pada 14 Agustus.
#MarketSentimentToday Bitcoin (BTC) price experienced a 5% gain between Aug. 13 and Aug. 14, reaching $61,791, before quickly reversing the entire move, falling to $58,914 in under two hours. This abrupt downturn occurred after the United States reported an inflation figure that slightly undercut analysts' expectations. The initial price surge was driven by significant announcements concerning spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and MicroStrategy (MSTR) holdings, but macroeconomic conditions ultimately proved decisive on Aug. 14. $BTC $NOT $TON {spot}(BTCUSDT) {future}(TONUSDT) {future}(NOTUSDT)
Bitcoin (BTC) price experienced a 5% gain between Aug. 13 and Aug. 14, reaching $61,791, before quickly reversing the entire move, falling to $58,914 in under two hours. This abrupt downturn occurred after the United States reported an inflation figure that slightly undercut analysts' expectations. The initial price surge was driven by significant announcements concerning spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and MicroStrategy (MSTR) holdings, but macroeconomic conditions ultimately proved decisive on Aug. 14.
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Berikut ini adalah cara XRP mengungguli BTC, ETH, dan SOL $XRP Di pasar mata uang kripto yang sedang berjuang ini, aset kripto teratas termasuk Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), dan BNB (BNB) telah mengalami penurunan harga yang berkelanjutan. Di tengah situasi yang sulit ini, XRP (XRP) token paling kontroversial telah mengalami lonjakan harga yang mengesankan lebih dari 4% dalam 24 jam terakhir, menurut data dari Coinmarketcap. Harga XRP melonjak 4%, meskipun 63,3 juta token terjual Di samping pergerakan bullish dalam XRP, baru-baru ini pelacak transaksi berbasis blockchain Whale Alert membuat sebuah postingan di X (Sebelumnya Twitter) yang menyatakan bahwa para paus atau lembaga telah memindahkan lebih dari 63,3 juta token XRP senilai $28,3 juta ke berbagai bursa terpusat (CEX) termasuk Bitstamp dan Bisto.

Berikut ini adalah cara XRP mengungguli BTC, ETH, dan SOL

$XRP Di pasar mata uang kripto yang sedang berjuang ini, aset kripto teratas termasuk Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), dan BNB (BNB) telah mengalami penurunan harga yang berkelanjutan. Di tengah situasi yang sulit ini, XRP (XRP) token paling kontroversial telah mengalami lonjakan harga yang mengesankan lebih dari 4% dalam 24 jam terakhir, menurut data dari Coinmarketcap.
Harga XRP melonjak 4%, meskipun 63,3 juta token terjual
Di samping pergerakan bullish dalam XRP, baru-baru ini pelacak transaksi berbasis blockchain Whale Alert membuat sebuah postingan di X (Sebelumnya Twitter) yang menyatakan bahwa para paus atau lembaga telah memindahkan lebih dari 63,3 juta token XRP senilai $28,3 juta ke berbagai bursa terpusat (CEX) termasuk Bitstamp dan Bisto.
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$NOT $PEPE $SOL Notcoin mengejutkan investor dengan lonjakan luar biasa sebesar 65% minggu lalu. Kenaikan yang mengesankan ini menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang pergerakan harga di masa depan. Apa PENDAPAT Anda tentang potensi lintasan harga untuk minggu mendatang. {spot}(NOTUSDT) #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoinnews
$NOT $PEPE $SOL Notcoin mengejutkan investor dengan lonjakan luar biasa sebesar 65% minggu lalu. Kenaikan yang mengesankan ini menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang pergerakan harga di masa depan. Apa PENDAPAT Anda tentang potensi lintasan harga untuk minggu mendatang.
#NOT🔥🔥🔥 #Notcoinnews
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$TRX TRON menonjol sebagai salah satu dari sedikit cryptocurrency yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan besar-besaran sepanjang bulan Juni dan menjaga stabilitas selama aksi jual awal bulan Juli. Namun, harga tersebut telah melonjak lebih dari 14% dari titik terendah $0,11 pada bulan April ke puncak $0,134. #tron #TRON✅ {future}(TRXUSDT)
$TRX TRON menonjol sebagai salah satu dari sedikit cryptocurrency yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan besar-besaran sepanjang bulan Juni dan menjaga stabilitas selama aksi jual awal bulan Juli. Namun, harga tersebut telah melonjak lebih dari 14% dari titik terendah $0,11 pada bulan April ke puncak $0,134. #tron #TRON✅
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$water#RonaldinhoGaucho, pensiunan pesepakbola profesional, bergabung dengan pemain depan profesional ikonik, Lionel Messi, untuk mempromosikan proyek koin meme berbasis Solana (SOL), Water Coin ($WATER). Pada hari Selasa, 9 Juli, Messi memposting foto proyek WATER di Instagram, sehingga memicu spekulasi yang meningkat di kalangan pedagang koin meme. #water #watercoin
$water#RonaldinhoGaucho, pensiunan pesepakbola profesional, bergabung dengan pemain depan profesional ikonik, Lionel Messi, untuk mempromosikan proyek koin meme berbasis Solana (SOL), Water Coin ($WATER). Pada hari Selasa, 9 Juli, Messi memposting foto proyek WATER di Instagram, sehingga memicu spekulasi yang meningkat di kalangan pedagang koin meme. #water #watercoin
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#AI Raksasa teknologi Microsoft dan Apple telah memutuskan untuk tidak bergabung dengan dewan direksi perusahaan kecerdasan buatan OpenAI karena meningkatnya pengawasan regulasi. Pada tanggal 10 Juli, Bloomberg melaporkan bahwa Microsoft telah mengirim surat kepada OpenAI yang mengumumkan keputusannya untuk menarik diri dari dewan direksi. $ai $xai {future}(AIUSDT)
#AI Raksasa teknologi Microsoft dan Apple telah memutuskan untuk tidak bergabung dengan dewan direksi perusahaan kecerdasan buatan OpenAI karena meningkatnya pengawasan regulasi.
Pada tanggal 10 Juli, Bloomberg melaporkan bahwa Microsoft telah mengirim surat kepada OpenAI yang mengumumkan keputusannya untuk menarik diri dari dewan direksi.
$ai $xai
$BTC The Bitcoin (BTC) accumulation phase seems to have started as the BTC price wanders below the $60,000 mark for a week. According to data provided by Glassnode, the BTC accumulation trend surged from 0.05 on June 1 to 0.44 as of July 10. This level hasn’t been seen since April 11, when the flagship cryptocurrency traded for $70,000. #CPI_BTC_Watch #BTC☀ #BTC500K {future}(BTCUSDT)
$BTC The Bitcoin (BTC) accumulation phase seems to have started as the BTC price wanders below the $60,000 mark for a week.

According to data provided by Glassnode, the BTC accumulation trend surged from 0.05 on June 1 to 0.44 as of July 10. This level hasn’t been seen since April 11, when the flagship cryptocurrency traded for $70,000.
#CPI_BTC_Watch #BTC☀ #BTC500K
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$BTC $ETH $BNB Robert Kiyosaki memperkirakan Bitcoin akan mencapai $10 juta setelah 'kehancuran terbesar yang akan datang' Robert Kiyosaki, penulis seri buku keuangan pribadi terlaris ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, mengatakan “kehancuran terbesar dalam sejarah akan terjadi” berdasarkan indikator teknis. Namun pasar bullish berikutnya, yang dimulai pada akhir tahun 2025, akan mendorong harga Bitcoin (BTC) hingga mencapai $10 juta, prediksinya. {future}(PEOPLEUSDT) Diposting di X (Twitter), pengusaha Amerika tersebut mengatakan harga aset seperti real estate, saham, obligasi, emas, perak, dan Bitcoin akan anjlok. Komentarnya muncul ketika harga Bitcoin turun di bawah $58,000 pada hari Kamis, level terendah dalam dua bulan, dan turun 21% dari harga tertinggi $74,000 pada bulan Maret. Robert Kiyosaki melihat 'pasar bullish yang panjang' setelah kehancuran “Grafik teknis menunjukkan kehancuran terbesar dalam sejarah akan terjadi,” Kiyosaki memberitahu 2,5 juta pengikutnya di X. “Saat yang tepat untuk membeli dengan harga murah akan menyusul. Grafik teknis menunjukkan siklus pasar bullish jangka panjang yang besar akan mengikuti… memulai kenaikan pasar bullish pada akhir tahun 2025, menaikkan harga selama bertahun-tahun.” #MarketExperts #MarketIndicator #MarketCrashAlert
$BTC $ETH $BNB Robert Kiyosaki memperkirakan Bitcoin akan mencapai $10 juta setelah 'kehancuran terbesar yang akan datang'

Robert Kiyosaki, penulis seri buku keuangan pribadi terlaris ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, mengatakan “kehancuran terbesar dalam sejarah akan terjadi” berdasarkan indikator teknis. Namun pasar bullish berikutnya, yang dimulai pada akhir tahun 2025, akan mendorong harga Bitcoin (BTC) hingga mencapai $10 juta, prediksinya.

Diposting di X (Twitter), pengusaha Amerika tersebut mengatakan harga aset seperti real estate, saham, obligasi, emas, perak, dan Bitcoin akan anjlok. Komentarnya muncul ketika harga Bitcoin turun di bawah $58,000 pada hari Kamis, level terendah dalam dua bulan, dan turun 21% dari harga tertinggi $74,000 pada bulan Maret.

Robert Kiyosaki melihat 'pasar bullish yang panjang' setelah kehancuran

“Grafik teknis menunjukkan kehancuran terbesar dalam sejarah akan terjadi,” Kiyosaki memberitahu 2,5 juta pengikutnya di X. “Saat yang tepat untuk membeli dengan harga murah akan menyusul. Grafik teknis menunjukkan siklus pasar bullish jangka panjang yang besar akan mengikuti… memulai kenaikan pasar bullish pada akhir tahun 2025, menaikkan harga selama bertahun-tahun.”

#MarketExperts #MarketIndicator #MarketCrashAlert
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Penurunan BTC telah menarik perhatian banyak analis dan investor$BTC  $PEPE  $SOL  Setelah bertahan di atas $60.000 dalam jangka waktu yang signifikan, Bitcoin baru-baru ini turun di bawah $58.000, menandai penurunan lebih dari 3,8% dalam 24 jam terakhir. Penurunan ini menarik perhatian banyak analis dan investor. Berikut rincian situasi saat ini dan apa yang mungkin terjadi pada Bitcoin di masa depan. Dinamika Harga Bitcoin Saat Ini Harga Bitcoin turun di bawah $58,000 pada Kamis pagi, mencapai level terendah dalam dua bulan. Penurunan ini terjadi di tengah fase volatilitas yang sangat rendah, dengan harga BTC sebelumnya berfluktuasi antara $60,000 dan $70,000. Dengan meningkatnya ketakutan dan pasokan di pasar kripto, antisipasi bearish pun meningkat. Berdiri di EMA 200D, peluang terobosan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan pembalikan karena volume perdagangan melonjak 55% dalam 24 jam terakhir.

Penurunan BTC telah menarik perhatian banyak analis dan investor

$BTC  $PEPE  $SOL  Setelah bertahan di atas $60.000 dalam jangka waktu yang signifikan, Bitcoin baru-baru ini turun di bawah $58.000, menandai penurunan lebih dari 3,8% dalam 24 jam terakhir. Penurunan ini menarik perhatian banyak analis dan investor. Berikut rincian situasi saat ini dan apa yang mungkin terjadi pada Bitcoin di masa depan.

Dinamika Harga Bitcoin Saat Ini

Harga Bitcoin turun di bawah $58,000 pada Kamis pagi, mencapai level terendah dalam dua bulan. Penurunan ini terjadi di tengah fase volatilitas yang sangat rendah, dengan harga BTC sebelumnya berfluktuasi antara $60,000 dan $70,000. Dengan meningkatnya ketakutan dan pasokan di pasar kripto, antisipasi bearish pun meningkat. Berdiri di EMA 200D, peluang terobosan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan pembalikan karena volume perdagangan melonjak 55% dalam 24 jam terakhir.
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Tren Penurunan Harga LINK Berlanjut Selama Sebulan<k-15/> Meskipun terdapat sentimen bullish di antara pemegang token besar, harga LINK terus melanjutkan tren turunnya. Namun, indikator teknis memberikan gambaran berbeda. Chainlink telah proaktif dalam memenuhi meningkatnya permintaan akan aset yang diberi token melalui kolaborasinya saat ini dengan Fidelity International dan Signum untuk menyediakan data NAV secara on-chain. Kemitraan ini bertujuan untuk menawarkan akses terhadap data real-time dan transparansi yang lebih baik. Terlepas dari upaya ini, harga Chainlink telah mengalami kesulitan dalam waktu yang lama, sehingga menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang minat investor. Dalam 24 jam terakhir, harga LINK telah turun lebih dari 8%, sehingga nilainya turun menjadi $13.27. Selama sebulan terakhir, nilainya telah kehilangan lebih dari 24%. LINK telah menurun selama tiga tahun, berjuang untuk mendapatkan kembali level tertinggi sepanjang masa di $52.88 yang ditetapkan pada 10 Mei 2021. Kinerja terbaik dalam tiga tahun terakhir adalah selama reli bulan Maret ini, di mana harga LINK melonjak hingga maksimum $21.42, yang kurang dari setengah ATH-nya.

Tren Penurunan Harga LINK Berlanjut Selama Sebulan

Meskipun terdapat sentimen bullish di antara pemegang token besar, harga LINK terus melanjutkan tren turunnya. Namun, indikator teknis memberikan gambaran berbeda. Chainlink telah proaktif dalam memenuhi meningkatnya permintaan akan aset yang diberi token melalui kolaborasinya saat ini dengan Fidelity International dan Signum untuk menyediakan data NAV secara on-chain. Kemitraan ini bertujuan untuk menawarkan akses terhadap data real-time dan transparansi yang lebih baik. Terlepas dari upaya ini, harga Chainlink telah mengalami kesulitan dalam waktu yang lama, sehingga menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang minat investor. Dalam 24 jam terakhir, harga LINK telah turun lebih dari 8%, sehingga nilainya turun menjadi $13.27. Selama sebulan terakhir, nilainya telah kehilangan lebih dari 24%. LINK telah menurun selama tiga tahun, berjuang untuk mendapatkan kembali level tertinggi sepanjang masa di $52.88 yang ditetapkan pada 10 Mei 2021. Kinerja terbaik dalam tiga tahun terakhir adalah selama reli bulan Maret ini, di mana harga LINK melonjak hingga maksimum $21.42, yang kurang dari setengah ATH-nya.
President Biden's Debate Performance Boosts Trump, but Crypto Faces Unique Challenges#trump #USAElection #usa #BidenCryptoCritique In the wake of President Joe Biden's underwhelming debate performance last week, the prospects for Donald Trump, his crypto-friendly opponent, seem to have improved. Despite this political shift, Bitcoin and smaller altcoins have been trading lower than they were before the debate. Why is this happening? Traders point to other significant market factors influencing the current trends. Key among these are the anticipated selling of Bitcoin from the bankrupt Mt. Gox exchange estate and the distribution of additional tokens, or "unlocks," from smaller digital currencies. “There is no escaping the fundamental laws of supply and demand,” explains Spencer Hallarn, global head of OTC trading at GSR. “Between the widely anticipated Bitcoin distributions set to begin from the Mt. Gox bankruptcy estate and the slew of sizable token unlocks scheduled for the coming weeks and months, the wave of new supply staring the crypto market in the face has served as a substantial weight on prices.” Bitcoin experienced its second consecutive day of decline, trading near its lowest levels in over a month. The largest cryptocurrency dropped as much as 3.7% to $59,623, a level not seen since May. “The market continues to face supply overhang in a seasonally low liquidity, low volatility period,” said Shiliang Tang, president of principal trading firm Arbelos Markets. “With the German government/Silk Road/Mt. Gox Bitcoin supply overhang coupled with continued monthly unlocks in venture coins, there’s not enough fresh capital inflows to absorb this.” Since Bitcoin’s peak in March, the market capitalization of altcoins (excluding Ether and stablecoins) has seen a significant decline. In the early days of crypto, all tokens besides Bitcoin were called altcoins because they were an alternative to the original digital currency, which still holds more than 50% of the estimated $2.4 trillion digital-asset market. This year, many projects are unlocking portions of their tokens, meaning venture capitalists and founders can finally sell the digital assets they received years ago for investing or contributions. With the crypto market recovering from the prolonged decline of the crypto winter two years ago, many long-term investors find this an attractive time to sell. Out of 138 tokens tracked by researcher TokenUnlocks, 120 have unlocks this year, with a combined market value of about $58 billion as of last month. Low volatility in Bitcoin and Ether has created tough conditions for altcoins, which typically thrive in moving markets. According to David Zimmerman, a DeFi analyst at K33, almost all altcoin sectors have suffered, with GameFi tokens taking a "significant hit" while AI tokens remained stagnant. This has occurred despite a spike in new token launches, averaging 250,000 new coins each month in the second quarter on Ethereum and major Ethereum-based layer-two chains. “As majors continue to chop and pull back somewhat during this ‘low-vol summer,’ the altcoin markets have been hit relatively hard,” Zimmerman noted on Wednesday. One notable exception has been memecoins, which have grown to a $50 billion collective market capitalization. Tokens focused on the US political race and celebrities have been the biggest drivers. A measure tracking the total crypto market capitalization without Bitcoin and Ether fell nearly 22% in the second quarter, “indicating that altcoin beta is doing exactly what it is designed to do by outperforming – only it is to the downside in this case,” Zimmerman said. --With assistance from Olga Kharif and Benjamin Taubman. $BTC $ETH $BNB

President Biden's Debate Performance Boosts Trump, but Crypto Faces Unique Challenges

#trump #USAElection #usa #BidenCryptoCritique
In the wake of President Joe Biden's underwhelming debate performance last week, the prospects for Donald Trump, his crypto-friendly opponent, seem to have improved. Despite this political shift, Bitcoin and smaller altcoins have been trading lower than they were before the debate. Why is this happening?
Traders point to other significant market factors influencing the current trends. Key among these are the anticipated selling of Bitcoin from the bankrupt Mt. Gox exchange estate and the distribution of additional tokens, or "unlocks," from smaller digital currencies.
“There is no escaping the fundamental laws of supply and demand,” explains Spencer Hallarn, global head of OTC trading at GSR. “Between the widely anticipated Bitcoin distributions set to begin from the Mt. Gox bankruptcy estate and the slew of sizable token unlocks scheduled for the coming weeks and months, the wave of new supply staring the crypto market in the face has served as a substantial weight on prices.”
Bitcoin experienced its second consecutive day of decline, trading near its lowest levels in over a month. The largest cryptocurrency dropped as much as 3.7% to $59,623, a level not seen since May.
“The market continues to face supply overhang in a seasonally low liquidity, low volatility period,” said Shiliang Tang, president of principal trading firm Arbelos Markets. “With the German government/Silk Road/Mt. Gox Bitcoin supply overhang coupled with continued monthly unlocks in venture coins, there’s not enough fresh capital inflows to absorb this.”
Since Bitcoin’s peak in March, the market capitalization of altcoins (excluding Ether and stablecoins) has seen a significant decline. In the early days of crypto, all tokens besides Bitcoin were called altcoins because they were an alternative to the original digital currency, which still holds more than 50% of the estimated $2.4 trillion digital-asset market.
This year, many projects are unlocking portions of their tokens, meaning venture capitalists and founders can finally sell the digital assets they received years ago for investing or contributions. With the crypto market recovering from the prolonged decline of the crypto winter two years ago, many long-term investors find this an attractive time to sell. Out of 138 tokens tracked by researcher TokenUnlocks, 120 have unlocks this year, with a combined market value of about $58 billion as of last month.
Low volatility in Bitcoin and Ether has created tough conditions for altcoins, which typically thrive in moving markets. According to David Zimmerman, a DeFi analyst at K33, almost all altcoin sectors have suffered, with GameFi tokens taking a "significant hit" while AI tokens remained stagnant. This has occurred despite a spike in new token launches, averaging 250,000 new coins each month in the second quarter on Ethereum and major Ethereum-based layer-two chains.
“As majors continue to chop and pull back somewhat during this ‘low-vol summer,’ the altcoin markets have been hit relatively hard,” Zimmerman noted on Wednesday. One notable exception has been memecoins, which have grown to a $50 billion collective market capitalization. Tokens focused on the US political race and celebrities have been the biggest drivers.
A measure tracking the total crypto market capitalization without Bitcoin and Ether fell nearly 22% in the second quarter, “indicating that altcoin beta is doing exactly what it is designed to do by outperforming – only it is to the downside in this case,” Zimmerman said.
--With assistance from Olga Kharif and Benjamin Taubman.
Crypto Airdrops A Comprehensive Guide#AirdropGuide As we venture deeper into the world of cryptocurrency, we encounter a myriad of ways to engage and earn. One intriguing method is through crypto airdrops. In this article, I will guide you through the basics of crypto airdrops, the types available, notable examples, and strategies to find and participate in them. Whether you are a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer, there's something valuable for everyone here. What Are Crypto Airdrops? Crypto airdrops are distributions of cryptocurrency tokens or coins, usually for free, to multiple wallet addresses. They serve various purposes, such as promoting new projects, rewarding loyal users, or decentralizing token ownership. When you participate in an airdrop, you receive free tokens directly into your wallet, providing an opportunity to be part of a project from its early stages. Types of Airdrops 1. Standard Airdrops Standard airdrops are straightforward distributions of tokens to users who meet certain criteria. These criteria could include holding a particular token, signing up for a newsletter, or simply having an active wallet. Example: In 2017, OmiseGO (OMG) airdropped tokens to Ethereum holders. They distributed 5% of their total supply to all wallets holding at least 0.1 ETH. 2. Holder Airdrops Holder airdrops reward users who hold specific cryptocurrencies in their wallets. Projects use this method to incentivize holding their tokens or those of a related project. Example: Stellar (XLM) conducted a notable holder airdrop in 2018, distributing tokens to Bitcoin (BTC) holders. 3. Bounty Airdrops Bounty airdrops require participants to complete specific tasks, such as social media promotion, joining Telegram groups, or referring friends. These tasks help increase a project’s visibility. Example: The BitTorrent (BTT) airdrop rewarded users who completed various promotional tasks during its launch. 4. Exclusive Airdrops Exclusive airdrops target a select group of individuals, often early adopters or loyal community members. These are typically smaller in scale but can offer significant rewards. Example: Uniswap (UNI) conducted an exclusive airdrop in 2020, distributing 400 UNI tokens to each user who had interacted with their platform before a certain date. Strategies to Find and Participate in Airdrops 1. Stay Informed To find airdrops, you need to stay updated on the latest crypto news and announcements. Follow cryptocurrency news websites, join forums like Bitcointalk, and be active on social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit. 2.Join Crypto Communities Becoming part of crypto communities on Telegram, Discord, and other platforms can provide you with firsthand information about upcoming airdrops. Community members often share tips and alerts. 3. Use Airdrop Aggregators Websites like Airdrop Alert, AirdropKing, and CoinMarketCap’s airdrop section aggregate information about ongoing and upcoming airdrops. Regularly check these sites to stay ahead. 4. Hold Popular Cryptocurrencies Since many airdrops target holders of popular cryptocurrencies like BTC and ETH, maintaining a balance of these tokens in your wallet can qualify you for multiple airdrops. 5. Participate Actively Engage with projects by participating in their bounty programs, joining their social media channels, and using their platforms. Active participation increases your chances of being selected for exclusive airdrops. Conclusion Crypto airdrops offer a unique opportunity to earn free tokens and get involved with new projects. By understanding the different types of airdrops and employing strategies to discover and participate in them, you can maximize your gains in the crypto space. Whether they are a casual investor or a dedicated crypto enthusiast, everyone can benefit from the world of airdrops. Keep your eyes open, stay informed, and participate actively to make the most of this exciting aspect of the cryptocurrency landscape. #airdrop #airdropsguide #airdrops

Crypto Airdrops A Comprehensive Guide

As we venture deeper into the world of cryptocurrency, we encounter a myriad of ways to engage and earn. One intriguing method is through crypto airdrops. In this article, I will guide you through the basics of crypto airdrops, the types available, notable examples, and strategies to find and participate in them. Whether you are a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer, there's something valuable for everyone here.
What Are Crypto Airdrops?
Crypto airdrops are distributions of cryptocurrency tokens or coins, usually for free, to multiple wallet addresses. They serve various purposes, such as promoting new projects, rewarding loyal users, or decentralizing token ownership. When you participate in an airdrop, you receive free tokens directly into your wallet, providing an opportunity to be part of a project from its early stages.
Types of Airdrops
1. Standard Airdrops
Standard airdrops are straightforward distributions of tokens to users who meet certain criteria. These criteria could include holding a particular token, signing up for a newsletter, or simply having an active wallet.
Example: In 2017, OmiseGO (OMG) airdropped tokens to Ethereum holders. They distributed 5% of their total supply to all wallets holding at least 0.1 ETH.
2. Holder Airdrops
Holder airdrops reward users who hold specific cryptocurrencies in their wallets. Projects use this method to incentivize holding their tokens or those of a related project.
Example: Stellar (XLM) conducted a notable holder airdrop in 2018, distributing tokens to Bitcoin (BTC) holders.
3. Bounty Airdrops
Bounty airdrops require participants to complete specific tasks, such as social media promotion, joining Telegram groups, or referring friends. These tasks help increase a project’s visibility.
Example: The BitTorrent (BTT) airdrop rewarded users who completed various promotional tasks during its launch.
4. Exclusive Airdrops
Exclusive airdrops target a select group of individuals, often early adopters or loyal community members. These are typically smaller in scale but can offer significant rewards.
Example: Uniswap (UNI) conducted an exclusive airdrop in 2020, distributing 400 UNI tokens to each user who had interacted with their platform before a certain date.
Strategies to Find and Participate in Airdrops
1. Stay Informed
To find airdrops, you need to stay updated on the latest crypto news and announcements. Follow cryptocurrency news websites, join forums like Bitcointalk, and be active on social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit.
2.Join Crypto Communities
Becoming part of crypto communities on Telegram, Discord, and other platforms can provide you with firsthand information about upcoming airdrops. Community members often share tips and alerts.
3. Use Airdrop Aggregators
Websites like Airdrop Alert, AirdropKing, and CoinMarketCap’s airdrop section aggregate information about ongoing and upcoming airdrops. Regularly check these sites to stay ahead.
4. Hold Popular Cryptocurrencies
Since many airdrops target holders of popular cryptocurrencies like BTC and ETH, maintaining a balance of these tokens in your wallet can qualify you for multiple airdrops.
5. Participate Actively
Engage with projects by participating in their bounty programs, joining their social media channels, and using their platforms. Active participation increases your chances of being selected for exclusive airdrops.
Crypto airdrops offer a unique opportunity to earn free tokens and get involved with new projects. By understanding the different types of airdrops and employing strategies to discover and participate in them, you can maximize your gains in the crypto space. Whether they are a casual investor or a dedicated crypto enthusiast, everyone can benefit from the world of airdrops. Keep your eyes open, stay informed, and participate actively to make the most of this exciting aspect of the cryptocurrency landscape. #airdrop #airdropsguide #airdrops
Cryptocurrencies Airdrops #airdropsguide In the world of cryptocurrencies, an "airdrop" is a commerce campaign when a blockchain gives away complimentary tokens or coins to the public. An airdrop is typically conducted to spread awareness of the project and to create buzz. Airdrops in crypto are free tokens that are given to users as a way to promote a new cryptocurrency. For example, if new crypto is launching, they may airdrop tokens to users of a popular crypto wallet as a way to generate interest and awareness. People who have a specific quantity of another cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, are typically eligible for airdrops. There are multiple distinct approaches for obtaining airdrops. The most common is to simply hold the required cryptocurrency in your wallet at the time of the airdrop. Some airdrops will require you to sign up for a mailing list or complete other simple tasks. It's possible to acquire free cryptocurrency via airdrops. Token distribution methods termed "airdrops" have become increasingly common in the cryptocurrency world. Many projects have used airdrops as a way to give away tokens to early adopters and build a community around their projects. But who founded airdrops in crypto? The first airdrop in the cryptocurrency space was conducted by the Bitcoin project. In 2013, they airdropped 50 bitcoin to people who signed up for the airdrop. This was encouraged to raise interest in Bitcoin and educate people about it. Several more projects have since carried out their airdrops in a similar manner. Some notable airdrops include Stellar Lumens, which gave away $125 million worth of their XLM tokens, and TRON, which airdropped $30 million worth of their TRX tokens. Airdrops are a great way to get people involved in a project and create a buzz around it. So if you're thinking about conducting an airdrop, make sure to do your research and plan it out carefully The process of air dropping There are two types of crypto airdrops. The first one is where it comes as a surprise to the user. You wake up one day to find your wallet loaded with crypto coins, and it creates a buzz as to where they came from. The other method is pre-airdrop announcement where the blockchain based startups announce it beforehand to get the buzz going. In the majority of the cases, the primary goal is to bootstrap the project. The user may need to complete several processes before they can qualify for the airdrop. What are the reasons for airdrops? The cryptocurrency enterprises and wallet services may choose to reward loyal customers with cryptocurrency tokens. The main aim is to serve as an incentive for the customers to continue using the platforms.Airdrops can prove useful in creating a buzz regarding a new startup. It is a way of getting people to use the new cryptocurrency through increased user participation. Bitcoin Cash used this method to create awareness, and it became a top 10 cryptocurrency, as a result.Cryptocurrency enterprises can also use airdrops to enhance their marketing campaigns. For example, users may get promises of tokens once they fill an online questionnaire to generate leads. You can participate in cryptocurrency Airdrops by following the rules set to make you eligible to participate and win in the event. An example is the Bitget's Super Airdrop event. This is a great way to receive free tokens and become more involved in the cryptocurrency community. Here's how you can participate: 1. Create an account on the platform offering the airdrop - In this case, you would need to create an account on the Bitget exchange platform. 2. Meet the eligibility requirements - For Bitget's Super Airdrop event, participants must hold at least 4,000 BGB tokens in their Bitget accounts prior to the opening of trading for newly listed tokens on the exchange. 3. Complete any additional requirements - Some airdrops may require additional tasks, such as following a project on social media or completing other actions to be eligible for the airdrop. For Bitget super airdrop event, you need to hold a total of 4000 BGB token for a period of 15 days prior to the listing of a new token on the exchange to qualify for Airdrop of newly listed tokens on the exchange. 4. Receive the airdropped tokens - Once you have met the eligibility requirements and completed any additional tasks, you will receive the airdropped tokens in your wallet. It's important to note that while airdrops can be a great way to receive free tokens, there are also many scams and fraudulent projects out there. It's important to carefully research any project or airdrop before participating, and to never give out personal or sensitive information to untrusted sources. #airdrop #airdrops #AirdropGuide #guide

Cryptocurrencies Airdrops

In the world of cryptocurrencies, an "airdrop" is a commerce campaign when a blockchain gives away complimentary tokens or coins to the public. An airdrop is typically conducted to spread awareness of the project and to create buzz.

Airdrops in crypto are free tokens that are given to users as a way to promote a new cryptocurrency. For example, if new crypto is launching, they may airdrop tokens to users of a popular crypto wallet as a way to generate interest and awareness. People who have a specific quantity of another cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, are typically eligible for airdrops. There are multiple distinct approaches for obtaining airdrops. The most common is to simply hold the required cryptocurrency in your wallet at the time of the airdrop. Some airdrops will require you to sign up for a mailing list or complete other simple tasks. It's possible to acquire free cryptocurrency via airdrops.

Token distribution methods termed "airdrops" have become increasingly common in the cryptocurrency world. Many projects have used airdrops as a way to give away tokens to early adopters and build a community around their projects. But who founded airdrops in crypto? The first airdrop in the cryptocurrency space was conducted by the Bitcoin project. In 2013, they airdropped 50 bitcoin to people who signed up for the airdrop. This was encouraged to raise interest in Bitcoin and educate people about it. Several more projects have since carried out their airdrops in a similar manner. Some notable airdrops include Stellar Lumens, which gave away $125 million worth of their XLM tokens, and TRON, which airdropped $30 million worth of their TRX tokens. Airdrops are a great way to get people involved in a project and create a buzz around it. So if you're thinking about conducting an airdrop, make sure to do your research and plan it out carefully

The process of air dropping

There are two types of crypto airdrops. The first one is where it comes as a surprise to the user. You wake up one day to find your wallet loaded with crypto coins, and it creates a buzz as to where they came from.

The other method is pre-airdrop announcement where the blockchain based startups announce it beforehand to get the buzz going. In the majority of the cases, the primary goal is to bootstrap the project. The user may need to complete several processes before they can qualify for the airdrop.

What are the reasons for airdrops?

The cryptocurrency enterprises and wallet services may choose to reward loyal customers with cryptocurrency tokens. The main aim is to serve as an incentive for the customers to continue using the platforms.Airdrops can prove useful in creating a buzz regarding a new startup. It is a way of getting people to use the new cryptocurrency through increased user participation. Bitcoin Cash used this method to create awareness, and it became a top 10 cryptocurrency, as a result.Cryptocurrency enterprises can also use airdrops to enhance their marketing campaigns. For example, users may get promises of tokens once they fill an online questionnaire to generate leads.

You can participate in cryptocurrency Airdrops by following the rules set to make you eligible to participate and win in the event. An example is the Bitget's Super Airdrop event. This is a great way to receive free tokens and become more involved in the cryptocurrency community. Here's how you can participate:

1. Create an account on the platform offering the airdrop - In this case, you would need to create an account on the Bitget exchange platform.

2. Meet the eligibility requirements - For Bitget's Super Airdrop event, participants must hold at least 4,000 BGB tokens in their Bitget accounts prior to the opening of trading for newly listed tokens on the exchange.

3. Complete any additional requirements - Some airdrops may require additional tasks, such as following a project on social media or completing other actions to be eligible for the airdrop. For Bitget super airdrop event, you need to hold a total of 4000 BGB token for a period of 15 days prior to the listing of a new token on the exchange to qualify for Airdrop of newly listed tokens on the exchange.
4. Receive the airdropped tokens - Once you have met the eligibility requirements and completed any additional tasks, you will receive the airdropped tokens in your wallet.
It's important to note that while airdrops can be a great way to receive free tokens, there are also many scams and fraudulent projects out there. It's important to carefully research any project or airdrop before participating, and to never give out personal or sensitive information to untrusted sources.
#airdrop #airdrops #AirdropGuide #guide
Andrew Tate’s DADDY memecoin surged by 40% in the past 24 hours even while Bitcoin dipped below the $60,000 mark. The momentum for DADDY began to build after a video from Andrew Tate circulated. Tate urged holders of the meme coin to enroll in his so-called university, The Real World, and set a 72-hour window for the accumulation of DADDY, teasing a major announcement aimed at ‘fixing the crypto space’. Additionally, The Real World announced that Tate would go live to disclose an unfair advantage exclusively for its students.  #Tate #memecoin
Andrew Tate’s DADDY memecoin surged by 40% in the past 24 hours even while Bitcoin dipped below the $60,000 mark. The momentum for DADDY began to build after a video from Andrew Tate circulated. Tate urged holders of the meme coin to enroll in his so-called university, The Real World, and set a 72-hour window for the accumulation of DADDY, teasing a major announcement aimed at ‘fixing the crypto space’. Additionally, The Real World announced that Tate would go live to disclose an unfair advantage exclusively for its students. 

#Tate #memecoin
Can ETFs Push Ethereum Beyond $5,000? Bitcoin ETFs launched in mid-January, and two months later, the top coin hit its all-time high just below $74,000, dragging the entire market with it. Ethereum soared to $4000 at the time. Analysts believe that a similar effect will take place once ETH ETFs launch. However, according to K33, ETH might “stumble immediately following the launch of the ETFs”  from the “sell the news” phenomenon. However, they expect it to pick up pace immediately and, by the end of the year, hit new heights. #etheriumbreakout $ETH
Can ETFs Push Ethereum Beyond $5,000?

Bitcoin ETFs launched in mid-January, and two months later, the top coin hit its all-time high just below $74,000, dragging the entire market with it. Ethereum soared to $4000 at the time.
Analysts believe that a similar effect will take place once ETH ETFs launch. However, according to K33, ETH might “stumble immediately following the launch of the ETFs”  from the “sell the news” phenomenon. However, they expect it to pick up pace immediately and, by the end of the year, hit new heights.
#etheriumbreakout $ETH
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