In the past, I loved playing in casinos. The thrill, the mix of alcohol and excitement gave a solid dose of flavor to life.
Naturally, this way of life has given me a lot of acquaintances who are gamblers.
I present to you a comparison of phrases from my fellow players with phrases from traders that I constantly hear in the crypto trading sphere.
1. Gambler trader: "The market cannot always go against me; a reversal is inevitable."
Casino player: "The roulette can't hit red forever; black is about to come up."
2. Gambler trader: "I will buy at the bottom now and recover everything with interest."
Casino player: "I bet everything on this hand; it will definitely be a winner."
3. Gambler trader: "I will increase the trade volume to get into profit faster."
Casino player: "I'll raise my bet to win everything back at once."
4. Gambler trader: "These indicators guarantee profit, I just misinterpreted them."
Casino player: "The machine should pay out; I just didn't wait long enough."
5. Gambler trader: "I almost predicted the movement; next time I will definitely catch it."
Casino player: "I almost won on the last hand; luck will be on my side in the next one."
6. Gambler trader: "The market is purposely shaking me out, but I've already figured it out."
Casino player: "The dealer is purposely shuffling the cards so that no one wins."
7. Gambler trader: "This is just a temporary loss; I will recover in the next deal."
Casino player: "I only lost a little; I will get it all back with one bet."
8. Gambler trader: "I have a system, I know exactly how it will work this time."
Casino player: "This betting strategy is foolproof; it just needs time."
9. Gambler trader: "I need to wait a little longer, and the chart will go in the right direction."
Casino player: "I'll wait until the machine starts paying out wins."
10. Gambler trader: "I made a mistake in the details, but overall my strategy is perfect."
Casino player: "I just bet on the wrong number, but my intuition is not letting me down."
11. Gambler trader: "If I had a little more capital, I would definitely recover everything."
Casino player: "If I had more chips, I would definitely recover my losses."
12. Gambler trader: "This coin should take off; it is already at the peak of interest."
Casino player: "This slot is already hot; it will definitely give a big win now."
13. Gambler trader: "I just need a little more time in the market."
Casino player: "I just started; luck should come to me."
14. Gambler trader: "I have put so much effort into this deal; I can't exit now."
Casino player: "I've been playing at this table for too long; I can't leave empty-handed."
15. Gambler trader: "It was just a system glitch, the market always comes back."
Casino player: "I lost due to bad luck, but luck will return to me soon."
16. Gambler trader: "On small timeframes, I can predict every movement."
Casino player: "I feel the rhythm of the roulette; I know when to place my bet."
17. Gambler trader: "If I exit now, I will miss my best trade."
Casino player: "If I leave, the next bet will definitely be a winner."
18. Gambler trader: "All traders do this; it's standard practice."
Casino player: "Everyone at the table is doubling their bets, so it must be right."
19. Gambler trader: "Risk is part of the game; you can't earn without it."
Casino player: "Those who do not take risks do not win."
20. Gambler trader: "I know I'm losing now, but in the long run, everything will change."
Casino player: "You just have to keep going, and luck will smile on you."
These phrases vividly demonstrate the similarity in the thinking of gamblers, regardless of whether a person is at the roulette table or in front of a chart.