Harga IRISnet (IRIS)

Harga IRISnet (IRIS)

Tidak masuk listing
Mata Uang:
1 IRISnet setara dengan $0.003606 USD-10.79%1H
Halaman terakhir diperbarui: 2025-01-31 11:30 (UTC+0)
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Harga IRIS hari ini

Harga live IRISnet adalah $0.003606 per (IRIS / USD) dengan kapitalisasi pasar saat ini $5.86M USD. Volume perdagangan 24 jam adalah $310,916.44 USD. Harga IRIS ke USD diperbarui secara real-time. IRISnet berubah -10.79% dalam 24 jam terakhir dengan suplai beredar sebesar 1.63B.
Kinerja Harga IRIS dalam USD
Perbandingan TanggalPerubahan Jumlah% Perubahan
Hari Ini$-0.000436-10.79%
30 Hari$-0.000138-3.69%
60 Hari$-0.00735-67.08%
90 Hari$-0.010651-74.70%

Informasi Pasar IRIS

Low & High 24 jam
Rendah: $0.00316
Tinggi: $0.004125
Harga tertinggi dan terendah yang dibayarkan untuk aset ini dalam 24 jam.
All Time High
Harga tertinggi yang dibayarkan untuk aset ini sejak diluncurkan atau masuk listing.
Perubahan Harga (1jam)
Persentase perubahan harga aset ini dibandingkan dengan 1 jam lalu.
Perubahan Harga (24 jam)
Persentase perubahan harga aset ini dibandingkan dengan 24 jam lalu.
Perubahan Harga (7hari)
Persentase perubahan harga aset ini dibandingkan dengan 7 hari lalu.

Informasi Pasar IRIS

Popularitas didasarkan pada kapitalisasi pasar relatif aset.
Kapitalisasi Pasar
Kapitalisasi pasar dihitung dengan mengalikan suplai aset yang beredar dengan harga saat ini.
Volume (24 jam)
Nilai total dolar dari semua transaksi untuk aset ini selama 24 jam terakhir.
Pasokan Beredar
Jumlah koin yang beredar di pasar dan tersedia untuk diperdagangkan oleh umum, mirip dengan saham yang diperdagangkan secara publik di pasar saham.
Total Suplai Maksimum
Jumlah total koin yang pernah dibuat untuk mata uang kripto tersebut, serupa dengan saham yang terdilusi sepenuhnya di pasar saham. Jika data ini tidak disediakan atau diverifikasi oleh CoinMarketCap, suplai maksimumnya ditampilkan dengan tanda '--'.
Kapitalisasi Pasar Terdilusi Penuh
Jumlah total koin yang pernah dibuat untuk mata uang kripto tersebut, serupa dengan saham yang terdilusi sepenuhnya di pasar saham. Jika data ini tidak disediakan atau diverifikasi oleh CoinMarketCap, suplai maksimumnya ditampilkan dengan tanda '--'.

About IRISnet (IRIS)

IRISnet is a decentralized platform with an expressed focus on encouraging an open source network in which small and medium-sized businesses are empowered to package and offer their specific business services through an interconnected blockchain ecosystem.

The IRISnet platform looks to achieve the goal of the network by leveraging the InterBlockchain Communication (IBC) protocol existing in the underlying Cosmos blockchain ecosystem and the associated Tendermint consensus mechanism. Tendermint is known in the blockchain industry as a consensus algorithm which facilitates cross-chain communication and interoperability in the blockchain environment, a vital aspect of the IRISnet platform.

IRISnet seeks to combine and unify off-chain and on-chain capabilities and operations within its network design in order to enhance the business ecosystem, reach, and operations of small and medium-level enterprises. Specifically cross-platform data and application services are said to be supported to perpetuate much-needed consistency between off-chain and on-chain business ecosystems.

IRISnet uses bridges to connect to the Ethereum and Polygon networks, enabling cross-chain functionality. Cross-chain NFT and smart contract transfers between blockchain ecosystems is purportedly supported by the Terse IBC protocol and interchain technology implemented in the IRISnet infrastructure.

IRIS is the cryptocurrency asset deployed for use within the IRISnet decentralized platform and is known by its token ticker $IRIS. The current price of IRIS is updated and available in real-time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About IRISnet

  1. What is IRISnet (IRIS)?

    IRISnet (IRIS) is a blockchain framework whose primary role is to act as an intermediary communicator among varied blockchains and their associated applications. Constructed using the Cosmos-SDK, the core feature of IRIS Hub is its capacity to facilitate not only the transfer of tokens between diverse blockchains, but it also enables the utilization of data and computational resources across multiple, diverse systems.

  2. What Does IRISnet Stand For?

    It is documented that IRISnet was named after Iris, which is the personification of a rainbow and the messenger of the gods according to Greek mythology.

  3. What is IRIS Used For?

    IRIS is the cryptocurrency asset deployed for use within the IRISnet decentralized platform. IRIS is used to power cross-chain operations needed for businesses to function within the network. IRIS is also implemented in the network consensus algorithm used to secure the IRISnet network.

  4. How Does Network Consensus and Validation Work On IRISnet?

    IRISnet is secured by Delegated Proof-of-stake (DPoS). DPoS is a variation of Proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus and differs in that in addition to staking IRIS to participate in the model, validators are also selected through a delegation process in order to participate.

    DPoS is considered to be an advanced model in this regard since validators are incentivized for transparency since they can be replaced for the inclusion of different operators by the existing framework of the model.

  5. Who Is The IRISnet Founder?

    IRISnet was founded by the Shanghai-based team behind the Bianjie AI technology company founded in 2016. The co-founders of Bianjie AI are Harriet Cao, noted for her work in bringing modern solutions to the financial sector, and Haifeng Xi, a proven developer of distributed systems and blockchain applications.

  6. What is the Maximum Token Supply of IRIS?

    There is no established maximum token supply for the IRIS network cryptocurrency. At the time of writing the active circulating supply is 1,520,388,134 IRIS.

  7. What Makes IRISnet Different From Others?

    RISnet has established a degree of distinction through its focus and deep work related to  big data. IRISnet aims to unify various services offered by small and medium-sized businesses with on-chain and off-chain continuity based on blockchain technology.

    Many networks have been developed seemingly in order to target large corporate entities primarily, leaving many small businesses to implement blockchain solutions which are not particularly designed for their specific use, something IRISnet has tried to address to this point.

  8. How To Buy IRISnet (IRIS)?

    IRISnet (IRIS) can be purchased directly from Binance by using a debit or credit card. IRISnet (IRIS) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on Binance. Live IRISnet coin price is updated in real-time. IRIS coin price and purchase information is available for users to read on our How to Buy IRISnet (IRIS) Guide.

Bagian Video

Harga mata uang kripto memiliki risiko pasar dan volatilitas harga yang tinggi. Anda sebaiknya hanya berinvestasi pada produk yang Anda kenal dengan risiko yang Anda pahami. Konten yang disampaikan di halaman ini tidak dimaksudkan dan tidak boleh dianggap sebagai endorsement dari Binance terkait keandalan atau keakuratan konten tersebut. Anda harus mempertimbangkan pengalaman investasi, situasi keuangan, tujuan investasi, dan toleransi risiko Anda dengan cermat, serta berkonsultasi dengan penasihat keuangan independen sebelum melakukan investasi apa pun. Materi ini tidak boleh dianggap sebagai nasihat keuangan. Kinerja masa lalu bukan merupakan indikator yang dapat diandalkan untuk kinerja masa depan. Nilai investasi Anda mungkin turun atau naik. Anda mungkin tidak mendapatkan kembali jumlah yang sudah diinvestasikan. Anda bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya terhadap keputusan investasi Anda. Binance tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap segala kerugian yang mungkin Anda alami. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, silakan baca Ketentuan Penggunaan dan Peringatan Risiko kami. Harap diperhatikan juga bahwa data yang berkaitan dengan mata uang kripto seperti disebutkan di atas dan disajikan di sini (misalnya, harga live saat ini) didasarkan pada sumber pihak ketiga. Data disajikan kepada Anda atas dasar "sebagaimana adanya" dan hanya untuk tujuan informasi, tanpa pernyataan atau jaminan apa pun. Tautan yang diberikan yang mengarah ke situs pihak ketiga juga tidak dikontrol oleh Binance. Binance tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap keandalan dan keakuratan situs pihak ketiga tersebut dan kontennya.