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Frequently Asked Questions on Binance Spot Copy Trading

Frequently Asked Questions on Binance Spot Copy Trading

2024-04-19 06:54

1. What is Binance Spot Copy Trading?

Binance Spot Copy Trading is an automated trading system. It allows users to participate either as lead traders, whose portfolios can be copied by other traders, or as copy traders, who replicate the portfolios of lead traders.
Once you’ve set your investment amount, the system will automatically copy trades made by the lead traders you’re following.

2. Can I lead and copy trades simultaneously?

Yes, you can have one lead trading portfolio and up to ten copy trading portfolios simultaneously.

3. Is my Spot Copy Trading Account shared with my Binance Spot Account?

No, the Spot Copy Trading Account is independent from the Binance Spot Account.

4. How many spot trading pairs do copy trading support?

Currently, Spot Copy Trading supports more than 100 pairs. The list may be adjusted from time to time according to market conditions. You may view the supported pairs from the trading page.

5. What's the difference between lead trading and spot trading?

To provide better trading experience for lead traders, the trading process, interface, and tools for lead trading are similar to spot trading. However, profit sharing is only available to lead trading.

6. What benefits do lead traders enjoy?

Lead traders enjoy several benefits, including a 10% profit share from their copy traders. The remaining 90% goes to their copy traders. Additionally, they receive a 10% commission from their copy traders’ trading fees.

7. How many portfolios can a copy trader copy simultaneously?

Copy traders can copy up to ten portfolios at the same time.

8. What are [Fixed Ratio] and [Fixed Amount] copy modes?

[Fixed Ratio] and [Fixed Amount] copy modes serve different purposes. In the [Fixed Amount] mode, a fixed amount per trade is set by the copy trader. While in the [Fixed Ratio] mode, copy traders establish a total portfolio investment amount, and the system copies trades proportionally based on the entered amount.

9. How does the slippage protection work?

The slippage protection feature ensures trades are executed at reasonable prices by setting a maximum slippage limit. This prevents the system from copying trades at significantly deviated prices. Currently, the slippage protection is set at 0.3% for BTCUSDT and ETHUSDT pairs, and 0.5% for other trading pairs.

10. Why did copy trading fail?

Copy trading may fail due to various reasons, including:
  • Insufficient available balance in the copy portfolio.
  • Limit or stop-limit orders used by the lead trader may not be fully filled.
  • Exceeding the set limit for market slippage.
  • The order notional value falling below the symbol’s minimum notional value.

11. Does copy trading guarantee profits?

Copy trading does not guarantee profits and carries a significant level of risk. It’s essential to practice risk management and invest wisely within your financial means.

12. Can sub-accounts copy portfolios or start lead trading?

No, copy trading is not supported for sub-accounts.

13. Can I receive Binance Referral Program commission for lead/copy trading?

Yes, your inviter can receive referral commission for your lead/copying trading fees.

14. How do I track my copy trading balance history?

At the bottom of the Spot Copy Trading page, you can check the [Balance History] under the Portfolio History section.

15. Will the 10% profit sharing and 10% commission affect my existing referral fee structure?

No, it will not affect the original referral fee structure.

16. What will happen if I withdraw all the funds in my Copy Trading Account?

Your copy trading account will be closed and you will need to create a new copy trading account if you wish to continue to participate in Spot Copy Trading.
The minimum account balance to maintain the account for copy trader and lead trader is 10/100 USDT depending on Fixed Amount or Fixed Ratio mode and 500 USDT respectively.

17. How can I withdraw my funds from the Spot Copy Trading Account?

You need to close the running portfolio and click the [Adjust Balance] button to add or remove funds from the copy trading account. If there are any pending orders, please cancel them to close the portfolio.

18. I have assets with a low balance in my Copy Trading Account and I’m unable to trade them. How can I transfer them back to my Spot Account?

The funds will be returned to your Spot Account when the copy trading portfolio is closed.

19. Why are my assets converted to USDT?

Token balances higher than 10 USDT will be converted to USDT and returned to your Spot Wallet. If your token balance falls below 10 USDT, your tokens will be returned directly to your Spot Wallet without being converted.

20. Why do Futures and Spot copy trading support different countries/regions?

Futures and Spot copy trading is available to different country/region users based on respective country-specific legislation and regulatory constraints.

21. Are assets shared between Futures and Spot copy trading accounts?

No, assets are not shared between accounts of Futures and Spot copy trading accounts.

22. Why can't copy traders withdraw assets/USDT after closing their portfolios?

When a copy trader closes their portfolio, the system initiates an automated process to sell all tokens and convert them into USDT, which is then transferred back to the user's Spot Wallet. It's important to note that tokens with lower liquidity may take longer to be processed and sold. Consequently, until this process is fully completed, the copy trader might not be able to withdraw these assets.

23. How to withdraw all assets from my copy trading wallet?

  • Lead traders: You can cancel all pending orders and sell all tokens to USDT, then click [Close] to stop the running portfolio. Next, go to [Adjust Balance] - [Remove] to transfer the funds back to your Spot Wallet.
  • Copy traders: You can select [Stop Copying] on the ‘Portfolio’ page. If your token balance is higher than 10 USDT will be converted to USDT and returned to your Spot Wallet. If your token balance falls below 10 USDT, your tokens will be returned directly to your Spot Wallet.

24. Why is there a discrepancy in the order amount between lead traders and copy traders?

The order amount may vary based on whether the copying mode you selected.

25. Why does my portfolio display an unrealized PNL despite my portfolio balance indicates a profit?

Unrealized PNL is just for reference only, and is excluded when calculating your portfolio balance.

26. My net copy amount and realized PNL don’t add up. Why?

Realized PNL represents the profit or loss resulting from trades. Users may notice discrepancies when comparing the current balance to the initial investment plus realized PNL. The following factors can contribute to these differences:
  • Currency Conversion: The displayed value is calculated by converting the token value to BTC and then converting it again to the display currency (e.g., USDT). Thus, it involves two exchange rates, which can result in differences.
  • Price Fluctuations: The balance can be affected by token price changes. For example, if ETH was bought at a much lower price than the current market price, even with a loss from the trade, the user may still see an increased balance due to the higher ETH price.

27. Some of my assets have been sold at a profit but it is not included in the realized PNL. Why?

Realized PNL is updated only when the entire token balance is sold. Therefore, if only a portion of the token balance is sold, it will not show up in the Realized PNL section.