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Odaily星球日报讯 Galxe 将于北京时间 6 月 14 日早上 10 点快照第一批 GAL 质押奖励,第一批奖励将包含 ARB、MERL,、ZK(Polyhedra),其中三个奖励将遵循不同的质押细则: 1、ARB,无最低质押 GAL 数量要求,最高 GAL 数量设限为 200k; 2、MERL,最低质押 GAL 数量要求为 200,最高 GAL 数量设限为 5k; 3、ZK(Polyhedra),最低质押 GAL 数量要求为 100,最高 GAL 数量设限为 10k。 奖励领取时间,官方暂未披露。
Odaily星球日报讯 Galxe 将于北京时间 6 月 14 日早上 10 点快照第一批 GAL 质押奖励,第一批奖励将包含 ARB、MERL,、ZK(Polyhedra),其中三个奖励将遵循不同的质押细则:
1、ARB,无最低质押 GAL 数量要求,最高 GAL 数量设限为 200k;
2、MERL,最低质押 GAL 数量要求为 200,最高 GAL 数量设限为 5k;
3、ZK(Polyhedra),最低质押 GAL 数量要求为 100,最高 GAL 数量设限为 10k。
Galxe 头号粉丝G
$GAL Gravity 的发布将分两个阶段进行:2024 年 6 月推出 Gravity Alpha 主网,2025 年第二季度推出 Gravity 主网。Gravity 是 Web3 生态系统的宇宙粘合剂,使项目能够为 Web3 用户构建广泛的解决方案。
Odai­ly星球日报讯 据官方消息,­Galxe 宣布即将推出专为全链体验和全链抽象设计的 Layer1 区块链 Grav­i­ty,并将把其Quest、­Com­pass、­Pass­port、S­core、Al­va和­Galx­e身份协议等核心产品整合到 Grav­ity 链上。 Grav­i­ty集成了最快的执行层Reth和最先进的共识算法Jolteon(Ap­tos­BFT)。这些技术共同提供高吞吐量和近乎即时的最终性。­Grav­i­ty将完全兼容EVM,使开发者能够无缝部署和交互智能合约。此外,­Grav­i­ty的权益证明将由G代币原生抵押和包括Baby­lon和Eigen­Lay­er在内的重新抵押协议驱动。 Grav­i­ty的推出将分两个关键阶段进行,其中,­Grav­ity Alpha Main­net将于2024年6月上线,由Ar­bi­trum Ni­tro技术堆栈提供支持;2025年第二季度,­Galxe 将推出­Grav­ity Main­net,这是一个由重新抵押驱动的PoS Layer 1区块链,以Reth作为其EVM执行引擎。­Grav­i­ty的权益证明将由G代币原生抵押和包括Baby­lon和Eigen­Lay­er在内的再抵押协议驱动。 Galx­e的联合创始人Har­ry Zhang表示:“Web3世界越来越多链的诞生极大的影响了用户体验。­Galx­e目前支持了34条链,为了让我们可以从百万日活增长到千万甚至上亿,我们需要一个更好的协议层来支撑更好的用户体验。­Grav­i­ty的推出正是为了满足简化跨链交互并提供用户友好体验的迫切需求。其抽象复杂性的能力将为开发者和用户带来颠覆性的改变。” Latch 将为 Grav­i­ty上第一个上线的生态项目,Latch.io是基于­Grav­i­ty打造的链上余额宝,旨在打通全链的生息资产和流动性。 Galx­e将来将集成Latch,将­Galxe Smart Bal­ance升级为­Galxe Smart Sav­ings。Latch目前已经上线,并奖励早期用户获取40%+ APY的u本位收益。
Odai­ly星球日报讯 据官方消息,­Galxe 宣布即将推出专为全链体验和全链抽象设计的 Layer1 区块链 Grav­i­ty,并将把其Quest、­Com­pass、­Pass­port、S­core、Al­va和­Galx­e身份协议等核心产品整合到 Grav­ity 链上。
Grav­i­ty的推出将分两个关键阶段进行,其中,­Grav­ity Alpha Main­net将于2024年6月上线,由Ar­bi­trum Ni­tro技术堆栈提供支持;2025年第二季度,­Galxe 将推出­Grav­ity Main­net,这是一个由重新抵押驱动的PoS Layer 1区块链,以Reth作为其EVM执行引擎。­Grav­i­ty的权益证明将由G代币原生抵押和包括Baby­lon和Eigen­Lay­er在内的再抵押协议驱动。
Galx­e的联合创始人Har­ry Zhang表示:“Web3世界越来越多链的诞生极大的影响了用户体验。­Galx­e目前支持了34条链,为了让我们可以从百万日活增长到千万甚至上亿,我们需要一个更好的协议层来支撑更好的用户体验。­Grav­i­ty的推出正是为了满足简化跨链交互并提供用户友好体验的迫切需求。其抽象复杂性的能力将为开发者和用户带来颠覆性的改变。”
Latch 将为 Grav­i­ty上第一个上线的生态项目,Latch.io是基于­Grav­i­ty打造的链上余额宝,旨在打通全链的生息资产和流动性。 Galx­e将来将集成Latch,将­Galxe Smart Bal­ance升级为­Galxe Smart Sav­ings。Latch目前已经上线,并奖励早期用户获取40%+ APY的u本位收益。
让 Arc Sreach 总结了昨晚微软 Build 2024 大会重点,太好用了精准又全面: 🤖AI 功能增强 — 微软宣布将 AI 功能整合到 Windows、Copilot 和 Edge 浏览器中。 📱Phi-3-vision 发布 — 这是微软四月份宣布的 Phi-3 AI 模型的新版本,支持多模态功能,适用于移动设备。 🌍Edge 浏览器实时翻译 — Edge 浏览器将获得 AI 动力的实时视频翻译功能,支持多种语言和视频平台。 🎨Microsoft Teams 自定义表情 — Microsoft Teams 将支持自定义表情,包括在组织域之外不可见的表情。 💻Snapdragon PC — 高通发布了一款与 Mac Mini 大小相近的 Snapdragon Dev Kit for Windows。 📂File Explorer 集成 Git — 微软的 File Explorer 将集成 Git,方便开发者跟踪代码项目。 📋Windows 剪贴板 AI 功能 — Windows 11 的 PowerToys 套件现已支持高级粘贴功能,需要 OpenAI API 密钥。 🖥️.NET 和人工智能 — .NET 9 推出了一系列功能和工具,加速开发人员构建 AI 应用的过程。 #ai
让 Arc Sreach 总结了昨晚微软 Build 2024 大会重点,太好用了精准又全面:

🤖AI 功能增强 — 微软宣布将 AI 功能整合到 Windows、Copilot 和 Edge 浏览器中。

📱Phi-3-vision 发布 — 这是微软四月份宣布的 Phi-3 AI 模型的新版本,支持多模态功能,适用于移动设备。

🌍Edge 浏览器实时翻译 — Edge 浏览器将获得 AI 动力的实时视频翻译功能,支持多种语言和视频平台。

🎨Microsoft Teams 自定义表情 — Microsoft Teams 将支持自定义表情,包括在组织域之外不可见的表情。

💻Snapdragon PC — 高通发布了一款与 Mac Mini 大小相近的 Snapdragon Dev Kit for Windows。

📂File Explorer 集成 Git — 微软的 File Explorer 将集成 Git,方便开发者跟踪代码项目。

📋Windows 剪贴板 AI 功能 — Windows 11 的 PowerToys 套件现已支持高级粘贴功能,需要 OpenAI API 密钥。

🖥️.NET 和人工智能 — .NET 9 推出了一系列功能和工具,加速开发人员构建 AI 应用的过程。

Breaking Free from the "Curse of Knowledge" to Take the First Step Towards Earning Money The "Curse of Knowledge" is a mental obstacle that hinders many from taking action towards financial success. It's the belief that one must have complete mastery of a field before beginning, leading to a cycle of endless preparation and inaction. The Illusion of Complete Knowledge This curse is an illusion that suggests we can only act when we have all the answers. It's a belief that we need to be fully prepared with comprehensive knowledge and experience. However, this mindset can paralyze us, preventing us from venturing into the unknown. The Paradox of Learning The paradox is that the best way to learn is not through passive absorption but through active engagement. It's about jumping in and learning to swim as we navigate the waters, not waiting for the perfect conditions. The Power of Action Action is the antidote to the curse of knowledge. It's about recognizing that you don't need to know everything to start. Knowledge is a result of action, not a prerequisite. Learning by Doing Successful people are not those who know the most but those who are willing to learn. They understand that knowledge is a journey, not a destination. They are not afraid to start with limited knowledge and grow their understanding as they go. The Myth of Perfect Conditions The myth suggests there is a right time and place to start. But there is no perfect time. The right time is now, and the right place is wherever you are. The Student Mentality The student mentality keeps us in a cycle of perpetual learning without action. It's the belief that we are always learning and never quite ready, which can hinder progress. The Journey of Life Life is about continuous learning and growth. It's facing challenges, making mistakes, and learning from them. It's taking risks, experiencing failure, and using it as a stepping stone to success.
Breaking Free from the "Curse of Knowledge" to Take the First Step Towards Earning Money

The "Curse of Knowledge" is a mental obstacle that hinders many from taking action towards financial success. It's the belief that one must have complete mastery of a field before beginning, leading to a cycle of endless preparation and inaction.

The Illusion of Complete Knowledge

This curse is an illusion that suggests we can only act when we have all the answers. It's a belief that we need to be fully prepared with comprehensive knowledge and experience. However, this mindset can paralyze us, preventing us from venturing into the unknown.

The Paradox of Learning

The paradox is that the best way to learn is not through passive absorption but through active engagement. It's about jumping in and learning to swim as we navigate the waters, not waiting for the perfect conditions.

The Power of Action

Action is the antidote to the curse of knowledge. It's about recognizing that you don't need to know everything to start. Knowledge is a result of action, not a prerequisite.

Learning by Doing

Successful people are not those who know the most but those who are willing to learn. They understand that knowledge is a journey, not a destination. They are not afraid to start with limited knowledge and grow their understanding as they go.

The Myth of Perfect Conditions

The myth suggests there is a right time and place to start. But there is no perfect time. The right time is now, and the right place is wherever you are.

The Student Mentality

The student mentality keeps us in a cycle of perpetual learning without action. It's the belief that we are always learning and never quite ready, which can hinder progress.

The Journey of Life

Life is about continuous learning and growth. It's facing challenges, making mistakes, and learning from them. It's taking risks, experiencing failure, and using it as a stepping stone to success.
“low float, high FDV” projects are harming retail investors and destroying the market in the long run. The primary concern of retail investors is "Who can I trust when investing in projects?" Initially, it was "trust Vitalik (or other project founders)", then “trust big CEXes”, and "trust major VCs/KOLs" as they have conducted thorough due diligence and possess deep industry understanding. While it's true, by choosing to trust these parties, retail investors essentially hand over their wallets to them, who could unexpectedly act against the investors' interests. In the short term, to address this issue, we require more neutral and credible research institutions. However, these institutions may eventually evolve into another form of VC or KOL and join the quasi-trust monopoly game in the long run. The ultimate solution is to "trust metrics." These metrics, must be derived from on-chain data, should be fair and understandable to the public, similar to Earnings per Share (EPS) in the stock market, but not reliant on external auditors. TVL is a great early metric, but its credibility has started to wane as many projects are exploiting the system. With such a subjective metrics like EPT (Earnings Per Token), a project’s valuation could be simply calculated as EPS × (a reasonable) PE Ratio, not token price * num of tokens. When we focus enough on "earning," we will be naturally think more about "building innovations that are useful to people and make the world a better place" rather than engaging in capital play. This approach brings us back to the original spirit of decentralization IMO.
“low float, high FDV” projects are harming retail investors and destroying the market in the long run.

The primary concern of retail investors is "Who can I trust when investing in projects?" Initially, it was "trust Vitalik (or other project founders)", then “trust big CEXes”, and "trust major VCs/KOLs" as they have conducted thorough due diligence and possess deep industry understanding. While it's true, by choosing to trust these parties, retail investors essentially hand over their wallets to them, who could unexpectedly act against the investors' interests.

In the short term, to address this issue, we require more neutral and credible research institutions. However, these institutions may eventually evolve into another form of VC or KOL and join the quasi-trust monopoly game in the long run.

The ultimate solution is to "trust metrics." These metrics, must be derived from on-chain data, should be fair and understandable to the public, similar to Earnings per Share (EPS) in the stock market, but not reliant on external auditors. TVL is a great early metric, but its credibility has started to wane as many projects are exploiting the system. With such a subjective metrics like EPT (Earnings Per Token), a project’s valuation could be simply calculated as EPS × (a reasonable) PE Ratio, not token price * num of tokens.

When we focus enough on "earning," we will be naturally think more about "building innovations that are useful to people and make the world a better place" rather than engaging in capital play. This approach brings us back to the original spirit of decentralization IMO.
Binance News
Solana 生态 DEX Jupiter 集成 Sanctum Infinity 协议
据 Foresight News 报道,Solana 生态 DEX Jupiter 宣布已将 Solana 生态 LST 协议 Sanctum Infinity 集成到 Jupiter Routing 中。Sanctum 的 INF 是一篮子 LST,用于在各个 LST 之间提供流动性,并在不放弃质押收益的情况下赚取交易费用。现在,通过 Jupiter,用户可以利用 INF 的流动性,将一个 LST 兑换为另一个 LST,从而获得更好的交易费率。
苹果和OpenAI 将在 WWDC 上宣布重要合作消息 苹果计划在即将到来的WWDC(全球开发者大会)上发布新的生成式AI功能,包括云端服务和本地LLM(大语言模型)的结合。 1、整合OpenAI技术到iOS 18: 苹果将把OpenAI的生成式AI技术整合到iOS18中。这意味着用户将能够在iPhone上体验到由OpenAl支持的高级AI功能。 2、引入聊天机器人功能: 尽管苹果目前没有计划推出自己版本的聊天机器人,但通过与OpenAI的合作,iOS 18将具备类似ChatGPT的功能。这将帮助苹果在生成式AI领域快速跟上竞争对手的步伐。 3、改进Siri和其他AI功能: 合作的一部分将包括对Siri进行重大改进,使其更加对话化,并增强其处理复杂任务的能力。 此外,苹果计划利用OpenAI的技术来改进其他AI功能,如自动摘要、新闻概要、语音转录等。 4、云端与本地结合的AI服务: 苹果将继续坚持其本地AI处理的策略,但也将通过OpenAI的云端技术提供更强大的AI服务。 这种结合将提升用户体验,同时兼顾隐私和安全。 5. 即将宣布的合作细节: 合作的正式细节将在WWDC的主题演讲中公布,包括具体的技术整合方式、功能展示以及未来发展计划。 同时苹果正在加速其硬件更新,推出新的iPad Pro和其他设备,以提升AI处理能力。 新的硬件将配备更强大的芯片(如M4芯片),支持更复杂的AI功能。 #apple
苹果和OpenAI 将在 WWDC 上宣布重要合作消息


1、整合OpenAI技术到iOS 18:



尽管苹果目前没有计划推出自己版本的聊天机器人,但通过与OpenAI的合作,iOS 18将具备类似ChatGPT的功能。这将帮助苹果在生成式AI领域快速跟上竞争对手的步伐。







5. 即将宣布的合作细节:


同时苹果正在加速其硬件更新,推出新的iPad Pro和其他设备,以提升AI处理能力。

The strategy of "low liquidity with high Full Diluted Valuation (FDV)" was pioneered by Alameda, gained momentum in the Solana ecosystem, and has been greatly amplified by the pricing power of Western venture capitals. It's now a significant factor causing market losses. The swift attention and launch of a public listing recruitment plan are commendably quick. I am optimistic about the future of application-layer projects, especially for Chinese entrepreneurs. Chinese teams are typically product and technology-oriented, with less emphasis on storytelling but strong in execution and technical expertise. These projects often win through their scenarios and economic models, achieving impressive data and growth without relying on elaborate narratives or strong VC backing. The arrival of the traffic era and a shift in Binance's listing preferences could lead to significant opportunities.
The strategy of "low liquidity with high Full Diluted Valuation (FDV)" was pioneered by Alameda, gained momentum in the Solana ecosystem, and has been greatly amplified by the pricing power of Western venture capitals. It's now a significant factor causing market losses.

The swift attention and launch of a public listing recruitment plan are commendably quick.

I am optimistic about the future of application-layer projects, especially for Chinese entrepreneurs. Chinese teams are typically product and technology-oriented, with less emphasis on storytelling but strong in execution and technical expertise. These projects often win through their scenarios and economic models, achieving impressive data and growth without relying on elaborate narratives or strong VC backing.

The arrival of the traffic era and a shift in Binance's listing preferences could lead to significant opportunities.
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