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1M$ BONUS - ROYALTY NFT (lần thứ 11)💰Việc phân phối tiền thưởng ROYALTY NFT mới nhất đã thành công! 1 triệu USD đã được phân bổ cho những người tham gia chương trình. Chúng tôi muốn nhắc bạn rằng việc ra mắt Hàng hóa xúc giác sắp tới sẽ khai thác toàn bộ tiềm năng của chương trình Tiền bản quyền. 💚 Tham gia chương trình, nâng cao NFT của bạn, nâng cao vị thế của bạn và tạo ra các cơ hội mới cùng với Meta Force. NFT1: 20$NFT2: 86$NFT3: 285$NFT4: 1,185$NFT5: 5,240$NFT6: 24,000$ | Nguồn Meta Force |

1M$ BONUS - ROYALTY NFT (lần thứ 11)

💰Việc phân phối tiền thưởng ROYALTY NFT mới nhất đã thành công!

1 triệu USD đã được phân bổ cho những người tham gia chương trình.
Chúng tôi muốn nhắc bạn rằng việc ra mắt Hàng hóa xúc giác sắp tới sẽ khai thác toàn bộ tiềm năng của chương trình Tiền bản quyền.
💚 Tham gia chương trình, nâng cao NFT của bạn, nâng cao vị thế của bạn và tạo ra các cơ hội mới cùng với Meta Force.
NFT1: 20$NFT2: 86$NFT3: 285$NFT4: 1,185$NFT5: 5,240$NFT6: 24,000$
| Nguồn Meta Force |
Chơi game miễn phí kiếm tiền thậtHai tựa game đang làm mưa làm gió thu hút hàng chục triệu lượt người đăng ký tham gia. Hamster Kombat, Сatizen, Neo Dao: Trò chơi nào sẽ vượt qua thử thách Hiện tại, trò chơi nhấn hoặc 'clickers' thực sự đang bùng nổ. Mọi người đang nói về sự thành công phi thường của Hamster Kombat, một trò chơi mà sau chiến thắng của Notcoin clicker, dường như đã phá vỡ mọi kỷ lục về mức độ phổ biến không thể tưởng tượng được. #Hamster_Kombat #Catizen 1. HAMSTER KOMBAT Hamster Kombat là một trò chơi thuộc thể loại clicker khác đang cố gắng thu hút sự chú ý của người chơi bằng cách hứa hẹn đầu tư ít thời gian hơn so với dự án nổi tiếng Not Coin. Tuy nhiên, bất chấp tuyên bố của những người sáng lập, vẫn có những nghi ngờ về việc dự án này thực sự khác biệt đến mức nào so với những dự án tiền nhiệm. Ban đầu, nhiều người, bao gồm cả chúng tôi, không chú ý nhiều đến Hamster Kombat, coi đây chỉ là một bản sao khác đang cố gắng kiếm tiền từ sự cường điệu xung quanh một thể loại mới dành cho công chúng. Tuy nhiên, công ty khởi nghiệp này đã thu hút được sự chú ý của 4 triệu người dùng chỉ trong vài tháng, điều này có thể là do không có nhu cầu mua bất kỳ thứ gì trong trò chơi bằng tiền thật. Lối chơi không còn nguyên bản: người dùng chỉ cần nhấp vào màn hình để nhận xu. Số lượng mã thông báo cho mỗi lần nhấp phụ thuộc vào cấp độ và nâng cấp của nhân vật, đây là cơ chế tiêu chuẩn trong các ứng dụng loại này. Những người sáng lập khuyên bạn nên đăng nhập vào trò chơi thường xuyên nhất có thể để thu thập tiền thưởng kịp thời và do đó cải thiện tính cách của bạn. Tuy nhiên, những lời khuyên này nghe có vẻ quen thuộc và không có gì mới mẻ. Hơn nữa, có những lo ngại rằng trò chơi sẽ nhanh chóng trở nên nhàm chán do thiếu sự phát triển và ý tưởng mới. Bất chấp thành công ban đầu của Hamster Kombat, vẫn còn những nghi ngờ về triển vọng lâu dài của dự án. Các nhà phát triển khó có thể nghĩ ra thứ gì đó thực sự mới và thú vị trong tương lai gần, do những hạn chế của thể loại "clicker". Cuối cùng, "chuột đồng chiến đấu" có nguy cơ chỉ là một trò chơi khác sẽ nhanh chóng mất hứng thú sau sự cường điệu ban đầu. Công cụ: CryptoKitties 2.0 Catizen là một trò chơi clicker khác của các nhà phát triển Trung Quốc đang cố gắng thu hút sự chú ý trong thị trường tăng trưởng này. Trò chơi nhấn đã trở nên vô cùng phổ biến trong số các ứng dụng mini GameFi trong hệ sinh thái TON, trở thành một trong những trò chơi dẫn đầu trong danh mục này. Số lượng người chơi đăng ký Catizen kể từ đầu năm 2024 đã vượt quá 4 triệu và số lượng người dùng tích cực thường xuyên tương tác với trò chơi đã lên tới con số ấn tượng là 260.000. Những số liệu này cho thấy sự phát triển nhanh chóng và thành công của dự án trong lĩnh vực Web3, nơi tiền điện tử nổi bật so với phần còn lại. Catizen đã gây được tiếng vang lớn cho Gamefly nhưng đã muộn 20 năm Một trò chơi có đồ họa đơn giản. Phong cách hình ảnh tối giản và không quá nhiều chi tiết. Hoạt ảnh của nhân vật và môi trường rất cơ bản và không quá chi tiết. Rõ ràng điều này được thực hiện nhằm mục đích để ứng dụng có thể chạy trên mọi điện thoại thông minh và máy tính bảng. Cách chơi cũng không đa dạng lắm. Cơ chế hành vi đơn điệu và được lặp đi lặp lại trong suốt trò chơi mà không có thay đổi đáng kể. Không có hoạt động bổ sung hoặc trò chơi nhỏ nào có thể đa dạng hóa lối chơi. Toàn bộ lối chơi tập trung vào việc tích lũy tài nguyên và cải thiện mèo. Mặt khác, trò chơi không yêu cầu các thuật toán phức tạp. Cơ chế cơ bản của việc vượt biển, thu thập tài nguyên và nâng cấp nhân vật khá điển hình trong nhiều trò chơi thông thường. Các nhà phát triển đã không phát minh ra thứ gì đó mới về cơ bản mà sử dụng các phương pháp tiếp cận đã được chứng minh và nổi tiếng. So sánh Catizen với Hamster Kombat có thể thấy nhiều điểm tương đồng: cả hai trò chơi đều hứa hẹn khả năng kiếm tiền điện tử thông qua các hành động đơn giản;cả hai đều sử dụng các cơ chế tiến bộ và khen thưởng tương tự nhau;Cả hai trò chơi đều có nguy cơ người dùng nhanh chóng mất hứng thú do lối chơi đơn điệu. Bất chấp những nỗ lực của những người sáng lập "crypto kitty 2.0" như vậy nhằm kết hợp các yếu tố của trò chơi thành công và thêm cơ hội kiếm tiền điện tử, vẫn còn những nghi ngờ về triển vọng dài hạn của dự án. Tuy nhiên, theo một số nguồn tin, chính TON Foundation, tổ chức đứng sau nền tảng blockchain TON (Mạng mở Telegram), đã đầu tư vào việc phát triển trò chơi này. Tuy nhiên, Catizen có nguy cơ rơi vào tình trạng giống như nhiều game khác thuộc thể loại taper. Nếu không có sự khác biệt đáng kể và những đề xuất độc đáo, khó có khả năng những dự án như vậy sẽ thành công về lâu dài.. Đăng ký bằng link dưới comment!

Chơi game miễn phí kiếm tiền thật

Hai tựa game đang làm mưa làm gió thu hút hàng chục triệu lượt người đăng ký tham gia.
Hamster Kombat, Сatizen, Neo Dao: Trò chơi nào sẽ vượt qua thử thách
Hiện tại, trò chơi nhấn hoặc 'clickers' thực sự đang bùng nổ. Mọi người đang nói về sự thành công phi thường của Hamster Kombat, một trò chơi mà sau chiến thắng của Notcoin clicker, dường như đã phá vỡ mọi kỷ lục về mức độ phổ biến không thể tưởng tượng được.

#Hamster_Kombat #Catizen

Hamster Kombat là một trò chơi thuộc thể loại clicker khác đang cố gắng thu hút sự chú ý của người chơi bằng cách hứa hẹn đầu tư ít thời gian hơn so với dự án nổi tiếng Not Coin. Tuy nhiên, bất chấp tuyên bố của những người sáng lập, vẫn có những nghi ngờ về việc dự án này thực sự khác biệt đến mức nào so với những dự án tiền nhiệm.
Ban đầu, nhiều người, bao gồm cả chúng tôi, không chú ý nhiều đến Hamster Kombat, coi đây chỉ là một bản sao khác đang cố gắng kiếm tiền từ sự cường điệu xung quanh một thể loại mới dành cho công chúng. Tuy nhiên, công ty khởi nghiệp này đã thu hút được sự chú ý của 4 triệu người dùng chỉ trong vài tháng, điều này có thể là do không có nhu cầu mua bất kỳ thứ gì trong trò chơi bằng tiền thật.
Lối chơi không còn nguyên bản: người dùng chỉ cần nhấp vào màn hình để nhận xu. Số lượng mã thông báo cho mỗi lần nhấp phụ thuộc vào cấp độ và nâng cấp của nhân vật, đây là cơ chế tiêu chuẩn trong các ứng dụng loại này.
Những người sáng lập khuyên bạn nên đăng nhập vào trò chơi thường xuyên nhất có thể để thu thập tiền thưởng kịp thời và do đó cải thiện tính cách của bạn. Tuy nhiên, những lời khuyên này nghe có vẻ quen thuộc và không có gì mới mẻ. Hơn nữa, có những lo ngại rằng trò chơi sẽ nhanh chóng trở nên nhàm chán do thiếu sự phát triển và ý tưởng mới.
Bất chấp thành công ban đầu của Hamster Kombat, vẫn còn những nghi ngờ về triển vọng lâu dài của dự án. Các nhà phát triển khó có thể nghĩ ra thứ gì đó thực sự mới và thú vị trong tương lai gần, do những hạn chế của thể loại "clicker". Cuối cùng, "chuột đồng chiến đấu" có nguy cơ chỉ là một trò chơi khác sẽ nhanh chóng mất hứng thú sau sự cường điệu ban đầu.

Công cụ: CryptoKitties 2.0
Catizen là một trò chơi clicker khác của các nhà phát triển Trung Quốc đang cố gắng thu hút sự chú ý trong thị trường tăng trưởng này. Trò chơi nhấn đã trở nên vô cùng phổ biến trong số các ứng dụng mini GameFi trong hệ sinh thái TON, trở thành một trong những trò chơi dẫn đầu trong danh mục này.
Số lượng người chơi đăng ký Catizen kể từ đầu năm 2024 đã vượt quá 4 triệu và số lượng người dùng tích cực thường xuyên tương tác với trò chơi đã lên tới con số ấn tượng là 260.000. Những số liệu này cho thấy sự phát triển nhanh chóng và thành công của dự án trong lĩnh vực Web3, nơi tiền điện tử nổi bật so với phần còn lại.

Catizen đã gây được tiếng vang lớn cho Gamefly nhưng đã muộn 20 năm
Một trò chơi có đồ họa đơn giản. Phong cách hình ảnh tối giản và không quá nhiều chi tiết. Hoạt ảnh của nhân vật và môi trường rất cơ bản và không quá chi tiết. Rõ ràng điều này được thực hiện nhằm mục đích để ứng dụng có thể chạy trên mọi điện thoại thông minh và máy tính bảng.
Cách chơi cũng không đa dạng lắm. Cơ chế hành vi đơn điệu và được lặp đi lặp lại trong suốt trò chơi mà không có thay đổi đáng kể. Không có hoạt động bổ sung hoặc trò chơi nhỏ nào có thể đa dạng hóa lối chơi. Toàn bộ lối chơi tập trung vào việc tích lũy tài nguyên và cải thiện mèo.
Mặt khác, trò chơi không yêu cầu các thuật toán phức tạp. Cơ chế cơ bản của việc vượt biển, thu thập tài nguyên và nâng cấp nhân vật khá điển hình trong nhiều trò chơi thông thường. Các nhà phát triển đã không phát minh ra thứ gì đó mới về cơ bản mà sử dụng các phương pháp tiếp cận đã được chứng minh và nổi tiếng.
So sánh Catizen với Hamster Kombat có thể thấy nhiều điểm tương đồng:
cả hai trò chơi đều hứa hẹn khả năng kiếm tiền điện tử thông qua các hành động đơn giản;cả hai đều sử dụng các cơ chế tiến bộ và khen thưởng tương tự nhau;Cả hai trò chơi đều có nguy cơ người dùng nhanh chóng mất hứng thú do lối chơi đơn điệu.
Bất chấp những nỗ lực của những người sáng lập "crypto kitty 2.0" như vậy nhằm kết hợp các yếu tố của trò chơi thành công và thêm cơ hội kiếm tiền điện tử, vẫn còn những nghi ngờ về triển vọng dài hạn của dự án. Tuy nhiên, theo một số nguồn tin, chính TON Foundation, tổ chức đứng sau nền tảng blockchain TON (Mạng mở Telegram), đã đầu tư vào việc phát triển trò chơi này.
Tuy nhiên, Catizen có nguy cơ rơi vào tình trạng giống như nhiều game khác thuộc thể loại taper. Nếu không có sự khác biệt đáng kể và những đề xuất độc đáo, khó có khả năng những dự án như vậy sẽ thành công về lâu dài..
Đăng ký bằng link dưới comment!
The SEC accused Uniswap of violating securities trading lawsThe SEC accused Uniswap of violating securities trading laws The details are unknown, but it is assumed that, as in other cases, the SEC is trying to accuse the exchange of illegal securities trading. According to Uniswap’s lawyer, the web application and wallet cannot be equated with “securities brokers or exchanges.” The head of the SEC has already commented on the situation. Gary Gensler stated that decentralized exchanges “are not really decentralized exchanges, so they are subject to regulatory policies.” Thus, we are witnessing a case where the Regulator is trying to accuse DEXs of illegal activities. Read more in the article The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Uniswap of violating securities trading laws on comment! #SEC #DEX #Gary _#GaryGensler

The SEC accused Uniswap of violating securities trading laws

The SEC accused Uniswap of violating securities trading laws
The details are unknown, but it is assumed that, as in other cases, the SEC is trying to accuse the exchange of illegal securities trading. According to Uniswap’s lawyer, the web application and wallet cannot be equated with “securities brokers or exchanges.”

The head of the SEC has already commented on the situation. Gary Gensler stated that decentralized exchanges “are not really decentralized exchanges, so they are subject to regulatory policies.” Thus, we are witnessing a case where the Regulator is trying to accuse DEXs of illegal activities.
Read more in the article The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Uniswap of violating securities trading laws on comment!
#SEC #DEX #Gary _#GaryGensler
Remix: Vladimir Okhotnikov: Deciphering the Bitcoin-ETF approval process The recently released article focuses on the approval process of Bitcoin-ETF, in the vision of Vladimir Okhotnikov, leading expert and founder of Floralia company. A famous publicist in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain assesses the events surrounding the anticipated Bitcoin ETF release in the latter half of 2023. The crypto community was abuzz with expectation for months. The author analyzes what stands behind this process. Unveiling Vladimir Okhotnikov's Perspective It is enough to track the approval process for Bitcoin-ETF applications to see its notable peculiarities, which were apparent to observers. There were numerous speculations, fueled by rumors circulating both online and in mainstream media. It appeared as a battle between the opposing forces: BlackRock vs SEC, where the company seemed to look for justice. However, a complex debate about the future of our financial system lies beneath this narrative. Market reactions to rumors and hints were fast, regardless of their accuracy. There was an atmosphere of anticipation, which was fueled by a continuous influx of speculative information. It appeared as if someone was intentionally increasing or intensifying the level of excitement or interest in the Bitcoin-ETF approval process.  What stands behind the attack on Bitcoin Okhotnikov remains optimistic despite the pressure exerted on Bitcoin. He believes in the resilience of the Bitcoin blockchain. The expert considers that Bitcoin itself doesn’t pose a threat to the CeFi system. However, the logic of the Bitcoin blockchain reveals it. It shows the potential efficacy of the financial system without the control of fiat financiers. And they don’t want to lose the control over their monopoly.  Exploring the clash of worldviews in finance Since Bitcoin symbolizes an alternative to the existing financial system, the skepticism towards Bitcoin from entities like the SEC is understandable. This skepticism stems from entrenched interests in the fiat economy. This is also the reason for debates transcending the asset's legality. At its core, the conflict lies in the clash between centralization and decentralization. Bitcoin's blockchain poses a threat to the traditional power structures, hence the centralized system is at risk. The financial bodies understand that and try to preserve the traditional financial system that controls the world.  However, time is going forward. Okhotnikov remains optimistic about the first cryptocurrency and believes in the resilience of Bitcoin's blockchain. Moreover, he thinks that Bitcoin will reshape the industry and change the monetary landscape for the better.  Cryptocurrency skeptics advocate for limitations to preserve the status quo. They site such risks, for instance, as volatility and ease of illegal activities. In contrast, crypto enthusiasts often argue that the portrayal of illegal activities is exaggerated. Instead, they emphasize the systemic flaws within traditional finance. They also think that DeFi is a good solution to address those flaws.  Conclusion Do we need the system, which fosters financial innovation? Through his analysis, Okhotnikov reveals the growing skepticism surrounding the centralized paradigm. Whether you share his viewpoint or seek to expand your understanding, his articles can help you to learn more on the subject. About Company Floralia is an analytical center focusing on IT and cryptocurrencies. The company provides analytics, market research, project management and consulting. Vladimir Okhotnikov of Floralia is a thought-provoking cryptocurrency author with a keen ability to identify the core of the problem and propose potential solutions. He often examines contentious issues from a philosophical perspective and sheds light on complex topics. This article is no exception. There the expert highlights numerous benefits of decentralization.  Vladimir Okhotnikov's Press Center 

Remix: Vladimir Okhotnikov: Deciphering the Bitcoin-ETF approval process

The recently released article focuses on the approval process of Bitcoin-ETF, in the vision of Vladimir Okhotnikov, leading expert and founder of Floralia company. A famous publicist in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain assesses the events surrounding the anticipated Bitcoin ETF release in the latter half of 2023. The crypto community was abuzz with expectation for months. The author analyzes what stands behind this process.
Unveiling Vladimir Okhotnikov's Perspective

It is enough to track the approval process for Bitcoin-ETF applications to see its notable peculiarities, which were apparent to observers. There were numerous speculations, fueled by rumors circulating both online and in mainstream media. It appeared as a battle between the opposing forces: BlackRock vs SEC, where the company seemed to look for justice. However, a complex debate about the future of our financial system lies beneath this narrative.
Market reactions to rumors and hints were fast, regardless of their accuracy. There was an atmosphere of anticipation, which was fueled by a continuous influx of speculative information. It appeared as if someone was intentionally increasing or intensifying the level of excitement or interest in the Bitcoin-ETF approval process. 
What stands behind the attack on Bitcoin
Okhotnikov remains optimistic despite the pressure exerted on Bitcoin. He believes in the resilience of the Bitcoin blockchain. The expert considers that Bitcoin itself doesn’t pose a threat to the CeFi system. However, the logic of the Bitcoin blockchain reveals it. It shows the potential efficacy of the financial system without the control of fiat financiers. And they don’t want to lose the control over their monopoly. 
Exploring the clash of worldviews in finance
Since Bitcoin symbolizes an alternative to the existing financial system, the skepticism towards Bitcoin from entities like the SEC is understandable. This skepticism stems from entrenched interests in the fiat economy. This is also the reason for debates transcending the asset's legality. At its core, the conflict lies in the clash between centralization and decentralization. Bitcoin's blockchain poses a threat to the traditional power structures, hence the centralized system is at risk. The financial bodies understand that and try to preserve the traditional financial system that controls the world. 
However, time is going forward. Okhotnikov remains optimistic about the first cryptocurrency and believes in the resilience of Bitcoin's blockchain. Moreover, he thinks that Bitcoin will reshape the industry and change the monetary landscape for the better. 
Cryptocurrency skeptics advocate for limitations to preserve the status quo. They site such risks, for instance, as volatility and ease of illegal activities. In contrast, crypto enthusiasts often argue that the portrayal of illegal activities is exaggerated. Instead, they emphasize the systemic flaws within traditional finance. They also think that DeFi is a good solution to address those flaws. 
Do we need the system, which fosters financial innovation? Through his analysis, Okhotnikov reveals the growing skepticism surrounding the centralized paradigm. Whether you share his viewpoint or seek to expand your understanding, his articles can help you to learn more on the subject.
About Company
Floralia is an analytical center focusing on IT and cryptocurrencies. The company provides analytics, market research, project management and consulting. Vladimir Okhotnikov of Floralia is a thought-provoking cryptocurrency author with a keen ability to identify the core of the problem and propose potential solutions. He often examines contentious issues from a philosophical perspective and sheds light on complex topics. This article is no exception. There the expert highlights numerous benefits of decentralization. 
Vladimir Okhotnikov's Press Center 
Again Ripple vs SECAgain Ripple vs SEC I have to write again about the US SEC. What to do is the topic is almost endless and it largely determines the state of the crypto market. This is a reality we have to face. We constantly refer to the judicial case Ripple as an example of the loss of the Commission. However, it is still early to celebrate the final victory. To begin with, Ripple’s winnings were far from complete. The judge admitted that some of the Ripple coins are not securities. Again, just the part that’s on the market. But the coins that were handed over to institutional investors at the placement are already considered securities. These are, in any case, significant volumes. The SEC takes full advantage of the situation and demands that Ripple Labs pay a $2 billion fine. Recall: the Commission accused Ripple Labs of illegally raising $1.3 billion. I would point out that it was not a case of attempted fraud, financial and tax abuse, etc. The charges relate solely to the lack of registration. A spokesman for Ripple Labs said that the SEC’s actions were not following the letter and spirit of the law, but an attempt to intimidate Ripple and the crypto industry in general. Since there was an initial court ruling, some form of punishment was inevitable. The other thing is, the $2 billion figure looks totally inadequate. This amount is intended to be a demonstration for the industry, a role model rather than a proportionate punishment. Now the industry is trying to make predictions about what the final court decision will be. Most experts believe that the solution will be a compromise. Most often called the figure of $200M. I don’t rule out that someone has already included a tote and is looking forward to the results of the case. A year and a half ago, the Ripple case was of immense importance to the industry. Now the impact on the market will be far less severe. Rather, it will be the final point in a case that will go down in history as one of the turning points in the development of the industry. #SEC

Again Ripple vs SEC

Again Ripple vs SEC
I have to write again about the US SEC. What to do is the topic is almost endless and it largely determines the state of the crypto market. This is a reality we have to face.

We constantly refer to the judicial case Ripple as an example of the loss of the Commission. However, it is still early to celebrate the final victory. To begin with, Ripple’s winnings were far from complete. The judge admitted that some of the Ripple coins are not securities. Again, just the part that’s on the market. But the coins that were handed over to institutional investors at the placement are already considered securities. These are, in any case, significant volumes.
The SEC takes full advantage of the situation and demands that Ripple Labs pay a $2 billion fine. Recall: the Commission accused Ripple Labs of illegally raising $1.3 billion. I would point out that it was not a case of attempted fraud, financial and tax abuse, etc. The charges relate solely to the lack of registration.
A spokesman for Ripple Labs said that the SEC’s actions were not following the letter and spirit of the law, but an attempt to intimidate Ripple and the crypto industry in general.
Since there was an initial court ruling, some form of punishment was inevitable. The other thing is, the $2 billion figure looks totally inadequate.
This amount is intended to be a demonstration for the industry, a role model rather than a proportionate punishment.
Now the industry is trying to make predictions about what the final court decision will be. Most experts believe that the solution will be a compromise. Most often called the figure of $200M. I don’t rule out that someone has already included a tote and is looking forward to the results of the case.
A year and a half ago, the Ripple case was of immense importance to the industry. Now the impact on the market will be far less severe. Rather, it will be the final point in a case that will go down in history as one of the turning points in the development of the industry.
Revealing about NeoDaoNow that the multi-mining period is over, I want to share some details about our ambitious Neo Dao game world from the Meta Force team, which, in our opinion, will be a real breakthrough in the industry! I have already mentioned earlier what Neo Dao is, so I will not repeat it. Instead, I want to talk a little about something else. We strive to ensure that the story in virtual reality always remains exciting and nonlinear, filled with countless quests and random events. Neo Dao will be open to exploration, and the world will be filled with diverse biomes (collections of ecosystems) with unique flora and fauna, different from those on Earth. Players will be able to use some of these territories for development, while the rest can be purchased and developed in accordance with their wishes. In some cases, this can also become a source of income. However, the main feature of Neo Dao is its complete decentralization and immersion in the Metaverse based on Web3. Players will become the true owners of their gaming assets in the form of NFTs, which can be purchased and sold on our Force marketplace. We will talk in detail about all this and more in the following announcements. Join us to keep up to date with all the news! #MetaForce #NFT #Web3 #NeoDao

Revealing about NeoDao

Now that the multi-mining period is over, I want to share some details about our ambitious Neo Dao game world from the Meta Force team, which, in our opinion, will be a real breakthrough in the industry!
I have already mentioned earlier what Neo Dao is, so I will not repeat it. Instead, I want to talk a little about something else. We strive to ensure that the story in virtual reality always remains exciting and nonlinear, filled with countless quests and random events.

Neo Dao will be open to exploration, and the world will be filled with diverse biomes (collections of ecosystems) with unique flora and fauna, different from those on Earth. Players will be able to use some of these territories for development, while the rest can be purchased and developed in accordance with their wishes. In some cases, this can also become a source of income.
However, the main feature of Neo Dao is its complete decentralization and immersion in the Metaverse based on Web3. Players will become the true owners of their gaming assets in the form of NFTs, which can be purchased and sold on our Force marketplace.
We will talk in detail about all this and more in the following announcements. Join us to keep up to date with all the news!
#MetaForce #NFT #Web3 #NeoDao
Meta Force from Lado Okhotnikov Launches Trading P2P Service.Meta Force from Lado Okhotnikov Launches Trading P2P Service. Meta Force from Lado Okhotnikov announced the launch of p2p service. Until now, Forcecoin (native token of the Meta Force digital platform) is only available to platform users and have no buying and selling options. After the release of p2p service users are able to sell Forcecoin at a fixed price, formed by the platform algorithm. p2p service is the first step towards the release of a decentralized crypto exchange (DEX), which is a one of the basic parts of the Meta-Force infrastructure. P2P service from Lado Okhotnikov’s Meta Force The p2p service from Meta Force is a module in the Meta Force ecosystem designed for direct transactions between users. Users of the platform who wish to sell their Forcecoins, submit orders for sale. Orders are lined up in a queue, organized by submission time. Those wishing to buy submit the corresponding applications, which are satisfied from sales orders. Sellers receive funds on their Meta Force accounts. Then the funds can be withdrawn freely. The payment for Forcecoin is accepted by DAI. The development of the Meta Force platform involves the creation of Metaverse, which integrates all services. One of the basic services will be DEX, focused on operations, first of all, in the Metaverse environment. p2p service is the first step towards a full-scale Meta Force DEX. Forcecoin from Meta Force Forcecoin tokenomics involves creating a regulated deficit and a constant increase of the token value. According to the accepted road map in the first stages of project development Forcecoin can only be obtained in the Uniteverse module of the Meta Force platform. Uniteverse is one of the basic structures of Meta Force, performing a function of a reality simulator. Users receive the tokens through multi-mining. After listing on the exchanges, the restrictions will be completely lifted, Forcecoin will enter the free market, remaining reserves will be burned. This approach supports demand and determines the constant growth of the token value. Forcecoin is a tool required for operations in the Meta Force ecosystem. A total of 585 142 858 tokens can be issued, 80% of which must go to Uniteverse. The release of p2p service fundamentally changes the status of Forcecoin and the entire Meta Force project in terms of investment attractiveness and user-friendly functionality. About company Meta Force is a developer of Meta Force, which is a digital platform focused on complex business projects. In autumn 2023, according to the project road map, the process of transforming all services into a full-scale Metaverse was initiated. Currently, Meta Force has over 1.6 million users. Lado Okhotnikov is a CEO and founder of Meta Force, an expert in IT, blockchain and cryptocurrency, a publicist, and a developer of large-scale business projects.

Meta Force from Lado Okhotnikov Launches Trading P2P Service.

Meta Force from Lado Okhotnikov Launches Trading P2P Service.
Meta Force from Lado Okhotnikov announced the launch of p2p service. Until now, Forcecoin (native token of the Meta Force digital platform) is only available to platform users and have no buying and selling options. After the release of p2p service users are able to sell Forcecoin at a fixed price, formed by the platform algorithm. p2p service is the first step towards the release of a decentralized crypto exchange (DEX), which is a one of the basic parts of the Meta-Force infrastructure.

P2P service from Lado Okhotnikov’s Meta Force
The p2p service from Meta Force is a module in the Meta Force ecosystem designed for direct transactions between users.
Users of the platform who wish to sell their Forcecoins, submit orders for sale. Orders are lined up in a queue, organized by submission time. Those wishing to buy submit the corresponding applications, which are satisfied from sales orders. Sellers receive funds on their Meta Force accounts. Then the funds can be withdrawn freely. The payment for Forcecoin is accepted by DAI.
The development of the Meta Force platform involves the creation of Metaverse, which integrates all services. One of the basic services will be DEX, focused on operations, first of all, in the Metaverse environment. p2p service is the first step towards a full-scale Meta Force DEX.
Forcecoin from Meta Force
Forcecoin tokenomics involves creating a regulated deficit and a constant increase of the token value. According to the accepted road map in the first stages of project development Forcecoin can only be obtained in the Uniteverse module of the Meta Force platform. Uniteverse is one of the basic structures of Meta Force, performing a function of a reality simulator. Users receive the tokens through multi-mining. After listing on the exchanges, the restrictions will be completely lifted, Forcecoin will enter the free market, remaining reserves will be burned. This approach supports demand and determines the constant growth of the token value.
Forcecoin is a tool required for operations in the Meta Force ecosystem. A total of 585 142 858 tokens can be issued, 80% of which must go to Uniteverse.
The release of p2p service fundamentally changes the status of Forcecoin and the entire Meta Force project in terms of investment attractiveness and user-friendly functionality.
About company
Meta Force is a developer of Meta Force, which is a digital platform focused on complex business projects. In autumn 2023, according to the project road map, the process of transforming all services into a full-scale Metaverse was initiated. Currently, Meta Force has over 1.6 million users.
Lado Okhotnikov is a CEO and founder of Meta Force, an expert in IT, blockchain and cryptocurrency, a publicist, and a developer of large-scale business projects.
Muốn kiếm thì vào! Muốn kiếm thì vào! 📍Siêu phẩm token sàn DEX📍2tr9 user tham gia trả phí cho nền tảng để khai thác công nghệ AF📍2,4 Tỷ $ chia sẻ cho những người đi làm Affiliate Marketing 📍10.5M$ tặng cho những người sở hữu NFT bản quyền📍265M$ doanh thu khai thác token ở chu kỳ Multi Mining (cập nhật 15/4/2024)📍Partner: Chainlink + AMLBot📍Target X10 sau 1 năm

Muốn kiếm thì vào!

Muốn kiếm thì vào!
📍Siêu phẩm token sàn DEX📍2tr9 user tham gia trả phí cho nền tảng để khai thác công nghệ AF📍2,4 Tỷ $ chia sẻ cho những người đi làm Affiliate Marketing 📍10.5M$ tặng cho những người sở hữu NFT bản quyền📍265M$ doanh thu khai thác token ở chu kỳ Multi Mining (cập nhật 15/4/2024)📍Partner: Chainlink + AMLBot📍Target X10 sau 1 năm
Vladimir Okhotnikov debunks myths about cryptocurrenciesVladimir Okhotnikov debunks myths about cryptocurrencies Vladimir Okhotnikov: 3 Myths About Crypto That You Shouldn’t Believe An article has been released called "Cryptocurrency mythology". The common misconceptions surrounding digital money are debunked. Since the advent of cryptocurrencies, many stereotypes have developed. Vladimir Okhotnikov outlined three key facts about crypto. In particular, the article analyzes the statements regarding the lack of real value security, unreliability and excessive volatility of financial instruments. Vladimir Okhotnikov in search of crypto truth: debunking myths about cryptocurrencies The first and most common myth about cryptocurrencies is the lack of real value security. Indeed, unlike fiat money, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not formally backed by any assets. The crypto-analyst Vladimir Okhotnikov spoke about this. He notes that “currently, fiat money issued by central banks also essentially has no backing other than the honest word of the state.” After the dollar was untied from gold in 1971, fiat money was no longer backed by the precious metal or other assets . Since then, its value has been supported solely by trust in central banks and state governments. In reality, the value of fiat and crypto is determined by supply and demand in the market. Both are essentially fiduciary money, that is, money that is not backed by anything other than people’s trust in it. Thus, the first myth about cryptocurrencies turns out to be false. Yes, Bitcoin has no real value security, but neither do fiat currencies. Both of them are not backed by real assets.  The second myth concerns the reliability of cryptocurrencies. it is believed that cryptocurrencies are extremely unstable and could collapse at any time  “"In terms of reliability, cryptocurrencies are not only equal to "paper" money, but also surpass them. Until now, no one has been able to hack the Bitcoin blockchain which cannot be said about banks,” writes Vladimir Okhotnikov The decentralized nature of the blockchain makes cryptocurrencies resistant to censorship attempts by governments and regulators. While examples of government intervention in the operation of the banking system are known in many countries. Another myth has been debunked: “In practice, cryptocurrencies demonstrate high technological reliability and resistance to external threats.” To understand Vladimir Okhotnikov’s position on the third myth, we recommend that you read the original article "Cryptocurrency mythology", is very clear on this issue. About Vladimir Okhotnikov  Vladimir Okhotnikov is a well-known crypto enthusiast, analyst, IT-developer and specialist in the field of virtual reality. He was one of the first to become interested in blockchain technology and the possibilities of cryptocurrencies. In addition to his passion for cryptocurrencies, Vladimir is actively developing the direction of virtual and augmented reality.

Vladimir Okhotnikov debunks myths about cryptocurrencies

Vladimir Okhotnikov debunks myths about cryptocurrencies

Vladimir Okhotnikov: 3 Myths About Crypto That You Shouldn’t Believe
An article has been released called "Cryptocurrency mythology". The common misconceptions surrounding digital money are debunked.
Since the advent of cryptocurrencies, many stereotypes have developed. Vladimir Okhotnikov outlined three key facts about crypto. In particular, the article analyzes the statements regarding the lack of real value security, unreliability and excessive volatility of financial instruments.
Vladimir Okhotnikov in search of crypto truth: debunking myths about cryptocurrencies
The first and most common myth about cryptocurrencies is the lack of real value security. Indeed, unlike fiat money, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not formally backed by any assets.
The crypto-analyst Vladimir Okhotnikov spoke about this. He notes that “currently, fiat money issued by central banks also essentially has no backing other than the honest word of the state.”

After the dollar was untied from gold in 1971, fiat money was no longer backed by the precious metal or other assets . Since then, its value has been supported solely by trust in central banks and state governments.

In reality, the value of fiat and crypto is determined by supply and demand in the market. Both are essentially fiduciary money, that is, money that is not backed by anything other than people’s trust in it. Thus, the first myth about cryptocurrencies turns out to be false. Yes, Bitcoin has no real value security, but neither do fiat currencies. Both of them are not backed by real assets. 

The second myth concerns the reliability of cryptocurrencies. it is believed that cryptocurrencies are extremely unstable and could collapse at any time 
“"In terms of reliability, cryptocurrencies are not only equal to "paper" money, but also surpass them. Until now, no one has been able to hack the Bitcoin blockchain which cannot be said about banks,” writes Vladimir Okhotnikov
The decentralized nature of the blockchain makes cryptocurrencies resistant to censorship attempts by governments and regulators. While examples of government intervention in the operation of the banking system are known in many countries.
Another myth has been debunked: “In practice, cryptocurrencies demonstrate high technological reliability and resistance to external threats.”
To understand Vladimir Okhotnikov’s position on the third myth, we recommend that you read the original article "Cryptocurrency mythology", is very clear on this issue.

About Vladimir Okhotnikov 
Vladimir Okhotnikov is a well-known crypto enthusiast, analyst, IT-developer and specialist in the field of virtual reality. He was one of the first to become interested in blockchain technology and the possibilities of cryptocurrencies. In addition to his passion for cryptocurrencies, Vladimir is actively developing the direction of virtual and augmented reality.
HÃY ĐỌC HẾT BÀI VIẾT NẾU KHÔNG MUỐN BỎ QUA CƠ HỘI X100Hành trình gần 1 năm bước vào thế giới của #UNITEVERSE - một nền tảng khai thác Forcecoin thông qua chương trình Còn 1 lần tăng giá nữa là #Forcecoin đạt mức tăng trưởng 1000%. 89% sản lượng đã được phân phối xong, tương đương 241.6M DAI($). Đây là một nền tảng blockchain riêng và sẽ là một cuộc các mạng lớn của thị trường tài chính phi tập trung. Nhiều kỉ lục được tạo ra bởi một loạt các ma trận ứng dụng vào ngành công nghiệp tiếp thị liên kết (AF) được thiết kế trên Smartcontract. Tiền thưởng phân phối tức thì ngay trên Smartcontract vô cùng minh bạch đã tách Meta Force ra khỏi sự hỗn loạn của thị trường, cho dù thị trường có tăng hay có giảm thì khả năng tăng trưởng của Meta Force vẫn được khẳng định. Sau 1 năm 9 tháng hoạt động, dưới đây là một số thành tích nho nhỏ Meta Force đã nhẹ nhàng đạt được: Tactile - Smartcontract Polygon:0xf3a3d1B89A70E291531ECB4a1299117f5dE44612 • 1.8M thành viên tham gia đã trả phí cho nền tảng • 1.8G $ doanh thu đã chia sẻ cho cộng đồng • 8.5M lượt giao dịch trên Blockchain của Polygon 2. UniteVerse Smartcontract Polygon: 0x415d01fc2266E3c5908e94b8958057936911bed8 • 890K thành viên tham gia tích cực phát triển công việc trên UniteVerse để khai thác Forcecoin • 368M$ doanh thu trên UniteVerse (bao gồm cả tiền thưởng và doanh thu bán MFS) • 27.7M lượt giao dịch trên Polygon 3. MFS Smartcontract Polygon: 0x958Afa3285EbeAa23a6BBF26eA429Ee6225FBD77 • 244k Holder •417.4M MFS đã được khai thác (đạt 89% sản lượng được khai thác trong UniteVerse • 241.6M DAI ($) Doanh thu Forcecoin trong UniteVerse 4. ROYALTY NFT (Meta Force Bonus) • 9.4M DAI ($) đã được chia sẻ cho cộng đồng thông qua 9 đợt chia thử nghiệm • 11M DAI ($) là số dư tiền thường hiện tại và được bổ sung thường xuyên theo thời gian thực • Quỹ tiền thưởng xem ở đây (POLYGON): 0x18dA62bA13Ae20007fd42961Fd52f3128B54E678 Nếu ai đó là bạn của tôi, thật sự không muốn bỏ qua cơ hội x100 lần tài sản hãy đọc hết bài viết và sớm ra quyết định sở hữu 1000 MFS. Chúc mọi sự tốt lành sẽ đến với chúng ta!


Hành trình gần 1 năm bước vào thế giới của #UNITEVERSE - một nền tảng khai thác Forcecoin thông qua chương trình

Còn 1 lần tăng giá nữa là #Forcecoin đạt mức tăng trưởng 1000%.
89% sản lượng đã được phân phối xong, tương đương 241.6M DAI($).
Đây là một nền tảng blockchain riêng và sẽ là một cuộc các mạng lớn của thị trường tài chính phi tập trung.
Nhiều kỉ lục được tạo ra bởi một loạt các ma trận ứng dụng vào ngành công nghiệp tiếp thị liên kết (AF) được thiết kế trên Smartcontract.
Tiền thưởng phân phối tức thì ngay trên Smartcontract vô cùng minh bạch đã tách Meta Force ra khỏi sự hỗn loạn của thị trường, cho dù thị trường có tăng hay có giảm thì khả năng tăng trưởng của Meta Force vẫn được khẳng định.
Sau 1 năm 9 tháng hoạt động, dưới đây là một số thành tích nho nhỏ Meta Force đã nhẹ nhàng đạt được:
Tactile - Smartcontract Polygon:0xf3a3d1B89A70E291531ECB4a1299117f5dE44612

• 1.8M thành viên tham gia đã trả phí cho nền tảng
• 1.8G $ doanh thu đã chia sẻ cho cộng đồng
• 8.5M lượt giao dịch trên Blockchain của Polygon
2. UniteVerse Smartcontract Polygon: 0x415d01fc2266E3c5908e94b8958057936911bed8

• 890K thành viên tham gia tích cực phát triển công việc trên UniteVerse để khai thác Forcecoin
• 368M$ doanh thu trên UniteVerse (bao gồm cả tiền thưởng và doanh thu bán MFS)
• 27.7M lượt giao dịch trên Polygon
3. MFS Smartcontract Polygon: 0x958Afa3285EbeAa23a6BBF26eA429Ee6225FBD77

• 244k Holder
•417.4M MFS đã được khai thác (đạt 89% sản lượng được khai thác trong UniteVerse
• 241.6M DAI ($) Doanh thu Forcecoin trong UniteVerse
4. ROYALTY NFT (Meta Force Bonus)

• 9.4M DAI ($) đã được chia sẻ cho cộng đồng thông qua 9 đợt chia thử nghiệm
• 11M DAI ($) là số dư tiền thường hiện tại và được bổ sung thường xuyên theo thời gian thực
• Quỹ tiền thưởng xem ở đây (POLYGON): 0x18dA62bA13Ae20007fd42961Fd52f3128B54E678
Nếu ai đó là bạn của tôi, thật sự không muốn bỏ qua cơ hội x100 lần tài sản hãy đọc hết bài viết và sớm ra quyết định sở hữu 1000 MFS.
Chúc mọi sự tốt lành sẽ đến với chúng ta!
Lado Okhotnikov and Meta Force About the Force Wallet Crypto WalletMeta Force and Lado Okhotnikov Present Force Wallet - the Crypto Wallet of the Future for the Metaverse Meta Force and Lado Okhotnikov announce the launch of Force Wallet, a new-generation universal crypto wallet designed for convenient, secure storage and management of digital assets in the Metaverse. Force power Force Wallet is not just a crypto wallet. It is an innovative platform designed to meet the highest security standards in the field of cryptography. The wallet provides complete control over cryptocurrency assets, so only the owners will have access to the keys and funds. The data remains confidential and protected from access by third parties, including developers. Lado Okhotnikov: Meta Force and Force Wallet will become inseparable Meta Force and Lado Okhotnikov do not stop there. Force Wallet will be constantly updated and supplemented with new features to make your experience with cryptocurrencies as convenient and profitable as possible. This crypto wallet is not just a tool for storing assets but a new milestone that opens up new prospects for the Metaverse. Advantages of Force Wallet: Users have full control over their cryptocurrency assets and keys.The highest level of security ensures that tokens are protected from hackers.New features will be constantly added to the crypto wallet to follow modern trends.Having your own crypto wallet from Lado Okhotnikova’s Meta Force will allow users to manage their assets in the Metaverse as comfortably as possible. This also gives new impetus to the development of other areas and opens up new horizons.

Lado Okhotnikov and Meta Force About the Force Wallet Crypto Wallet

Meta Force and Lado Okhotnikov Present Force Wallet - the Crypto Wallet of the Future for the Metaverse
Meta Force and Lado Okhotnikov announce the launch of Force Wallet, a new-generation universal crypto wallet designed for convenient, secure storage and management of digital assets in the Metaverse.

Force power
Force Wallet is not just a crypto wallet. It is an innovative platform designed to meet the highest security standards in the field of cryptography. The wallet provides complete control over cryptocurrency assets, so only the owners will have access to the keys and funds. The data remains confidential and protected from access by third parties, including developers.
Lado Okhotnikov: Meta Force and Force Wallet will become inseparable
Meta Force and Lado Okhotnikov do not stop there. Force Wallet will be constantly updated and supplemented with new features to make your experience with cryptocurrencies as convenient and profitable as possible. This crypto wallet is not just a tool for storing assets but a new milestone that opens up new prospects for the Metaverse.
Advantages of Force Wallet:
Users have full control over their cryptocurrency assets and keys.The highest level of security ensures that tokens are protected from hackers.New features will be constantly added to the crypto wallet to follow modern trends.Having your own crypto wallet from Lado Okhotnikova’s Meta Force will allow users to manage their assets in the Metaverse as comfortably as possible. This also gives new impetus to the development of other areas and opens up new horizons.
Khởi sự 315$ tôi đã giúp đỡ cho cộng sự của mình như thế nào4 tháng trước cô gái bé nhỏ này tìm đến tôi, tìm kiếm một cơ hội. Trạng thái: 1 chồng 3 con, làm sp HBL ko thành công dẫn đến nợ nần. Sau 4 tháng rèn luyện, vừa học vừa làm: Khởi sự 200k ~ 8$ - Tháng 12/2023 thu nhập: 52.5$ - Tháng 1/2024 thu nhập: 198.5$ - Tháng 2/2024 thu nhập: 448.5$ - Tháng 3/2024 thu nhập: 2,092$ Và tôi, vẫn tiếp tục hành trình thay đổi nhiều cuộc đời! Tham khảo ví của Trung ở cmt để tự kiểm tra! #Diamond_Force #MetaForce #Trồngtre

Khởi sự 315$ tôi đã giúp đỡ cho cộng sự của mình như thế nào

4 tháng trước cô gái bé nhỏ này tìm đến tôi, tìm kiếm một cơ hội.

Trạng thái: 1 chồng 3 con, làm sp HBL ko thành công dẫn đến nợ nần.
Sau 4 tháng rèn luyện, vừa học vừa làm:
Khởi sự 200k ~ 8$
- Tháng 12/2023 thu nhập: 52.5$
- Tháng 1/2024 thu nhập: 198.5$
- Tháng 2/2024 thu nhập: 448.5$
- Tháng 3/2024 thu nhập: 2,092$
Và tôi, vẫn tiếp tục hành trình thay đổi nhiều cuộc đời!
Tham khảo ví của Trung ở cmt để tự kiểm tra!
#Diamond_Force #MetaForce #Trồngtre
Từ 315$ tôi đã làm được gì cho mình và cho Meta Force VNKiên trì với công việc này từ 2022 tôi đã giúp cho rất nhiều người VN biết đến nền tảng này. Đặc biệt, họ đã thay đổi rất nhiều về tài chính cá nhân. Đây là Thị Minh, từ một nhân viên văn phòng, sau 6 tháng đồng hành cùng tôi tại Meta Force thực sự cũng tạo ra kỳ tích: Ngày gia nhập: 19/9/2023 Vốn: 315$ ~ 8 củ Tôi yêu cầu phải học 2 tuần ko được làm gì! Sau 2 tuần khắc tự biết cần phải làm gì ở Meta Force. Tổng thu nhập thật sự ngạc nhiên (vì là thụ động) - T9/2023: 0$ - T10/2023: 320$ - T11/2023: 996$ - T12/2023: 2459$ - T1/2024: 827$ - T2/2024: 1907$ - T3/20234: 1872$ (tính đến ngày 18/3) Tổng: 8445$ ~ 219 củ ❤️ ACE chưa có kinh nghiệm, hãy comment để được hỗ trợ!

Từ 315$ tôi đã làm được gì cho mình và cho Meta Force VN

Kiên trì với công việc này từ 2022 tôi đã giúp cho rất nhiều người VN biết đến nền tảng này. Đặc biệt, họ đã thay đổi rất nhiều về tài chính cá nhân.

Đây là Thị Minh, từ một nhân viên văn phòng, sau 6 tháng đồng hành cùng tôi tại Meta Force thực sự cũng tạo ra kỳ tích:
Ngày gia nhập: 19/9/2023
Vốn: 315$ ~ 8 củ
Tôi yêu cầu phải học 2 tuần ko được làm gì! Sau 2 tuần khắc tự biết cần phải làm gì ở Meta Force.
Tổng thu nhập thật sự ngạc nhiên (vì là thụ động)
- T9/2023: 0$
- T10/2023: 320$
- T11/2023: 996$
- T12/2023: 2459$
- T1/2024: 827$
- T2/2024: 1907$
- T3/20234: 1872$ (tính đến ngày 18/3)
Tổng: 8445$ ~ 219 củ ❤️
ACE chưa có kinh nghiệm, hãy comment để được hỗ trợ!
Why CEX and DEX Are Like a Restaurant and Home CookingWhy CEX and DEX Are Like a Restaurant and Home Cooking CEX is like a restaurant where you can eat quickly and conveniently (buy cryptocurrency), but you pay a large tip and risk security issues. While DEX is like a good, hearty meal at home, where you can prepare your food (cryptocurrency) yourself, controlling the quality and safety of funds. Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges (CEX) are among the popular platforms for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. On such platforms, investors buy and sell cryptocurrencies, with the exchange acting as an intermediary. All transactions take place through the platform, and it takes a commission for providing services. The most popular CEXs are Coinbase, Binance, OKX, and Bybit. However, despite their popularity, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges have their drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is the risk of hacker attacks. Last year, many exchanges were subject to exploits that resulted in millions of dollars in cryptocurrency being stolen. According to BitOK, hackers managed to steal more than $300 billion in cryptocurrency in November last year alone Another disadvantage of CEX is the lack of anonymity. When registering on a centralized exchange, users must provide personal information: passport data, residential address and telephone number - this means that regulatory authorities will be able to monitor transactions and freeze them until the reasons are clarified. In addition, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges are subject to the risk of market manipulation. Exchanges can “game” prices using tools such as fake trading volumes and wash trading. #CEX #DEX #Trading #DeFi #Crypto

Why CEX and DEX Are Like a Restaurant and Home Cooking

Why CEX and DEX Are Like a Restaurant and Home Cooking
CEX is like a restaurant where you can eat quickly and conveniently (buy cryptocurrency), but you pay a large tip and risk security issues. While DEX is like a good, hearty meal at home, where you can prepare your food (cryptocurrency) yourself, controlling the quality and safety of funds.
Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges (CEX) are among the popular platforms for buying and selling cryptocurrencies.
On such platforms, investors buy and sell cryptocurrencies, with the exchange acting as an intermediary. All transactions take place through the platform, and it takes a commission for providing services.
The most popular CEXs are Coinbase, Binance, OKX, and Bybit.

However, despite their popularity, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges have their drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is the risk of hacker attacks. Last year, many exchanges were subject to exploits that resulted in millions of dollars in cryptocurrency being stolen.
According to BitOK, hackers managed to steal more than $300 billion in cryptocurrency in November last year alone
Another disadvantage of CEX is the lack of anonymity. When registering on a centralized exchange, users must provide personal information: passport data, residential address and telephone number - this means that regulatory authorities will be able to monitor transactions and freeze them until the reasons are clarified.
In addition, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges are subject to the risk of market manipulation. Exchanges can “game” prices using tools such as fake trading volumes and wash trading.
#CEX #DEX #Trading #DeFi #Crypto
Bitcoin is growing At last Bitcoin ETF has started, very quickly a new demand has formed and the market has rapidly gone up. At the time, the price rose above $52K, and the inflow of money into Bitcoin-ETF funds exceeded the inflow into traditional "gold" funds. This behavior is quite predictable. First there was a workshop to warm up the public of the future of the ETF, then there was a small show from the ETF approval process, then there was a pause due to the need for technical preparation of the foundation, and finally, we can see the full-fledged work begins!Bitcoin ETF grew as an independent asset, without correlation with fiat currencies or any other assets. And this is an achievement in itself.How will Bitcoin behave? I cannot give an accurate forecast, currently, any force majeure is possible. Traders, for example, give a 20% chance that by April the price of bitcoin will reach 70K.Initially, Satoshi Nakamoto viewed Bitcoin as a currency and a demonstrator of blockchain capabilities. However, it has now become an investment vehicle that analysts compare to digital gold.Bitcoin and gold have another feature in common: physical supply constraints. Reserves of gold are limited, deposits will sooner or later be exhausted. It is possible that new deposits will be discovered.The number of bitcoins is programmatically limited, and it is relatively certain when the last Bitcoin will be minted. For exchange trading the situation is unusual - absolutely exactly know the amount of assets, a significant part is on "dead" accounts, a significant part will go to ETF-funds, and many more bitcoins will settle in the purses of investors focused on long-term investments. That is, the stock market will circulate a relatively small number of coins.And here interesting alternatives are possible. First, negative: in the absence of sufficient supply, trade will gradually freeze. And two: the price will begin to rise almost limitlessly.We’ll see soon enough.#BitcoinETFLaunch #CryptoGrowthTrends #DigitalGold #BitcoinPredictions #BlockchainInvesting

Bitcoin is growing

At last Bitcoin ETF has started, very quickly a new demand has formed and the market has rapidly gone up. At the time, the price rose above $52K, and the inflow of money into Bitcoin-ETF funds exceeded the inflow into traditional "gold" funds. This behavior is quite predictable. First there was a workshop to warm up the public of the future of the ETF, then there was a small show from the ETF approval process, then there was a pause due to the need for technical preparation of the foundation, and finally, we can see the full-fledged work begins!Bitcoin ETF grew as an independent asset, without correlation with fiat currencies or any other assets. And this is an achievement in itself.How will Bitcoin behave? I cannot give an accurate forecast, currently, any force majeure is possible. Traders, for example, give a 20% chance that by April the price of bitcoin will reach 70K.Initially, Satoshi Nakamoto viewed Bitcoin as a currency and a demonstrator of blockchain capabilities. However, it has now become an investment vehicle that analysts compare to digital gold.Bitcoin and gold have another feature in common: physical supply constraints. Reserves of gold are limited, deposits will sooner or later be exhausted. It is possible that new deposits will be discovered.The number of bitcoins is programmatically limited, and it is relatively certain when the last Bitcoin will be minted. For exchange trading the situation is unusual - absolutely exactly know the amount of assets, a significant part is on "dead" accounts, a significant part will go to ETF-funds, and many more bitcoins will settle in the purses of investors focused on long-term investments. That is, the stock market will circulate a relatively small number of coins.And here interesting alternatives are possible. First, negative: in the absence of sufficient supply, trade will gradually freeze. And two: the price will begin to rise almost limitlessly.We’ll see soon enough.#BitcoinETFLaunch #CryptoGrowthTrends #DigitalGold #BitcoinPredictions #BlockchainInvesting
The European Union wants to control the cryptoThe European Union wants to control the cryptoThe European Union introduces a new control system for cryptocurrency users. After negotiations, the European Parliament has proposed drastic changes to legislation relating to the control of cryptocurrency assets. Authorities are concerned about the anonymity of cryptocurrencies.We used to think that using crypto, we stay anonymous… In fact, by creating Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto made anonymity and transparency its basic parameters. You can almost online see all the cryptocurrency transactions in the world, but do not know who conducts them. By staying inside the Bitcoin blockchain, you cannot identify the recipient and sender of a particular transaction.It should be noted here that the intelligence services have tools to control cryptocurrency transactions, but they are not related to the cracking of the blockchain. They simply manage to get into your computer.In our reality, bank secrecy no longer exists. Of course, the authorities don’t like the anonymity of the crypto. Their policy is the total control of each individual. They want to know what you do, what you think, how you spend your money. The very notion of freedom in their understanding refers only to them, for everyone else there are a set of laws, rules and, of course, control.The European Parliament invites all Crypto Asset Service Providers to verify each customer with crypto transactions exceeding 1K Euro. Within the EU, all data on cryptocurrency transfers will be available to European financial intelligence services.We are dealing with an attempt to embed cryptocurrency in the fiat financial system. Will this work?Let us first look at how Europe will be able to adopt and implement all these legislative changes. The European bureaucracy may well side with the free crypto business and keep the decision-making process indefinitely. The technical implementation of the new legislation is also not obvious, blockchain is too well protected from external interference.

The European Union wants to control the crypto

The European Union wants to control the cryptoThe European Union introduces a new control system for cryptocurrency users. After negotiations, the European Parliament has proposed drastic changes to legislation relating to the control of cryptocurrency assets. Authorities are concerned about the anonymity of cryptocurrencies.We used to think that using crypto, we stay anonymous… In fact, by creating Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto made anonymity and transparency its basic parameters. You can almost online see all the cryptocurrency transactions in the world, but do not know who conducts them. By staying inside the Bitcoin blockchain, you cannot identify the recipient and sender of a particular transaction.It should be noted here that the intelligence services have tools to control cryptocurrency transactions, but they are not related to the cracking of the blockchain. They simply manage to get into your computer.In our reality, bank secrecy no longer exists. Of course, the authorities don’t like the anonymity of the crypto. Their policy is the total control of each individual. They want to know what you do, what you think, how you spend your money. The very notion of freedom in their understanding refers only to them, for everyone else there are a set of laws, rules and, of course, control.The European Parliament invites all Crypto Asset Service Providers to verify each customer with crypto transactions exceeding 1K Euro. Within the EU, all data on cryptocurrency transfers will be available to European financial intelligence services.We are dealing with an attempt to embed cryptocurrency in the fiat financial system. Will this work?Let us first look at how Europe will be able to adopt and implement all these legislative changes. The European bureaucracy may well side with the free crypto business and keep the decision-making process indefinitely. The technical implementation of the new legislation is also not obvious, blockchain is too well protected from external interference.
Bitcoin is not going to growBitcoin is not going to growBitcoin-ETF was approved, but bitcoin is not going to grow. Moreover, on Wednesday it fell significantly. What is going on? We expected that a new era of cryptocurrencies has arrived, which we awaited so long. Do you remember what predictions our crypto-prophets made? Bitcoin for $100К!BlackRock had raised about $400M in its fund by Wednesday. It’s good results in a few days, however, this is a completely insignificant amount by market standards.There is a serious danger that traders will become noticeably disappointed, and this disappointment will cause a collapse. Not to say that the probability of such a development is high, but it is quite real.I have said this many times, and I will repeat it again - the main problem is the lack of a clear image of the future. What will Bitcoin be? Will he stay or will he never find a promising niche?We are trapped in the illusion that Bitcoin is an unshakeable asset. Friends, Bitcoin now exists in a separate economic space and does not have any contact with the real economy.  ETF is an attempt to attach Bitcoin to something real. The attempt is not very successful, because ETF itself does not create utility either. The utility will be when Bitcoin is, for example, officially used - at least in a large project.So, for now, unfortunately, we have a speculative asset.Until the attitude of states to cryptocurrencies changes, the situation will not fundamentally change.However, Bitcoin market growth is not excluded, moreover, its probability is high. The market is now fairly poorly capitalized and manipulated. A large investor may well affect the exchange rate, and now the giants of the first size are in play. However, such growth will not be stable - the mood of investors may change or the state will make an unfavorable decision. Bitcoin is supported and growing on information interventions, and it can fall on them.So, let’s not focus on Bitcoin, just do our business.

Bitcoin is not going to grow

Bitcoin is not going to growBitcoin-ETF was approved, but bitcoin is not going to grow. Moreover, on Wednesday it fell significantly. What is going on? We expected that a new era of cryptocurrencies has arrived, which we awaited so long. Do you remember what predictions our crypto-prophets made? Bitcoin for $100К!BlackRock had raised about $400M in its fund by Wednesday. It’s good results in a few days, however, this is a completely insignificant amount by market standards.There is a serious danger that traders will become noticeably disappointed, and this disappointment will cause a collapse. Not to say that the probability of such a development is high, but it is quite real.I have said this many times, and I will repeat it again - the main problem is the lack of a clear image of the future. What will Bitcoin be? Will he stay or will he never find a promising niche?We are trapped in the illusion that Bitcoin is an unshakeable asset. Friends, Bitcoin now exists in a separate economic space and does not have any contact with the real economy.  ETF is an attempt to attach Bitcoin to something real. The attempt is not very successful, because ETF itself does not create utility either. The utility will be when Bitcoin is, for example, officially used - at least in a large project.So, for now, unfortunately, we have a speculative asset.Until the attitude of states to cryptocurrencies changes, the situation will not fundamentally change.However, Bitcoin market growth is not excluded, moreover, its probability is high. The market is now fairly poorly capitalized and manipulated. A large investor may well affect the exchange rate, and now the giants of the first size are in play. However, such growth will not be stable - the mood of investors may change or the state will make an unfavorable decision. Bitcoin is supported and growing on information interventions, and it can fall on them.So, let’s not focus on Bitcoin, just do our business.
SEC Approved Bitcoin-ETFThe SEC has approved Bitcoin-ETF. The orchestra is playing, the fireworks are flying up into the sky. But here comes the evening, there remains a table with dirty dishes and a sad understanding that tomorrow begins again the usual day.This reminds me of the Bitcoin-ETF approval story. Waiting for a great event was much more important than the event itself.Most crypto traders, after a bout of euphoria, experienced equally dramatic bouts of disappointment.The promised explosive growth did not happen,moreover, late Friday night Bitcoin began to fall, quickly losing about 10%.Where it will go next is not clear, but any downward movement speaks volumes about investor dissatisfaction.I have long said that Bitcoin-ETF itself fundamentally changes nothing.It is just another speculative instrument.Yes,new exchanges will join the trade, new customers will appear, prices may rise... The price,however,will rise within the economic niche without affecting others.Cryptocurrency holders will get rich,but this will not force crypto projects to develop more actively.SEC chairman Gary Gensler hurried to cool off investors,stating that endorsing the ETF did not mean endorsing Bitcoin itself.It sounded a little ominous.It seems Gensler did not accept defeat and hoped for revenge.This is in the case of the growth scenario of Bitcoin and,following it,of the entire market. Investor disappointment may well cause a fall, and it may be significant.Big investors, by the way, are well aware of the situation.The head of BlackRock Larry Fink in an interview with CNBC mostly spoke not about the ETF, not about Bitcoin’s exchange prospects, but about widespread tokenization. This is encouraging - if the resources of BlackRock and similar funds are directed to the development of blockchain projects, it would be a great shift. Now, this could really blow up the industry.Active implementation of the blockchain may indeed change our digital infrastructure, as long as the momentum created by Bitcoin-ETF is not lost.

SEC Approved Bitcoin-ETF

The SEC has approved Bitcoin-ETF. The orchestra is playing, the fireworks are flying up into the sky. But here comes the evening, there remains a table with dirty dishes and a sad understanding that tomorrow begins again the usual day.This reminds me of the Bitcoin-ETF approval story. Waiting for a great event was much more important than the event itself.Most crypto traders, after a bout of euphoria, experienced equally dramatic bouts of disappointment.The promised explosive growth did not happen,moreover, late Friday night Bitcoin began to fall, quickly losing about 10%.Where it will go next is not clear, but any downward movement speaks volumes about investor dissatisfaction.I have long said that Bitcoin-ETF itself fundamentally changes nothing.It is just another speculative instrument.Yes,new exchanges will join the trade, new customers will appear, prices may rise... The price,however,will rise within the economic niche without affecting others.Cryptocurrency holders will get rich,but this will not force crypto projects to develop more actively.SEC chairman Gary Gensler hurried to cool off investors,stating that endorsing the ETF did not mean endorsing Bitcoin itself.It sounded a little ominous.It seems Gensler did not accept defeat and hoped for revenge.This is in the case of the growth scenario of Bitcoin and,following it,of the entire market. Investor disappointment may well cause a fall, and it may be significant.Big investors, by the way, are well aware of the situation.The head of BlackRock Larry Fink in an interview with CNBC mostly spoke not about the ETF, not about Bitcoin’s exchange prospects, but about widespread tokenization. This is encouraging - if the resources of BlackRock and similar funds are directed to the development of blockchain projects, it would be a great shift. Now, this could really blow up the industry.Active implementation of the blockchain may indeed change our digital infrastructure, as long as the momentum created by Bitcoin-ETF is not lost.
Meta Force and Lado Okhotnikov Presented a New Program GameAF: Play and Earn Crypto in the MetaverseBy creating a bridge between the gaming world and reality, GameAF is becoming a pioneer in an industry where every moment the user can get an opportunity to earn money.Meta Force, a developer of a unique ecosystem of products and services for virtual reality, announced the launch of the GameAF direction within its Metaverse. This is an innovative financial tool that allows you to potentially get real money in the virtual space.“GameAF Uniteverse is supported by the Meta Force ecosystem’s own Forcecoin cryptocurrency - the major part of commissions from turnover in the game is distributed among its participants as a reward. This makes the game truly unique and exciting…” Lado Okhotnikov, CEO of Meta Force, talks about the next stage of the platform’s development.The marketing plan of the game consists of two stages - pre-launch multi-mining of Forcecoin tokens and a subsequent permanent mechanism with payments in cryptocurrency, which the participants will choose independently. Everyone is invited to participate in the first stage to test the platform and start earning money.Lado Okhotnikov about GameAF: earn while playingWith the advent of GameFi, it combined gaming experience and cryptocurrency. In this world, every step, every achievement in the game turns into real rewards. Participants effectively monetize their efforts by creating unique experiences that go beyond the usual entertainment boundaries.“At GameAF, we have rethought and improved the programs that previously allowed you to earn money while playing. These updates combine marketing strategies with the possibility of receiving referral bonuses, showing participants a unique path to earning cryptocurrency,” Lado Okhotnikov spoke about a new business model with unlimited earning opportunities.By creating a bridge between the gaming world and reality, GameAF is becoming a pioneer in an industry where every moment the user can get an opportunity to earn money. With the new concept, games become more than just entertainment, they become the key to a new level of interactive earnings opportunities.“We believe that GameAF will be a truly revolutionary program within the Meta Force Metaverse. Anyone can now take a place in the new financial ecosystem of the future,” Lado Okhotnikov, founder of Meta Force, commented on the launch of the direction.Users can join GameAF where each level is a new chance to get some cryptocurrency, and each bonus can become an income. The Meta Force team invites users to get immersed in a world where games are not only exciting adventures, but also guides into a new era crypto-business.About Meta ForceMeta Force is a virtual platform designed to be a bridge between the real and virtual world. Embodying cutting-edge technologies and concepts, the Metaverse opens its doors to everyone. Be part of this innovative environment and immerse yourself in exciting adventures, expand the boundaries of knowledge with Force Academy and shape your path to financial freedom.

Meta Force and Lado Okhotnikov Presented a New Program GameAF: Play and Earn Crypto in the Metaverse

By creating a bridge between the gaming world and reality, GameAF is becoming a pioneer in an industry where every moment the user can get an opportunity to earn money.Meta Force, a developer of a unique ecosystem of products and services for virtual reality, announced the launch of the GameAF direction within its Metaverse. This is an innovative financial tool that allows you to potentially get real money in the virtual space.“GameAF Uniteverse is supported by the Meta Force ecosystem’s own Forcecoin cryptocurrency - the major part of commissions from turnover in the game is distributed among its participants as a reward. This makes the game truly unique and exciting…” Lado Okhotnikov, CEO of Meta Force, talks about the next stage of the platform’s development.The marketing plan of the game consists of two stages - pre-launch multi-mining of Forcecoin tokens and a subsequent permanent mechanism with payments in cryptocurrency, which the participants will choose independently. Everyone is invited to participate in the first stage to test the platform and start earning money.Lado Okhotnikov about GameAF: earn while playingWith the advent of GameFi, it combined gaming experience and cryptocurrency. In this world, every step, every achievement in the game turns into real rewards. Participants effectively monetize their efforts by creating unique experiences that go beyond the usual entertainment boundaries.“At GameAF, we have rethought and improved the programs that previously allowed you to earn money while playing. These updates combine marketing strategies with the possibility of receiving referral bonuses, showing participants a unique path to earning cryptocurrency,” Lado Okhotnikov spoke about a new business model with unlimited earning opportunities.By creating a bridge between the gaming world and reality, GameAF is becoming a pioneer in an industry where every moment the user can get an opportunity to earn money. With the new concept, games become more than just entertainment, they become the key to a new level of interactive earnings opportunities.“We believe that GameAF will be a truly revolutionary program within the Meta Force Metaverse. Anyone can now take a place in the new financial ecosystem of the future,” Lado Okhotnikov, founder of Meta Force, commented on the launch of the direction.Users can join GameAF where each level is a new chance to get some cryptocurrency, and each bonus can become an income. The Meta Force team invites users to get immersed in a world where games are not only exciting adventures, but also guides into a new era crypto-business.About Meta ForceMeta Force is a virtual platform designed to be a bridge between the real and virtual world. Embodying cutting-edge technologies and concepts, the Metaverse opens its doors to everyone. Be part of this innovative environment and immerse yourself in exciting adventures, expand the boundaries of knowledge with Force Academy and shape your path to financial freedom.
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