$ENA silahkan amati sendiri, saya secara pribadi optimis ENA akan kembali melesat. Hanya saja tren pasar memang sedang dalam posisi tekanan yang cukup kuat. Semua tergantung pada komunitas 😊 coba perhatikan $TON
$XEC Fakta bahwasan nya XEC adalah generasi penerus Bitcoin:
1. Lead Developer XEC adalah Amaury Sechet, dia juga Lead Developer Bitcoin Cash. Sebelumnya dia juga mantan insinyur Facebook yang mana bekerja sebagai specialist scaling database di Facebook.
2. XEC focus pada high scalabilitas, solving terhadap blockchain trillema dan 51% attack dengan menggunakan Avalanche Consensus on top Nakamoto Consensus protocol.
3. Fixed supply 21T based on bits (2 decimal). Jika dikalkulasi based on satoshis unit, tentunya supply akan sama dengan Bitcoin = 2.1 Quadrillion Satoshis.
4. Semua berawal dari mining, jadi tidak ada yang kontrol supply XEC (tidak ada premine, tidak ada ICO, dll).
5. Security paling aman, belum pernah ada sejarah hacker eksploit Nakamoto Consensus selama 1 dekade ini.
6. Battle tested, telah melewati hashwar history pada tahun 2017.
7. Halving setiap 4 tahun sekali.
8. XEC adalah forked dari BCH >> BTC maka history transaksi pun sama dengan BTC dari awal genesis 2009 hingga tahun 2017.
eCash (XEC): Elevating the Bitcoin Fork Experience
In the dynamic realm of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and its forks have paved the way for decentralized finance. As Bitcoiners, understanding the roadmap and infrastructure of our chosen digital assets is vital. Enter eCash (XEC), a project that not only embraces the battle-tested properties of Bitcoin but introduces unique features and UX enhancements.
Bitcoin, born from the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, aimed to be a decentralized currency. Its forks later emerged, addressing scalability and user experience. While Bitcoin's roadmap focuses on decentralized digital currency, debates on scalability, energy, and speed persist.
eCash, standing among Bitcoin's forks, sets itself apart with innovation. Enhancements in transaction speed, scalability solutions, and unique features define its trajectory. The project's commitment to Satoshi Nakamoto's vision and surpassing it raises anticipation for the future of decentralized currencies.
Key to eCash's success is its infrastructure. Robust network nodes, wallet support, and developer engagement are pivotal. The project's readiness to navigate the evolving crypto landscape relies on a solid foundation.
In the family of Bitcoin forks, informed decision-making hinges on understanding the roadmap and infrastructure. As Bitcoiners, we explore projects like eCash that push the boundaries of decentralized digital currencies. The journey ahead promises innovation and evolution, and time will unveil the true winners in this dynamic space.