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Mysterious Whale Deposits 100 Billion SHIB Tokens on Coinbase Before FOMC Meeting A mysterious crypto whale has transferred a staggering 100 billion Shiba Inu (SHIB) tokens to a hot wallet on Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the U.S. This large-scale deposit occurred just ahead of the much-anticipated Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, sparking speculation about potential market movements. For more details, read the full article here. #CryptoWhale #SHIB #Coinbase #FOMC
Mysterious Whale Deposits 100 Billion SHIB Tokens on Coinbase Before FOMC Meeting
A mysterious crypto whale has transferred a staggering 100 billion Shiba Inu (SHIB) tokens to a hot wallet on Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the U.S. This large-scale deposit occurred just ahead of the much-anticipated Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, sparking speculation about potential market movements. For more details, read the full article here.
#CryptoWhale #SHIB #Coinbase #FOMC
Hong Kong has introduced spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), marking a significant development in the cryptocurrency sector. This move is expected to enhance liquidity and provide more structured investment opportunities in the crypto market. Analysts predict this could have substantial implications for both retail and institutional investors. For further details, read the full article here. #HongKong #CryptoETF #Bitcoin #Ethereum
Hong Kong has introduced spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), marking a significant development in the cryptocurrency sector. This move is expected to enhance liquidity and provide more structured investment opportunities in the crypto market. Analysts predict this could have substantial implications for both retail and institutional investors. For further details, read the full article here.
#HongKong #CryptoETF #Bitcoin #Ethereum
James Fickel 7小時前再度買入1697枚ETH,當前ETH/BTC匯率做多浮虧980萬美元 0x資訊報導,據餘燼監測,Amaranth Foundation 創始人 James Fickel 在 7 小時前繼續花費 500 萬枚 USDC 買進 1697枚ETH,均價 2946 美元。James Fickel 從今年 1 月初開始至今一直在做多 ETH/BTC 匯率: 抵押 ETH 累計從 Aave 借入 2321 WBTC(1.34 億美元),然後賣出換成 42,325 ETH。ETH/BTC 匯率成本在 0.0548。 現在的 ETH/BTC 匯率價格為 0.0508,意味著他的匯率做多目前浮虧約 980 萬美元(-7.3%)。
James Fickel 7小時前再度買入1697枚ETH,當前ETH/BTC匯率做多浮虧980萬美元 0x資訊報導,據餘燼監測,Amaranth Foundation 創始人 James Fickel 在 7 小時前繼續花費 500 萬枚 USDC 買進 1697枚ETH,均價 2946 美元。James Fickel 從今年 1 月初開始至今一直在做多 ETH/BTC 匯率: 抵押 ETH 累計從 Aave 借入 2321 WBTC(1.34 億美元),然後賣出換成 42,325 ETH。ETH/BTC 匯率成本在 0.0548。 現在的 ETH/BTC 匯率價格為 0.0508,意味著他的匯率做多目前浮虧約 980 萬美元(-7.3%)。
Wintermute關聯地址向幣安存入771.6枚BTC,約合4446萬美元 0x資訊報導,據鏈上分析師@ai_9684xtpa 監測,20 分鐘前,Wintermute 關聯地址 19piV...ZBXKJ 向幣安充值 771.6 枚 BTC,價值 4446 萬美元。
Wintermute關聯地址向幣安存入771.6枚BTC,約合4446萬美元 0x資訊報導,據鏈上分析師@ai_9684xtpa 監測,20 分鐘前,Wintermute 關聯地址 19piV...ZBXKJ 向幣安充值 771.6 枚 BTC,價值 4446 萬美元。
U.S. legislators are negotiating a stablecoin bill, aiming to separate it from unrelated legislative attachments. As discussions intensify, the potential combination of stablecoin regulation with marijuana banking reforms is being considered. These efforts, amid ongoing debates, highlight the complexities of introducing cryptocurrency regulations alongside traditional banking reforms. For more details, visit: [](
U.S. legislators are negotiating a stablecoin bill, aiming to separate it from unrelated legislative attachments. As discussions intensify, the potential combination of stablecoin regulation with marijuana banking reforms is being considered. These efforts, amid ongoing debates, highlight the complexities of introducing cryptocurrency regulations alongside traditional banking reforms.

For more details, visit: [](
香港現貨加密貨幣ETF首日募資規模約為20億港元,超過美國現貨比特幣ETF首日表現 0x資訊報導,華夏基金(香港)、博時基金(國際)、嘉實國際資產旗下首批現貨加密貨幣 ETF 正式登陸港交所。整體看,首批現貨加密貨幣 ETF 首日表現活躍,成交金額超過 8700 萬港元,其中比特幣 ETF 漲幅均超 1%,強於以太幣 ETF。相關渠道人士表示,華夏基金(香港)發行勢頭強勁,發行一日,華夏比特幣 ETF、華夏以太幣 ETF 募資規模超過 11 億港元,超過美國比特幣 ETF 首日募資規模。再加上其他兩家機構的募資總額,此次首批加密貨幣 ETF 的募資規模約有 20 億港元。分析人士認為,香港投資者對虛擬資產表現出濃厚的興趣。隨著虛擬資產基礎設施、生態系統持續完善,加密貨幣 ETF 資產管理規模有望大幅擴容。
香港現貨加密貨幣ETF首日募資規模約為20億港元,超過美國現貨比特幣ETF首日表現 0x資訊報導,華夏基金(香港)、博時基金(國際)、嘉實國際資產旗下首批現貨加密貨幣 ETF 正式登陸港交所。整體看,首批現貨加密貨幣 ETF 首日表現活躍,成交金額超過 8700 萬港元,其中比特幣 ETF 漲幅均超 1%,強於以太幣 ETF。相關渠道人士表示,華夏基金(香港)發行勢頭強勁,發行一日,華夏比特幣 ETF、華夏以太幣 ETF 募資規模超過 11 億港元,超過美國比特幣 ETF 首日募資規模。再加上其他兩家機構的募資總額,此次首批加密貨幣 ETF 的募資規模約有 20 億港元。分析人士認為,香港投資者對虛擬資產表現出濃厚的興趣。隨著虛擬資產基礎設施、生態系統持續完善,加密貨幣 ETF 資產管理規模有望大幅擴容。
比特幣現貨ETF總資產淨值為494.13億美元,ETF淨資產比率達4.19% 0x資訊報導,據 SoSoValue 數據,昨日(美東時間 4 月 30 日)比特幣現貨 ETF 總淨流出 1.62 億美元,其中:灰度(Grayscale)ETF GBTC 單日淨流出 9322.77 萬美元,目前 GBTC 歷史淨流出為 173.03 億美元;單日淨流入最多的比特幣現貨 ETF 為 Ark Invest 和 21Shares 的 ETF ARKB,單日淨流入為 359.53 萬美元,目前 ARKB 歷史總淨流入達 22.18 億美元。截至發稿前,比特幣現貨 ETF 總資產淨值為 494.13 億美元,ETF 淨資產比率(市值較比特幣總市值佔比)達 4.19%,歷史累計淨流入已達 117.81 億美元。
比特幣現貨ETF總資產淨值為494.13億美元,ETF淨資產比率達4.19% 0x資訊報導,據 SoSoValue 數據,昨日(美東時間 4 月 30 日)比特幣現貨 ETF 總淨流出 1.62 億美元,其中:灰度(Grayscale)ETF GBTC 單日淨流出 9322.77 萬美元,目前 GBTC 歷史淨流出為 173.03 億美元;單日淨流入最多的比特幣現貨 ETF 為 Ark Invest 和 21Shares 的 ETF ARKB,單日淨流入為 359.53 萬美元,目前 ARKB 歷史總淨流入達 22.18 億美元。截至發稿前,比特幣現貨 ETF 總資產淨值為 494.13 億美元,ETF 淨資產比率(市值較比特幣總市值佔比)達 4.19%,歷史累計淨流入已達 117.81 億美元。
Neo:已追回2023年2月8日安全事件所涉及部分被盜資金 0x資訊報導, 據官方消息,Neo 就此前發生的安全事件發布更新:2023 年 2 月 8 日,Neo 遷移地址出現安全漏洞,導致未經授權的代幣轉移到三個不同的地址: NWa7NWZueuAwbN4y6GWGWy56V76LyyrB33 NiFtgekYY6KY1XxwahVAyMtgX1WoJkrQXd NM1hSXxP8GSQcvxUNFAJgkuA4Btyz2ZMG1 Neo Council 迅速做出回應,使用本地 Policy 合約中的「BlockAccount」方法封鎖了這些地址,以防止進一步的交易。在此之前,攻擊者使用 Flamingo 平臺將包括 fUSDT、FLM、fwBTC、fwETH 和 pONT 在內的各種代幣兌換為總共 223,461 枚 NEO。 該黑客於 2023 年 2 月 13 日聯繫 Neo 團隊索要贖金,但最終談判破裂。此後,這三個地址一直被鎖定。 經過調查,Neo Global Development(NGD)發現,由於攻擊者執行了早期未經授權的轉換,fwBTC 供應已經耗盡。在對資產安全性進行技術評估並與 Neo Council 成員協商後,同意解除對錢包地址(NiFtgekYY6KY1XxwahVAyMtgX1WoJkrQXd)的鎖定。 經過廣泛的技術準備,Neo 基金會使用攻擊者提供此前提供的部分私鑰信息執行了一系列交易。這些交易旨在逆轉未經授權的轉換,恢復受影響代幣(fUSDT、FLM、fwBTC、fwETH 和 pONT),以促進所有未決遷移的完成。
Neo:已追回2023年2月8日安全事件所涉及部分被盜資金 0x資訊報導, 據官方消息,Neo 就此前發生的安全事件發布更新:2023 年 2 月 8 日,Neo 遷移地址出現安全漏洞,導致未經授權的代幣轉移到三個不同的地址: NWa7NWZueuAwbN4y6GWGWy56V76LyyrB33 NiFtgekYY6KY1XxwahVAyMtgX1WoJkrQXd NM1hSXxP8GSQcvxUNFAJgkuA4Btyz2ZMG1 Neo Council 迅速做出回應,使用本地 Policy 合約中的「BlockAccount」方法封鎖了這些地址,以防止進一步的交易。在此之前,攻擊者使用 Flamingo 平臺將包括 fUSDT、FLM、fwBTC、fwETH 和 pONT 在內的各種代幣兌換為總共 223,461 枚 NEO。 該黑客於 2023 年 2 月 13 日聯繫 Neo 團隊索要贖金,但最終談判破裂。此後,這三個地址一直被鎖定。 經過調查,Neo Global Development(NGD)發現,由於攻擊者執行了早期未經授權的轉換,fwBTC 供應已經耗盡。在對資產安全性進行技術評估並與 Neo Council 成員協商後,同意解除對錢包地址(NiFtgekYY6KY1XxwahVAyMtgX1WoJkrQXd)的鎖定。 經過廣泛的技術準備,Neo 基金會使用攻擊者提供此前提供的部分私鑰信息執行了一系列交易。這些交易旨在逆轉未經授權的轉換,恢復受影響代幣(fUSDT、FLM、fwBTC、fwETH 和 pONT),以促進所有未決遷移的完成。
Solana whales have made a record-setting investment by allocating 100 million SOL tokens to a new blockchain project, highlighting a significant shift in the cryptocurrency landscape. This move reflects growing interest and confidence in emerging blockchain technologies, particularly those that promise enhanced scalability and efficiency. For more details, you can read the full article here: [](
Solana whales have made a record-setting investment by allocating 100 million SOL tokens to a new blockchain project, highlighting a significant shift in the cryptocurrency landscape. This move reflects growing interest and confidence in emerging blockchain technologies, particularly those that promise enhanced scalability and efficiency.

For more details, you can read the full article here: [](
Fantom基金會面向Meme幣團隊設立650萬美元開發基金 0x資訊報導, Fantom 基金會執行長 Michael Kong 4 月 30 日在雪梨舉行的 MemeGlobal 活動上宣布,Fantom 基金會將設立一個面向 Meme 幣團隊的 1000 萬枚 FTM 獎池(價值 650 萬美元) 。此舉旨在吸引 Meme 幣交易員進入 Fantom 生態,並加強圍繞此類代幣的安全措施,推進「更安全的 Meme 幣」理念。 Kong 解釋道:「目前存在的 Meme 幣現象是我們獲得大量客戶的一種方法,因為我們已經看到了其他鏈的成功,並希望加以複製。」(Cointelegraph) 此前消息,Andre Cronje 發文闡述其設計的 Fantom 上社區 Meme 幣的框架。其中代幣分配方案如下:最多 10%的代幣分配用於營銷相關費用(交易所上線、促銷、KOL OTC、空投等); 5%的代幣用於支持團隊開支。剩餘 85%的代幣將放在基金會多籤的 FTM/代幣 LP 中。
Fantom基金會面向Meme幣團隊設立650萬美元開發基金 0x資訊報導, Fantom 基金會執行長 Michael Kong 4 月 30 日在雪梨舉行的 MemeGlobal 活動上宣布,Fantom 基金會將設立一個面向 Meme 幣團隊的 1000 萬枚 FTM 獎池(價值 650 萬美元) 。此舉旨在吸引 Meme 幣交易員進入 Fantom 生態,並加強圍繞此類代幣的安全措施,推進「更安全的 Meme 幣」理念。 Kong 解釋道:「目前存在的 Meme 幣現象是我們獲得大量客戶的一種方法,因為我們已經看到了其他鏈的成功,並希望加以複製。」(Cointelegraph) 此前消息,Andre Cronje 發文闡述其設計的 Fantom 上社區 Meme 幣的框架。其中代幣分配方案如下:最多 10%的代幣分配用於營銷相關費用(交易所上線、促銷、KOL OTC、空投等); 5%的代幣用於支持團隊開支。剩餘 85%的代幣將放在基金會多籤的 FTM/代幣 LP 中。
The Oklahoma State Senate and House of Representatives have passed a bill that protects the basic rights of Bitcoin users. Once signed by the governor, this legislation will safeguard rights to self-custody, mining, operating full nodes, and buying, selling, and trading digital assets. This legislative victory marks a significant advancement for the cryptocurrency movement in the U.S., promoting a framework that supports widespread adoption and use. For more details, visit: [](
The Oklahoma State Senate and House of Representatives have passed a bill that protects the basic rights of Bitcoin users. Once signed by the governor, this legislation will safeguard rights to self-custody, mining, operating full nodes, and buying, selling, and trading digital assets. This legislative victory marks a significant advancement for the cryptocurrency movement in the U.S., promoting a framework that supports widespread adoption and use.

For more details, visit: [](
A significant transaction involving 226 million Dogecoin (DOGE), worth approximately $32 million, has been executed from Robinhood to a single wallet address. This move by a notable Dogecoin whale signifies a strong buying action amid declining DOGE prices, sparking intrigue and speculation about future market movements. For more details, you can read the full article here: [](
A significant transaction involving 226 million Dogecoin (DOGE), worth approximately $32 million, has been executed from Robinhood to a single wallet address. This move by a notable Dogecoin whale signifies a strong buying action amid declining DOGE prices, sparking intrigue and speculation about future market movements.

For more details, you can read the full article here: [](
Bitcoin's price has been steadily declining, with significant support levels at $62,500 and $61,200 being breached, suggesting strong bearish control. Despite a minor recovery, the overall downward trend remains. If Bitcoin fails to overcome the $60,400 resistance, further declines are anticipated, possibly testing lower support at $59,500 and potentially $58,000. For more details, visit:
Bitcoin's price has been steadily declining, with significant support levels at $62,500 and $61,200 being breached, suggesting strong bearish control. Despite a minor recovery, the overall downward trend remains. If Bitcoin fails to overcome the $60,400 resistance, further declines are anticipated, possibly testing lower support at $59,500 and potentially $58,000.

For more details, visit:
Cryptocurrency analyst DonAlt suggests Bitcoin's price could drop to $40,000, highlighting the risk of a significant downturn following its recent peak at $62,300. This reflects broader market trends where Bitcoin faces downward pressure, influenced by decreasing whale activities and potential oversupply issues. The analyst sees a necessary price correction to sustain Bitcoin's bull run. For more details, visit:
Cryptocurrency analyst DonAlt suggests Bitcoin's price could drop to $40,000, highlighting the risk of a significant downturn following its recent peak at $62,300. This reflects broader market trends where Bitcoin faces downward pressure, influenced by decreasing whale activities and potential oversupply issues. The analyst sees a necessary price correction to sustain Bitcoin's bull run.
For more details, visit:
In April, MicroStrategy acquired an additional 122 bitcoins, bringing its total holdings to 214,400 BTC, valued at approximately $7.54 billion. This strategic purchase is part of their broader investment approach, leveraging Bitcoin's market dynamics to reinforce their financial position and business strategy. For further details, you can read the full article here: [](
In April, MicroStrategy acquired an additional 122 bitcoins, bringing its total holdings to 214,400 BTC, valued at approximately $7.54 billion. This strategic purchase is part of their broader investment approach, leveraging Bitcoin's market dynamics to reinforce their financial position and business strategy.
For further details, you can read the full article here: [](
Sui has teamed up with Google Cloud to push forward Web3 innovations, enhancing security, scalability, and AI capabilities. This partnership will provide robust support to developers through the integration of Sui blockchain data into Google Cloud's BigQuery, among other advanced tools, fostering new dApps and insights. For more details, visit: [](
Sui has teamed up with Google Cloud to push forward Web3 innovations, enhancing security, scalability, and AI capabilities. This partnership will provide robust support to developers through the integration of Sui blockchain data into Google Cloud's BigQuery, among other advanced tools, fostering new dApps and insights.
For more details, visit: [](
Senators Elizabeth Warren and Roger Marshall have raised concerns to Biden administration officials about the potential for cryptocurrencies like Tether to be used to evade sanctions. They are particularly worried about nations like Russia, Iran, and North Korea exploiting such digital assets. The senators have requested additional authority to prevent these activities, emphasizing the importance of effective enforcement of sanctions to maintain their value. For more details, visit:
Senators Elizabeth Warren and Roger Marshall have raised concerns to Biden administration officials about the potential for cryptocurrencies like Tether to be used to evade sanctions. They are particularly worried about nations like Russia, Iran, and North Korea exploiting such digital assets. The senators have requested additional authority to prevent these activities, emphasizing the importance of effective enforcement of sanctions to maintain their value.
For more details, visit:
Changpeng Zhao, the founder of Binance, faces potential imprisonment for 36 months in the U.S., following his plea of guilt for violating anti-money laundering laws. Despite legal challenges, Binance continues to thrive, maintaining a strong market position and projecting growth, partly due to the introduction of Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. For more details, you can read the full article here: [](
Changpeng Zhao, the founder of Binance, faces potential imprisonment for 36 months in the U.S., following his plea of guilt for violating anti-money laundering laws. Despite legal challenges, Binance continues to thrive, maintaining a strong market position and projecting growth, partly due to the introduction of Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S.
For more details, you can read the full article here: [](
Ripple is expanding its operations into Japan through a partnership with HashKey DX, leveraging the XRP Ledger (XRPL) to introduce innovative blockchain solutions. This collaboration aims to introduce advanced blockchain functionalities to Japanese businesses, starting with the SBI Group companies, and marks a significant move in Ripple's strategy to promote blockchain technology and deliver tangible value to enterprises. For more details, you can read the full article here: [](
Ripple is expanding its operations into Japan through a partnership with HashKey DX, leveraging the XRP Ledger (XRPL) to introduce innovative blockchain solutions. This collaboration aims to introduce advanced blockchain functionalities to Japanese businesses, starting with the SBI Group companies, and marks a significant move in Ripple's strategy to promote blockchain technology and deliver tangible value to enterprises.
For more details, you can read the full article here: [](
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