Transak And Sequence Join Forces To Solve Payment Complexities For Web3 Games

Web3 payments infrastructure provider Transak announced a strategic partnership with Sequence, a Web3 development platform for games. This collaboration aims to equip Sequence and its ecosystem of gaming partners with Web3 payments and onboarding infrastructure.

Sequence is a leading development platform in the Web3 gaming sector, offering a comprehensive suite of tools and services to streamline the integration of Web3 features into games.

“We are thrilled to partner with Sequence and continue to expand our best-in-class payments infrastructure in the world of Web3 gaming,” said Sami Start, CEO and co-founder of Transak, in a written statement. “Our shared vision of simplifying blockchain interactions for users aligns perfectly, and we look forward to empowering the next generation of gamers and developers,” he noticed.

The integration aims to streamline the development of games and decentralized applications (dApps), making the user experience more straightforward for gamers. This will enable them to concentrate on gameplay without the complexities associated with blockchain transactions.

Transak And Sequence Collaboration To Enhance Web3 Gaming Experience And Offer Wider Range Of Crypto And Payment Flows

Transak is one of the most compliant and largest Web3 payments infrastructure providers globally, serving more than 5 million users across 160 countries. It supports over 350 platforms, offering API-driven solutions for fiat-to-crypto on/off-ramps, non-fungible token (NFT) checkouts, and other services that streamline know your customer (KYC) procedures, compliance, payment methods, and customer support. 

Its infrastructure is specifically designed for high-performance dApps and gaming use cases. The platform’s capacity to manage high transaction volumes ensures smooth and reliable performance, even during peak usage times. Thus, its compatibility with Sequence’s gaming environment will provide a seamless experience for players, allowing developers to incorporate complex blockchain features without detracting from the enjoyment of the game.

Furthermore, its infrastructure is designed to adhere to global regulatory standards, ensuring that all transactions are secure and transparent. This includes KYC and anti-money laundering (AML) checks, providing a safe environment for users. By integrating Transak’s API into its developer platform, Sequence will be able to support both Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and non-EVM blockchains, encompassing Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain. This multi-chain capability will allow Sequence to offer a wide range of cryptocurrencies and payment flows, enhancing the overall Web3 gaming ecosystem for gamers.

“Integrating Transak’s payments infrastructure with Sequence is a significant step towards making blockchain gaming more accessible and enjoyable for everyone,” said Taylan Pince, Chief Technology Officer of Sequence, in a written statement. “This partnership will enable us to offer a frictionless experience to our users from the moment they leverage Sequence-powered solutions to their in-game transactions,” he added.

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