1 - BTC Longs / Shorts Delta :

* This chart shows the delta between long and short positions in Bitcoin over time.

* Significant spikes in long or short positions can indicate shifts in market

sentiment ( retail investors increasing long positions or or shorts get liquidated ).

* The chart highlights points where the long/short delta was notably high, with

data points marked at 62.6K and 65.8K BTC prices, showing a positive delta of

20.2M and 16.9M respectively.

2 - Net Taker Volume :

* This chart represents the net taker volume in USD, showing the net difference

between buy and sell orders.

* The graph indicates a net sell-off with significant negative volume spikes

correlating with a drop in BTC price.

* There are notable negative volume spikes at -72.9M, -102.3M, and -262.1M.


* The combination of high long/short delta and resistance at similar price points

suggests that while there's significant interest in longs, the market is

encountering selling pressure at resistance levels, preventing the price from


* The substantial negative net taker volume indicates that bears are currently

dominating, pushing the BTC price lower.

Written by Amr Taha