⚡️ Hey there, active traders! 📊

Want to get my content notifications on a priority basis for a first-mover advantage? 🤔 It's super easy! Just follow these steps, and you'll be the first to know when I drop new alpha content 🔥:

📲 **Step 1: Open Binance app settings** and click on "Notification Preferences".

🔹 **Step 2: Click on "Square Notifications"**.

💡 **Step 3: Enable "Content Update Notifications"**.

⏱️ **Step 4: Click on "Frequency" and select "All


🎉 That's it! You're all set to receive my content notifications ASAP!

Now, stay ahead of the curve and enjoy the perks of being an early bird! 😊

If you're still having trouble, check out the screenshot below 👇 for a visual guide.