At #LandShare , taking a bold step towards decentralized finance (DeFi) principles by introducing the Landshare DAO. This marks a pivotal moment as we merge real estate and DeFi, bringing about decentralized governance, asset democratization, and trustless operations.

Empowering LAND Token Holders:

The Landshare DAO, an evolution of our Governance Protocol, hands control over the Landshare ecosystem to LAND Token holders. Utilizing the LAND Token as a governance tool, the DAO enables token holders to govern a token fund and oversee staking vaults and other platform features.

Key Features of the Landshare DAO:

Staking and Token Emissions Management:

Token holders control staking features, including yield amounts, fee structures, and token allocation.The DAO manages LAND minting, allocating tokens between LP staking, LAND staking, and the treasury pool.

LAND DAO Treasury:

The DAO receives 2.5% of all token emissions from vaults.LAND Token holders manage the treasury, with proposals like burning the entire treasury balance to reduce the token supply.

Marketing Bounties and Contests:

The DAO can create marketing bounties and contests, rewarding community members for completing tasks.Tasks include creating content, sharing announcements, and more.

How the DAO Works:

Legislative Branch (Token Holders):

Token holders propose and vote using the Governance Protocol.The Governance Protocol, tied to the treasury contract, executes autonomously after passing a majority vote.

Executive Branch (Administrators):

Landshare's core team acts as administrators, with the power to veto malicious proposals.Administrators can manage marketing bounties approved by the DAO.

Judicial Branch (Reality.eth and Arbitration):

Reality.eth serves as a decentralized oracle for off-chain votes.Arbitration, led by the core team, ensures correct proposal outcomes.

$LAND #Landshare #Tokenization #RWA