#NEAR Protocol's Q2 roadmap update:

1. **Main #Network Improvements:** NEAR #Protocol has made significant enhancements to its main network, resulting in improved performance.

2. **Status Reading Performance:** NEAR Protocol achieved an impressive 8x increase in status reading performance, enhancing overall network efficiency.

3. **New Features:** The team introduced background write features, enabling more efficient #data management. They also implemented cold storage for improved data security.

4. **Status Synchronization Tool:** A new status synchronization tool has been introduced, likely to enhance network synchronization and consistency.

5. **Account #Scaling Changes on Hold:** Plans for changes related to account scaling have been temporarily postponed.

6. **Q3 Roadmap Focus - Phase 2 of Sharding:** In the upcoming Q3, NEAR Protocol will prioritize Phase 2 of sharding, aiming to reshard the mainnet state. This phase also involves reducing the burden on block producers to track all shards.

7. **Time Projection:** The effort for Phase 2 of sharding is anticipated to take more than a quarter to complete, indicating an extensive timeline for this crucial development.