This hero holds 94 million $BNB Tokens worth $56 billion today , 64% OF CIRCULATING SUPPLY?!

- In a today report, Forbes claimed to have discovered @CZ_Binance’s personal $BNB holdings - and the findings are shocking…

- According to Forbes, the former-@Binance CEO holds…

- An estimated 94 million $BNB tokens

- At today’s prices that’s equal to around $56.6 billion

- It would also mean that CZ’s holdings are equivalent to 64% of the ~148 million BNB tokens in circulation today.

- Forbes also estimates that Binance holds 71% of $BNB’s supply.

- Forbes says that CZ’s total net worth is approximately $61 billion.

- This makes him the 24th richest person in the entire world.

- Much of CZ’s wealth also stems from his 90% stake in the Binance exchange.

- Binance itself is valued at around $33 billion.

remember to buy your BNB and hold