IO.NET was founded in 2019 by Ahmad Shadid and Matej Tomazin. The company focuses on creating a decentralized GPU cloud platform for machine learning and AI applications. It aims to leverage underutilized GPUs to provide cost-effective computing power for startups and smaller enterprises. IO.NET is headquartered in New York, NY, and has a total of 73 employees as of 2024.


A decentralized GPU cloud platform is a network that aggregates underutilized graphics processing units (GPUs) from various sources to provide distributed computing power for intensive tasks, such as AI and machine learning. Unlike traditional cloud services, which rely on centralized data centers, a decentralized platform utilizes GPUs from multiple independent nodes, increasing resource availability and reducing costs. This setup allows for scalable and efficient processing, enabling smaller enterprises and startups to access powerful computing resources without the high costs associated with centralized providers.

A decentralized GPU cloud platform is a network that aggregates underutilized graphics processing units (GPUs) from various sources to provide distributed computing power for intensive tasks, such as AI and machine learning. Unlike traditional cloud services, which rely on centralized data centers, a decentralized platform utilizes GPUs from multiple independent nodes, increasing resource availability and reducing costs. This setup allows for scalable and efficient processing, enabling smaller enterprises and startups to access powerful computing resources without the high costs associated with centralized providers.

The IO.NET token, abbreviated as IO, is a new decentralized AI computing and cloud platform token. It aggregates underutilized GPUs to create a network for machine learning startups, offering them computing power at a reduced cost. The IO.NET platform operates on the Solana blockchain and has recently been listed on Binance Launchpool, allowing users to stake BNB and FDUSD to farm IO tokens.

The total token supply at launch is 500 million IO, with a maximum supply of 800 million. Initially, 95 million tokens are available, with 20 million allocated for Binance Launchpool rewards. Trading pairs for IO include IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD, and IO/TRY.

The tokenomics of IO.NET's native token, IO, are designed to support the decentralized GPU cloud platform. Here are key points:

1. Total Supply: 800 million IO tokens.

2. Initial Distribution: 95 million tokens available at launch, with 20 million allocated for Binance Launchpool rewards.

3. Allocation: Tokens are distributed among various stakeholders, including team, investors, ecosystem incentives, and community rewards.

4. Usage: IO tokens are used for transactions within the network, paying for compute resources, and incentivizing participants.

For more details, refer to the official documentation or announcements from IO.NET www.