I have posted the screenshot of this $PEOPLE Position two days before at the time of opening the trade.. usually when any coin pumps too much or dumps too much , i just wait for the suitable time and take position at that point where most of the traders must hv been liquidated, and i hold position for 2-5 days.. sometimes initially my position goes in wrong direction but i don’t take trade with huge margin that could hv chances of becoming risk for me later . And every riskfree position , usually within 2-3 days , give me good and a bit big profit amount every time .

Just like this #PEOPLEUSDT I hv shorted and within 2 days booked satisfactory amount of profit .. initially profits were small but with the time as much as i gained some capital then automatically trades became less risky and more profitable..

if u r in binance so please become rich here instead of going bankrupt ,

In binance , either you win or u should leave , bcz if u think about chosing between win or lose , win may be joyful but lose wont only be yours.. sometimes it effect those people who r close to you..

#BTC #IOprediction #FIT21