🚨🚨 Don't Sell Your Hamster Kombat Tokens Upon Launch 🚨🚨

Here are 9 reasons you mustn't SELL your $HMSTR immediately after launch

I know most of you reading probably sold their $NOT the day Binance listed it. Don't do the same for HMSTR airdrop and here is why:

1. Potential for High Value: Similar projects, like Notcoin, saw significant price increases after launch. The hope is Hamster Kombat tokens will follow a similar trajectory.

2. Limited Supply: There may be a fixed number of airdrop tokens distributed, creating scarcity and potentially driving up value.

3. Future Utility: The tokens might be used for in-game purchases, voting rights, or other functionalities within the Hamster Kombat ecosystem, increasing their appeal.

4. Free Money: Even if the value is low initially, it's essentially free currency that could potentially gain value later.

5. Low Risk, High Reward: Holding onto the tokens has minimal downside (you lose nothing if the price stays low) but the potential for high rewards if the price rises.

6. Community Hype: The large Hamster Kombat player base could create a strong community that drives up demand for the tokens.

7. Future Development: The project might have exciting features planned, like NFTs, that could increase the value of the token.

8. Long-Term Vision: Believing in the long-term potential of the game and its tokenomics might lead someone to hold.

9. Market Speculation: As the broader crypto market is about to go bullish, it could positively impact the price of Hamster Kombat tokens.

Are you going to hold or sell $HMSTR upon launch?

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