Before 2days market $BTC took the correction of 4% and all the Alts coin loss its value to 20%, this always happens and what is more interesting here, bitcoin always get qucik recover and alts remain at there price and it make disappointed to the trader.

My Advice to the leverage is that avoid taking leverage trades or only take futures positions in only #Bitcoin and $ETH Ethereum, this trades will be less risky your liquidation will be lower and the profit will be huge.

Just simple to technical Analysis of these two crypto (Bitcoin, Ethereum) your t.a will workk perfectly and it will bring you huge gains. I always say to avoid trading alts in future when market is in this such kind of state when all scenarios are bullish and the bitcoin dominance looks bearish.

And for the Spot holders $ORDI is still in looking quite bullish and we might see it once again, here Im talking by watching chart, #Rune and ordi are performing super amazing after the bitcoin halving the reason is very simple that they are supporting the bitcoin network and its Eco system and more Coin i forget to mention here that is #STX these three are working on same principle and support bitcoin in solving the problem of making smallest satoshis,

These 5 Coins i have mentioned above will be best to trade this month, But keep in mind to do the market research before investing any project Im just providing the information.

Introduction of Rune, STX and ORDI and there fundamentals:


Ordinal theory does not require a sidechain or token aside from Bitcoin, and
can be used without any changes to the Bitcoin network. It works right now.

Ordinal theory imbues satoshis with numismatic value, allowing them to be
collected and traded as curios.

Individual satoshis can be inscribed with arbitrary content, creating unique
Bitcoin-native digital artifacts that can be held in Bitcoin wallets and
transferred using Bitcoin transactions. Inscriptions are as durable, immutable,
secure, and decentralized as Bitcoin itself.

Other, more unusual use-cases are possible: off-chain colored-coins, public key
infrastructure with key rotation, a decentralized replacement for the DNS. For
now though, such use-cases are speculative, and exist only in the minds of
fringe ordinal theorists.

Rune and Stx:

Bitcoin Runes are a system built on the Bitcoin network that allows users to
create and manage tokens using the UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output)
model. The UTXO model is the same mechanism that Bitcoin itself uses for

These tokens can be easily exchanged and differ from other token standards
because they don't use the Ordinals protocol. Runes are simpler and more
efficient, using part of Bitcoin, like UTXO (Unspent Transaction
Output) and OP_RETURN.

The STX token is the network's native cryptocurrency, and it's notable
for being the first token offering qualified by the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC). It's used on Stacks for transaction fees and
deploying smart contracts. In addition, it can be "stacked" and earn Bitcoin rewards.

What makes Stacks unique?

Like other programmable blockchains, Stacks has smart contract functionality, meaning it can be used for dApps and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
The unique thing about Stacks is that it links to Bitcoin and turns the
Bitcoin blockchain into a programmable base layer. Most programmable
blockchains, such as Ethereum (ETH -0.07%), start from scratch.

This means Stacks leverages Bitcoin's high level of security since Stacks'
transactions are settled on Bitcoin. Stacks' dApps can also interact
with Bitcoin even though it's a separate blockchain.

Stacks has several interesting features that make it stand out. Here are a few that are worth mentioning:

  • It uses a consensus mechanism called “proof of transfer” that recycles Bitcoin's proof-of-work system. Proof of transfer makes Stacks highly scalable and decentralized without causing additional environmental impact.

  • It uses microblocks to speed up transaction processing. Stacks is limited
    to the same block times as Bitcoin, but, by dividing blocks into
    microblocks, it can reduce processing times from minutes to seconds.

  • It has its own smart contract language called Clarity. An advantage of
    Clarity over other smart contract languages is that users can set up
    their own conditions for transactions and aren't limited to
    preprogrammed conditions.

#TopCoinsJune2024 #beyoglu