Roaring Kitty's Livestream: Has the Game Stopped?

A ton of people tuned into Roaring Kitty's livestream today.

Whild he did not give investment advice, the sentiment seems to be buy and hold GME for the long-term and not short term speculation.

I say that because of his emphasis on Ryan Cohen, CEO of #GameStop and posing the question whether one thinks Cohen is the right person to introduce the relevant innovation to develop the company into one which investors would want to hold onto.

I imagine #RoaringKitty chose not to say more as there may be regulatory scrutiny over any market reaction to any sensible thing he said.

This seemed especially to be the case as the price appears to have halted several times doing the livestream.

Looking forward to the regulator's approach to all those billionaires who go on tv to talk about the market and stocks they like : )

In the meantime, let's wait and see what plans Cohen will announce in the next 6-12 months. He must have a plan. The Game hasn't Stopped.