đŸ±â€đŸ‘€ #VitalikButerin has had enough of celebrity meme coins!

He says, "No more pumping coins just to enrich insiders. Let’s focus on projects that actually do some good!"

#Vitalik reacted to Chris Burniske’s claim that Mother Iggy ($MOTHER), related to Iggy Azalea, might be the "mother of celebrity experiments." Burniske thinks it could work if it achieves sustainable value.

But #Buterin has higher standards. He likes Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis' Stoner Cats better. At least they funded a real show!

Vitalik's checklist for a good crypto project:

1. 🌍 Socially beneficial goals (art or charity).

2. 🎼 Fun mechanics beyond token swapping (something to engage with).

3. ⏳ Long-term interest (10 years minimum, not just a short-lived trend).

His golden rule? Even if all tokens crash, participants should still be glad they joined! đŸš€đŸ’„

#Binance55thProject(IO) #BTC