Token Name: IO.NET (IO)

IMPORTANT: Binance will be the first platform to list the token mentioned herein, with trade starting at 2024-06-11 12:00 (UTC). Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds!

IO Launchpool Details

Token Name: IO.NET (IO)

Total Token Supply at Genesis: 500,000,000 IO 

Max Token Supply: 800,000,000 IO 

Launchpool Token Rewards: 20,000,000 IO (4% of total token supply at Genesis)

Initial Circulating Supply: 95,000,000 IO (19% of total token supply at Genesis)

Smart Contract Details: Solana

Staking Terms: KYC required 

Hourly Hard Cap per User

