Bitcoin price is down 0.84% in the past 24 hours, trading at $29,055 as of 14:28 PST on August 4, 2023. The volume of trade for BTC-USDT is 706,206,164 USDT, and the market cap is $566.7 billion.

The 24-hour low for BTC-USDT was $28,808, and the high was $29,333. The market buy/sell ratio is 44.54% to 55.46%, indicating that there is more selling pressure than buying pressure in the market.

The all-time high for Bitcoin is $69,000, and the current price is down 57.88% from that level. However, the price has been relatively stable in the past few days, suggesting that the market may be bottoming out.

Overall, the outlook for Bitcoin is uncertain. The price could continue to decline in the short term, but it could also start to recover if there is an increase in buying pressure.


Bitcoin price is down 0.84% in the past 24 hours, but the market may be bottoming out. The outlook for Bitcoin is uncertain, but the price could start to recover if there is an increase in buying pressure.

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