đŸ’„đŸ’„đŸ’„ #bitcoin post-halving run may reach $130K by September 2025

Peter Brandt Predicts Bitcoin's Potential Surge to $130,000

- Crypto trader Peter Brandt suggests that Bitcoin’s current bull run is mirroring previous post-halving cycles, potentially reaching $130,000 to $150,000 by late next year.

- Bitcoin could hit a peak of $130,000 to $150,000 between late August and early September if it follows the trajectory of past post-halving bull markets, according to Brandt. The recent April 20 Bitcoin halving, which reduces mining rewards by 50% approximately every four years, plays a significant role in this prediction. Brandt highlights that halving dates have historically aligned almost perfectly with past bull market cycles.

- Brandt's analysis indicates that the previous Bitcoin bull market began about 16 months before the halving on May 11, 2020, and peaked around 18 months later. He notes that similar patterns were observed in the halvings of July 9, 2016, and November 28, 2012.

- “If this sequence continues, the next bull market cycle high should occur in late August or early September 2025,” Brandt stated. He cautions, however, that no method of analysis is infallible, but past trends suggest a potential bull market peak in the $130,000 to $150,000 range.

Possibility of Bitcoin's Peak Already Reached

- Brandt's analysis identifies December 17, 2022, as the start of the current bull market, with #BitcoinTrading around $16,800 at that time. Since then, Bitcoin has gained over 300%, reaching $67,882, according to Cointelegraph Markets Pro.

- Despite this significant rise, Bitcoin is down from its March 14 all-time high of $73,679. Brandt believes there is a 25% chance that Bitcoin has already reached its bull market peak, as each cycle's gains appear to be diminishing compared to the previous one. If Bitcoin fails to set a new all-time high and falls below $55,000, Brandt suggests the probability of the #cryptocurrency experiencing an "exponential decay" would increase.

Source - cointelegraph.com

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