Now if you listen to me,

You will change your life this cycle.

Learn from my MISTAKES and you’ll make generational wealth.

It’s that simple.

There’s a reason why you keep losing.

Do you know why?

It’s you buying shit without proper research,

Or blindly chasing hype.

That will always leave you broke,

While my followers will make millions and you’re left with regret.

So don’t do that.

What if I told you one simple tweak could change your performance?

It's simple.

Right now, when you enter a coin,

You probably just buy because someone tweeted it.


You don’t look at the chart; you just FOMO in.

Weeks later, you’re 50% down.


If you want to win more, you must do this:

Know your exit BEFORE entering a position.

What does this mean?

Look at the chart.

Zoom out.

Identify your invalidation level

What price will you sell at if your trade idea is wrong.

Then you simply buy as close to that level.

“Once you protect the downside, the upside will take care of itself”

Master this approach.

You’ll minimise your losses, and maximise your gains.

Your future self will thank you.

#BullRun #BitEagleNews