In-depth analysis
DexScreener provides in-depth token information, helping you identify gems.
You can view a token's:
• Market Cap
• Transactions
• Socials
• Top Holders
• Top Traders

You can copy a good trader's address & track them using

⎆ Finding the hottest pairs

  • Identify coins with good volume.

  • Check growing Number of Holders

  • Assess TG & Twitter activity

  • Assess engagement level of kol shilling

  • Liquidity >50k & FDV > $200k


DexScreener makes it easy to monitor multiple charts at once.

Instead of having to close one to view another, use the "Multicharts" section to view all together.
You can monitor up to 16 charts simultaneously.

Wallet Tracking
DexScreener enables you to easily track smart money or your own portfolio.

Simply click on the "Portfolio" section and paste a wallet address

This allows you to stay updated on what a whale you're tracking has bought, or keep tabs on your buys.

Setting Alerts
The final step is knowing how to set token alerts.

This is especially important if you're looking to spot juicy dips.

To create an alert, open the pair's chart and click the "Alerts" button on the lower-right side of the screen.

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@Binance Square Official #write2earn #dextrading

-Aristotle Dio Vasilakos