According to Foresight News, Gala has released a post-incident report on the unauthorized issuance of 50 billion GALA tokens. The company stated that all internal processes have been rectified, including the removal of unauthorized users. The hacker who carried out the attack has returned the ETH obtained from selling GALA, which has been used to repurchase and destroy tokens. The 50 billion GALA tokens will be destroyed. The attacker's contract and wallet have been immediately blacklisted.

Gala has identified malicious actors through other activities and usage patterns within the network. The company stated that these patterns were previously associated with smaller vulnerabilities, indicating the abuse of privileged access rather than external software vulnerabilities. The case has been submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for further investigation.

In addition, Gala is conducting an internal review of security protocols and contract access permissions, strengthening measures such as access control and key management practices.