• 97.488 million transactions in a single day set an Aptos record.

  • Tapos, the game, drives Aptos User TPS to 27,000.

As per Aptoscan data, on May 24, Aptos hit a historic milestone when user transactions surged to an unprecedented 97.488 million in a single day. This amazing achievement broke Sui’s earlier Layer 1 (L1) record of more than 65 million transactions.

The popularity of the screen-tapping game Tapos was a major factor in the spike in transactions. Additionally, setting a platform record, Aptos User Transactions Per Second (TPS) hit 27,000 that same day.

APT Price Movements and Market Sentiment

Aptos (APT) pricing has slightly decreased, even with the notable rise in transaction volume. CoinGecko data as of writing shows that APT is trading at about $9.02, down 0.79% over the previous 24 hours. With a value rise of 5.03% over the last week, the coin has nevertheless demonstrated a bullish tendency.

This contradictory market mood captures the enthusiasm around the platform’s most recent successes as well as the usual swings in the cryptocurrency market.

Transaction Volume and Tapos

One major contributing reason to the recent spike in transactions on the Aptos network has been the game Tapos. Through incentives for tapping the screen, Tapos has increased activity and engagement on the platform to unprecedented levels.

The success of Tapos emphasizes how creative applications may stimulate blockchain user activity and network expansion.

Aptos’ future seems bright as long as it keeps shattering records and drawing in new users. Transaction volume and TPS successes recently highlight the network’s ability to manage high activity levels and its room for expansion.


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