$BB and How you to survive this 😙😙

A month a go is TRB pump

A weeks a go is meme coin pump

Yesterday PEOPLE , a dying project suddenly pump and liquidate most who short it.

This kind of things is very common on crypto, so for those who new trader better leave out this kind of trend.

1) if you go long, this kind of coin will retrace as much just to liquidate you or hit stop loss then suddenly going up with big green candle.

2)if you go short, this kind of coin will going no where, just making very small candle up and down just like calm water then suddenly keep making HH to trap your short alas liquidated you too.

Ok, here's the deal with $BB, there pretty much sell order at 1$ on spot trading, better you start shorting this coin from there with small margin and small leverage but be carefull with negative funding.

If negative funding -2% better not short or they will burn your wallet, that 2% for every 4 to 8 hour 🥲

Example Case =

Leverage 20 x

Margin 100$

Total = 2.000$

Negative funding = -2%

Binance fee = 0.02 x 2000 = 40$

If you go short with negative funding Binance will take 40$ per 4 hour or 8 hour its depends on how big the difference between spot price and future/option price.

If you keep open trade for 1 day, they charge you 240$ per day.

Stop market BB = 1 $

Short 20x

Target = 0.66$

SL 1.2$