🤖AI Godfather Geoffrey Hinton, previously of Google, has some advice for the UK government - consider UBI (universal basic income) to offset job losses from AI advancements. He warns AI benefits the wealthy, leaving common workers in a lurch. #DeFi #Web3

👀Hinton's not alone. Sam Altman, OpenAI co-founder & Hinton's former student, is also a UBI enthusiast. His venture, Worldcoin, plans to distribute UBI via crypto tokens. Free for all who complete a retinal scan. #Technology #UBI

🔮Hinton predicts in 5-20 years, we may face AI trying to take control. Altman's motive for starting OpenAI with Elon Musk was to ensure responsible AI development. What's your take on UBI and AI's future? Share your thoughts below! 👇 #AI #FutureTech #Discussion

P.S. No AI was harmed in the making of this tweet. 😂