A smart investor in a bull run market typically adopts strategies to maximize gains while managing risk. Some common approaches include:

1. *Dollar-cost averaging*: Investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the market's performance, to reduce timing risks.

2. *Position sizing*: Adjusting the size of their investments to balance potential gains and losses.

3. *Diversification*: Spreading investments across different asset classes and sectors to minimize risk.

4. *Long-term perspective*: Focusing on long-term growth instead of short-term gains.

5. *Active portfolio rebalancing*: Regularly reviewing and adjusting their portfolio to maintain their target asset allocation.

6. *Hedging*: Using derivatives or other instruments to manage potential downsides.

7. *Tax-efficient investing*: Considering the tax implications of their investments to minimize tax liabilities.

Please note that these strategies may not be suitable for everyone, and it's essential to consult a financial advisor or conduct your own research before making investment decisions.

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