**Trading Strategy Using AI That Made $3M!**

I developed a trading strategy with #AI that earned $3M! You can do it too with GPT-4.0! Here's the FULL guide to build your own bot in just 10 minutes 📈🔍


âšč Integrating AI into trading strategies can generate millions $

âšč Upgrading to #ChatGPT 4.0 is a game-changer!

âšč Achieve profitable trading with minimal time using AI.


âšč I set up a bot with a 300% profit factor in just 5 minutes

âšč No programming skills needed, just ready-made prompts and indicators.

âšč Want to replicate this? Check out my detailed ARTICLE!

âšč I spend 5+ hours daily gathering the best info, tokens, and alpha strategies.

âšč Please follow and share to support my content.


âšč Trading with AI offers numerous advantages:

‱ Most analysis is automated, reducing errors.

‱ Minimizes time spent on charts.

âšč Integrate AI into your trading for substantial profits.


âšč First, install the indicator.

âšč Visit @tradingview and install the Bollinger Bands indicator by Madrid.

âšč Even this simple step can boost your earnings.


âšč Next, set up your workspace.

âšč Open the indicator's source code and copy it.

âšč Create a name for your workspace.


âšč Follow a simple strategy with Bollinger Bands:

‱ If above the band, open a short.

‱ If below the band, open a long.

âšč Always set targets for your positions.


âšč Convert the code to v5 format.

âšč Go to @tradingview, click "More", then "Convert Code".

âšč Repeat twice to get the required format.


âšč Write the strategy, a crucial step.

âšč Use #ChatGPT to handle this task.

âšč Insert the source code and specify your trading conditions.


âšč Copy the logic fragment of your strategy.

âšč Paste it at the end in @tradingview.

âšč Save the code and check for errors.


âšč Errors are common; AI can fix them.

âšč Insert the code into #ChatGPT and ask it to rewrite.

âšč Paste the revised code back into @tradingview and test again.


âšč The final step: test your strategy to avoid losses.

âšč Use minimal investments initially.

âšč If it causes losses, create a new strategy and test it again.

ᗒ That's all for today 🍯

#BTC #binance #AITrading #CryptoStrategy #GPT4


