Before the release of the CPI data, I published that ETH will immediately soar as soon as the data is released as long as ETH can maintain above 2880 ‼ And we also called for going long around 2880 in advance. After that, the CPI was released at 8:30, and ETH accurately rose as needle-shaped pattern at 2885 at 7:30, which reached the support point we mentioned, and we made a long sale at 3010. All of them were released in public, with specificand accurate positions‼

Then someone asked me why there was a stop loss in the live trading, because we tried to go short near the long-short dividing point of Bitcoin at 65,000, that is, our live trading will open more trial and error tradings when the huege profit can be made‼ We plublished this long sale we made at 2880, and our live tarding also open this tarding.‼ However, we did not publish the short sales we made on BTC at 65,000, because we think the risk of stopping loss is relatively high, which is the trial and error tradings mentioned in the introduction of our live trading‼

Please follow us and we will continue to update the follow-up content for everyone every day‼ #notcoinprice #CPI_DATA #BTC☀️