Here are 10 different methods of making money in crypto:

1. Trading: Buying and selling cryptocurrencies on exchanges, aiming to profit from price movements.

2. Investing: Holding cryptocurrencies for the long term, anticipating increased value.

3. Staking: Participating in proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus, earning rewards for validating transactions.

4. Mining: Solving complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and earn block rewards.

5. Lending: Providing loans to other users or institutions in exchange for interest.

6. Yield Farming: Earning interest by providing liquidity to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.

7. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Creating, buying, and selling unique digital assets.

8. Airdrops: Receiving free tokens or coins for participating in specific projects or events.

9. Affiliate Marketing: Promoting crypto products or services and earning commissions.

10. Creating and Selling Crypto-related Products or Services: Developing and selling tools, courses, or consulting services for the crypto space.

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