The CPI market was released, and it was exactly in line with our expectations‼ Investors on Wall Street in the United States once again increased their bets on the interest rate cut in June‼ Therefore, BTC soared 1,500 points‼ We made huge profits 20,000 USD again!ETH also directly rose 60 points within 40 seconds. It has been sixth time that we have published accurate predictions of market trend of CPI‼

In the previous article, I also mentioned the consensus of the Wall Street that they all believed that if the news of the interest rate cut was released in May, then the interest rate cut would begin in June, so the Wall Street had great expectations for the interest rate cut in June.You can look at my previous article, which detailed the views of the Wall Street on the interest rate cut, so it is no wonder that this rise of ETH ‼ Because the institutions in the Wall Street are looking forward to the salary cut in June, and then released a data that is good news for the interest rate cut, so the market ushered in a surge. It doesn't matter. I have already told you that if ETH can maintain above 2880 points before the CPI data is released, then regardless of whether it is good or bad news once the data is released, the price of ETH will immediately have a huge fluctuation. Then the data was released at 8:30, and ETH dropped as needle-shaped pattern to the lowest point to 2885 at 7:30,and it successfully maintained above 2880 points. Then we successfully made acuurate predicition of this surge and the lowest point again. From the trend chart below, you can see that we accurately predicted the trend of CPI perfectly, without any mistake. Please remember to give me a thumbs-up and follow me. Reward will be given to you for sharing my article. I will update the prediction of orders and real-time strategies every day for free in advance, as well as the real-time market analysis. You can ask any questions in the comment area. All accurate predictions of market trend will be presented in my articles for free.#BTC☀️ #CPI_DATA #BinanceLaunchpool