CPI will be announced in the evening‼ This CPI must be brewing an breaking market trend‼ Because both the market situation and the news have given a hint for next subsequent explosive trend‼ The real moment of getting rich may be coming‼ Everyone knows that we have given everyone very accurate predictions for the previous non-agricultural data and CPI trends, with specific points and generating huge profits.You can see the picture below. So this CPI trend is obviously different from the previous one, because we emphasized not to observe the data of CPI and non-agricultural, but only the market situation in the past. In the past non-agricultural trend, we even also told everyone that if you make a trading against the strategies provided by so-called professional trader, then you will make huge profits to afford the villas by the sea‼It has become a classic saying in China. So what about the trend of CPI trend in? From market situation, you can see that it is completely different from the previous, because we can seek from the market situation that there have been a wash trading in BTC and ETH for five days. The intensity of the wash trade is very high, the degree is very deep, and the market situation of BTC and ETH is washed very clearly. Therefore, whether there is a surge or a plunge in the future, the overall trend is very strong. Judging from the current trend, if ETH can still maintain above 2880 tonight, then there should be a sharp rise in the market after the CPI data is announced . After reaching the subsequent pressure position, it will fall again. As for where the pressure position is, I need to update you in the subsequent articles, because I don’t know what the relationship between volume and price is, so I need to update you with the specific points according to the subsequent market trend. I will give you real-time updates for the live trading and welcome to follow us. Please remember to give me a thumbs-up and follow me. Reward will be given to you for sharing my article. I will update the prediction of trading and real-time strategies every day for free in advance, as well as the real-time market analysis of live trading. You can ask any questions in the comment area. All accurate predictions of market performance will be presented in my articles for free for everyone to make a fortune. The keyboard warriors will be blocked directly.#CPI_DATA #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins