"5 Signs You Might Struggle in Crypto:

1. Ignoring Stop Losses: If you disregard stop losses because you're convinced of your infallible predictions, you might be setting yourself up for trouble.

2. Blindly Trusting Online Signals: Relying solely on online trade signals without understanding the market can be risky. It's important to do your own research.

3. Favoring Whale Dominated Tokens: While it's tempting to follow tokens influenced by whales, remember that their actions can heavily impact prices, leading to unpredictable outcomes.

4. Impatience: Success in crypto often requires patience. If you expect instant results and quickly jump from token to token, you may miss out on long-term gains.

5. Buying at Peaks: Trying to catch a pump at the top can be tempting, but it's a risky strategy. It's essential to avoid FOMO and make informed decisions based on market analysis. Remember, success in crypto requires diligence, research, and patience."