TRBUSDT: A Token I've Cracked!

If you've been following my analysis, you know I've had a wild ride with TRBUSDT. This token once had me baffled, but I took on the challenge to understand its unpredictable movements. And now, I've got it figured out!

My Prediction:

- TRBUSDT will continue to follow my forecast, with some minor twists and turns.

- Be patient and don't rush in - it's still a good buy at $114 for spot trading.

- But beware, the window of opportunity closes at $126!

- Use a DCA strategy to minimize risk and maximize gains.

My Track Record:

- I correctly called it at $45

- I nailed it again at $79

- And I hit the mark once more at $88

Trust me, I know my stuff when it comes to TRBUSDT! #CryptoWatchMay2024 #SteveGoshenCrypto #ETHETFS #MicroStrategy #buythedip #buythedip