Let's break down one of the most interesting assets from a fundamental perspective #FIL🧿 💰

🕐The FIL cryptocurrency is related to the Filecoin project, which is a decentralized data storage network.

FIL is used in the #Filecoin network to pay for data storage and transmission. Users can rent their free disk storage or rent disk space to store their data, and receive a fee in $FIL for providing this service.

💧Active has been walking between global support level around $5, global resistance level around $9 since the beginning of the year. Also during the reversal we tested the global resistance level around 11.7$, from which we got a reversal formation and subsequently corrected down to 5$. The price throughout the growth forms ascending channels from which it shows a constant reaction.

➡️In the near future I expect a retest of the lower boundary of the ascending channel. Short-term I expect growth up to 6.76. These values have formed a maximum, which is located at the upper boundary of the trading channel.

➡️Medium-term I expect a breakdown of the upper boundary of the trading channel and the subsequent impulsive growth up to 10.36. But on the way to this target there is a global resistance level which will not be easy to break through. But breaking this level will be a catalyst for further markup of the asset.

➡️Globally, the asset has all chances to reach the global resistance level around $25, where our main target is located. From current values it is a little less than 5X

#CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC #buythedip