As i face liquidation i am giving

Some useful advice, tips and information to be a good trader.

1. What is really behind the logic of the green and red candles how its really works, upon checking the graph we see green and red candles and if you seeing green candles it means that traders are buying the coins resulting its price is increase, right away basically what next candles appear is red why because those traders that bought that coins on the low price will then sell it resulting it is price to drop. This information is good when doing future trading.

2. Learn how to do scalping what is this? It is a way of getting earning from the small movement in the market if you doing future trading when you believe that price will increase place a buy order but upon getting a desire earning you close it then right away place an order sell short because basically the price will drop again then close again the order upon getting an earning. This is good on a calm price movements.

*for scalping always check only the 1 min price movements as you in this time frame you can only base when doing scalping.

3. Use the power of the stop loss this is very useful tool when doing a trade why because then is always a sudden move on the price in the market you can avoid to have a sudden lost if you have set stop lost if the price moves againts your position. You are lucky that if this sudden moves is you online and seeing the sudden move because you can right away set a position base on the move to get some earning from it.

Traders upon experiencing liquidation don't feel sad and depress i know its paining but to easily let go of the bad experience you have to accept it and most probably learned from it so if ever there is a chance to come back you are more ready now to face the market to more well as pa trader. Learn how and when to stop, importantly never chase money let it come to you by doing trading with a clear mind.

If you found this helpful Share like and Tips are very much welcome.

goodluckand Godless us all.

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