Testing on Overwallet's testnet and mainnet allows developers and users to experiment with new features and interact with the Overwallet blockchain in different contexts.

The testnet is an isolated environment where you can simulate transactions, test smart contracts, and experiment without impacting the live network. It's ideal for developers working on new projects or users wanting to learn about the system without risking real assets. On Overwallet testnet, you can explore functionalities, discover bugs, and understand how transactions flow without real-world consequences.

Mainnet, on the other hand, is the live, operational network where actual transactions occur, involving real assets and real value. It’s where you can use Overwallet for everyday financial management, like sending money, setting budgets, and tracking expenses.

By having both environments, Overwallet ensures that developers can test and refine their projects in a risk-free space, while users can confidently engage in real-world transactions, knowing the system has been thoroughly tested.

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