I personally think, BNB is the best coin to own on the binance exchange because of its utilities.

The benefits are numerous, which includes;

1. LUNCHPOOL FARMING: On a monthly basic, staking my BNB coins have guaranteed me passive income of nothing less than 1% the value of my BNB.

2. CONFIDENCE IN TRADING : Let me explain this. Because of the lunchpool utility of BNB, I trade mostly BNB/ FDUSD, reason been that, I don't take losses when the trade goes against my position. I simple make use of the BNB in Lunchpools and of recent Megadrop. With this, I can take trades without fear because even if the price dips, the BNB are still very useful unlike some other coins that have little or no use cases.

3. MEGADROP: Similar to lunchpool, but on the Web3 wallet. This is another use case of BNB. Am presently farming Megadrop, so I can't ascertain the average earning I might get per month from it, but certainly it's going to be an added income.

My personal opinion, owning and trading BNB at this time is a good idea.

What do you think? Let's discuss at the comment section.

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#Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #BNB⁩ $BNB