What Will Happen After #BTC FLASH SALE ?

Let me telling you first why I think selling orders at $63-$64k range as BTC FLASH SALE

1. In my opinion $60-$63k can be considered as very strong support for BTC defending it price while $64-$66k act more weak, why ?

In 2020 halving there is still COVID pandemic (2019-2021) shaking economic around the world many country in debt because of this pandemic and no one will think about investment as survival became first priority and I think that's the reason why BTC going down more than 50% from ATH at that time

As for now I don't think we had any events that can shaking economic around the world so badly like before and that's one of the reasons why I believe there is very little chance BTC will going down far under $60k, maybe it will touch $58-$59k which will act as very very strong support compared to $60-$63k

2. Reported mining costs before halving is around $52k (see my previous post about mining costs) and after halving this costs expected to be higher 1,5-2x from before halving

Back to the topic what will happen after BTC FLASH SALE

Investors who are selling at $63-$64k had purpose to take BTC price more lower so they can re-buy BTC at lower price but not all investors had this purpose, some of them driven by FEAR selling it in panic because they still thinking BTC have big chance to go lower than $60k even $50k

After what they do and realizing it was wrong action what will they do ? They will put their money to altcoins to gain more money while waiting BTC going to position where they think they can make entry

In this moment they will going to altcoins that have high volatility and easy to manipulating it, such as #BOME #FLOKI #PEPE #BONK so they can take profits while waiting BTC get dip to the position they desire to make re-entry as trading BTC will need about 2000-3000 points increase in price to make 5% profit (out of exchange fee), correct me if I'm wrong

So to gain profits together with these people you need to know their patterns

This is only my opinion about recent BTC movements