"God help those who help themselves" - a popular saying.

You know, What comes fast, goes fast. If you are a trader, you must know what to do and what not to do.

What to do when and how.

1. You must not be greedy.

2. Always be patient. If you are following the rules, don't get stressed.

3. Don't get emotional while trading.Its a professional thing to do.If you get emotional in the market,there is a high chance to lose.

4. Don't be a panicked seller. Suppose you make a long trade and its going reverse. You being a panicked seller, you sell all and bear the losses. NEVER DO THAT.

5. If you are a newbee and you want to learn and earn, find a good mentor who can assist you and guide you in this field.

6. Don't use all your asset in one place. instead of that, split them to earn easily with safety.

If you need more information or you want to connect with me, COMMENT BELOW.

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