Despite the disputes revolving around the reality of Satoshi’s true identity as Bitcoin’s pseudonymous founder, a 120-page email communication between Nakamoto himself and his former partner, Martti Malmi, came to unveil the early months of the birth of Bitcoin.

Nakamoto’s concerns

In the recent past, Chinese legislator Colin Wu, through Wu Blockchain, a well-known crypto social account on X, shared some correspondence between Nakamoto and Malmi earlier this year, initially produced as “proof” of Craig Wright’s claim to the original Bitcoin creator. 

Satoshi Nakamoto’s first collaborator, sophomore Martti Malmi, disclosed his emails with Satoshi. Satoshi mentioned that there is no need to promote "anonymity" and Bitcoin as an investment. Bitcoin POW consumes less energy than the traditional banking system. POW is the only…

— Wu Blockchain (@WuBlockchain) April 21, 2024

Emails as evidence in Craig Wright trial

According to the Wu Blockchain X post, that conversation implied a conflict between “I don’t want to invest-J. Malmi” Wu warned about this in his ‘X post’ before noting Bitcoin’s powerful nature thrown in the face of Nakamoto. Alongside it, Malmi’s email to Nakamoto was published in the 2009-2011. 

“I think we should de-emphasize the anonymous angle. With the popularity of bitcoin addresses instead of sending by IP, we can’t give the impression it’s automatically anonymous. It’s possible to be pseudonymous, but you must be careful.”

This email and Nakamoto’s concerns that Bitcoin should not be regarded “as a safe investment” paved the way for the controversy to gain traction. Donachy said initially he wasn’t that comfortable with making them public due to the Wright trial, but those emails are now legal evidence. On the contrary, those emails do not have any substantial proof to associate Satoshi Nakamoto with his real identity; however, the conversation could disclose the vision and concerns of the creator behind Bitcoin.